Category: Guest Post

How to Handle Your First Bad Review

How to Handle Your First Bad Review

by Melissa Delport, author of The Legacy It took almost a year before it finally happened to me. That moment every writer dreads: The First Bad Review. As writers, we have to accept that bad reviews are inevitable. No one book can appeal to everyone. Bad reviews are an occupational hazard, but the first time, it stings a little. I read my first bad review with my heart in my throat and a cold, sickening dread in the pit of my stomach. She didn’t like my book… how could she not like my book? *sob* I quickly typed up the following response: Dearest (Bad) Reviewer, Firstly, I must congratulate you on your extraordinary ability to remain sour for extended periods of time. I am sure that this must take some effort on your part, maintaining the delicate balance between perpetual bitterness and scathing sarcasm, and for this, you must be duly applauded. There are a few points I feel I must mention in order that you “up your game” and grow as a reviewer. (YES, dimwit, I AM reviewing your review…stings a little, doesn’t it?) Spelling: If you, as a reviewer, cannot spell, then perhaps you should not comment. It […]

Posted July 21, 2014 by Kathy Davie in Guest Post, Marketing / 3 Comments

Guest Post: Suzy Duffy Takes on Friends

Guest Post: Suzy Duffy Takes on Friends

by Suzy Duffy contemporary romance or Amazon Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Wellesley Wives“I have lots of friends I don’t like.” This is probably my favorite line from the period drama, Downton Abbey. If you haven’t seen it yet, check it out! It’s such a clever notion and it’s so true. For me, I’ve gathered friends along the path of life in the same haphazard way I’ve gathered clothing. In my early years, my mother chose them for me and then I picked up a few in school, mainly because we were in the same place at the same time. Naturally I ended up with the ones that were the best fit for me but that doesn’t always make it a good choice. As I got older, my tastes became more sophisticated and so I chose a more sophisticated type of friend, but seriously? This from a woman who obsessed over ankle warmers and shoulder pads?? Now, looking back, I have to question my ability to choose clothing. So were my friendship choices any better? The thing is, we pick friends because maybe they make us laugh, or we just like them. But sometimes we’re […]

Posted October 11, 2012 by Kathy Davie in Guest Post / 0 Comments