Grammar: Determiner

Posted December 13, 2014 by Kathy Davie in Author Resources, Grammar Explanations, Self-Editing, Writing

Determiners are not a formal word class, but they are a functional element of structure that primarily identifies or quantifies nouns or noun phrases in one of two ways: as identifiers or as quantifiers.

Identifiers are split into articles, demonstratives, interrogatives, numbers, indefinite pronouns, and possessives all of which identify some noun or noun phrase.

Quantifiers is a very small group and refers to indefinite quantities; the post, “Quantifier“, explores this in greater detail.

Amazing what grammarians will come up with, although I can sympathize — you should see me sorting nuts, bolts, screws, and nails!

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Exploring Later . . .

You may also want to explore Articles, Numerals, Possessives, or Quantifiers in more detail.

Be aware that many determiners can also be pronouns.

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Definition : A closed class word that introduces a noun and provides some information about it but does not describe the noun.

Determiners may also be divided into specific and general determiners, which are another way of saying essential or nonessential, a.k.a. restrictive or nonrestrictive.


  1. Anatomy of Determiners in a Noun Phrase
  2. Identifiers
  3. Quantifiers
  4. “Specific” Determiners

A.k.a. determinative, limiting adjective

Anatomy of Determiners in a Noun Phrase
Definition: There are three types of determiners, based on their position in a sentence / noun phrase:

  1. Predeterminer
  2. Central Determiner
  3. Post-determiner

A noun phrase doesn’t always use all three determiners.

Predeterminer Central Determiner Post-determiner Noun
all the many roads

Predeterminers do not normally co-occur.

Rule: Depending on the number of determiners in a sentence and their place, some words can be determiners or post-determiners.
I need two rackets.

I need the two rackets in the garage.

We know many uses for these products.

We know their many uses.


  1. Green indicates the predeterminer
  2. Orange indicates the central determiner
  3. Blue indicates the post-determiner
  4. Purple indicates the determiner
Rule: While only one predeterminer is normally used, it is possible to use two.
His next two projects are painting the garage and clearing out the attic.

The first three days are about mythological basics.


  1. Green indicates the predeterminer
  2. Orange indicates the central determiner
  3. Blue indicates the post-determiner
  4. Purple indicates the determiner
Predeterminer Definition: A type of determiner that comes before other determiners in a noun phrase (indefinite article + adjective + noun) to express an opinion about the noun they modify.

Predeterminers can occur before a or the.

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A.k.a. predeterminer modifier

Source: Nordquist

Rule: Expresses a proportion of the whole indicated in the noun phrase.
List of Core Predeterminers
all both half
They broke both my legs.

“Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save.” – attributed to Will Rogers

For all their trouble, they’ve gotten nowhere.

Both of our children are brilliant.

“All the people like us are We,
And everyone else is They.” – Rudyard Kipling

“Both the children had a gentleness (it was their only fault, and it never made Miles a muff) that kept them — how shall I express it? — almost impersonal and certainly quite unpunishable” (James).

“Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.” – English nursery rhyme

All four of Helen’s tires were flat.

There’s a lot of that going around.

Commenting Predeterminer Definition: Commenting words that refer to the degree of a particular quality as expressed by the adjective that modifies the noun.

They can express disappointment, pleasure, or other emotions depending on the adjective in question.

A commenting predeterminer is used as a pre-determiner in British English and as an adverb in American English.

List of Commenting Predeterminers
quite rather [British]
It was quite a tasty cake.

He’s had quite a bad day.

It’s rather a tight fit.

I’ve just fallen into a rather deep hole.

A Good Degree Predeterminer Definition: Possesses a degree of goodness that is equal to some reference point.

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You’re too good to me.

This is too good to wear.

He can never be too good to my baby.

Relative Degree Predeterminer Definition: Certain adjectives may be modified to describe a relative degree of some property.

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Those are some expensive Russian dolls.

These are some cheap shoes!

Fractional Predeterminer Definition: Expresses a fraction of an amount.

A.k.a. marginal member

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List of Fraction Predeterminers
half one-eighth one-third
three-fourths, etc.
Her car will be ready in half an hour.

I ate one-third of Sally’s lunch.

The rule used to be that you shouldn’t use more than twenty-five percent of your monthly income for a mortgage payment.

Intensifier Predeterminer Definition: Expresses surprise or other emotions, referring to the degree of a particular quality as expressed by the adjective that modifies the noun.

They can express disappointment, pleasure, or other emotions depending on the adjective in question.

Rule: Placed before an indefinite article + adjective + noun to express an opinion about the noun they modify.

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List of Intensifier Predeterminers
quite such what
rather [British only]
It was quite a nice day.

He’s had quite a bad accident.

It’s rather a small car.

I’ve just met rather a nice man.

She’s such a beautiful woman.

I’ve had such a good time today!

You can’t imagine what an incredible meal I just ate.

What a lovely day!

Multiplier Predeterminer Definition: Expresses more than the specific amount.

A.k.a. marginal member

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List of Multiplier Predeterminers
double thrice four times twice
ten times, etc.
She makes twice my annual salary.

His hamburger is twice the size of mine.

I check my messages three times every day.

Mom calls me approximately five times a week.

Our group raised ten times the amount needed for the trip.

“Realizing the importance of the case, my men are rounding up twice the usual number of suspects.” – Claude Rains as “Captain Renault” in Casablanca, 1942

Quantifying Predeterminer Definition: A word that precedes and modifies nouns, telling how many or how much.

There are also:

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Partial List of Quantifying predeterminers
a lack of a lot of all of the enough
lots of most of the plenty of some
There are lots and lots of trees around here.

Hmmm, there is a decided lack of beer.

Yes, yes, yes, you tell me that all of the time!

Most of the time it’s sunny here in Denver.

So what if some of it is missing?

Rule: Quantifying predeterminers are also divided into countable nouns and uncountable nouns.
Partial List of Countable Quantifying Predeterminers
a couple of a few few several
many much none of the
It’s been many a long day since we’ve seen each other.

The library has several books on the subject.

I’ve seen a few foxes in the area.

Let’s get a couple of hot dogs.

Partial List of Uncountable Quantifying Predeterminers
a bit of a little a good deal a good deal of
no not much a great deal of
Ya got a bit of the ready about ya, Hank?

I don’t know . . . it’s a good deal of money, Pete.

I haven’t got much left.

Rule: Uses cardinal numbers.
Their library has 5,081 books in it.

We only have three cans of soup left.

I only have three dollars left.

Rule: Uses ordinal numbers.
It’s her eighteenth birthday.

This is the fifth time you’ve told me!

The party is the third day after tomorrow.

Central Determiner Definition: A type of determiner that immediately follows a predeterminer and is in the middle of the noun phrase.

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Partial List of Central Determiners
Central Determiner Modifier Example Phrase
definite and indefinite articles
all the time
demonstrative adjective half this page
possessive adjective all her relatives
Post-determiner Definition: A type of determiner that comes after the predeterminer and central determiner.

A.k.a. predeterminer modifier

Source: Nordquist

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Partial List of Post-determiners
Post-determiner Modifier Example Phrase
two, ten, five hundred, etc. cardinal number the 500 books
first, tenth, eighty-ninth, etc. ordinal number the millionth time
last, next, previous, etc. general ordinal the last event
few, several, many, etc. quantifier her many moments
Identifier Definition: Labels the identity of a particular or a unique object or a unique class of objects. This could be an idea, a physical object or the physical substance. It could be a name, number, word, letter, symbol, or a combination of these.

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There are restrictive and nonrestrictive identifiers, sometimes referred to as essential and nonessential.

Types of Identifiers:

  1. Definite article
  2. Indefinite article
  3. Demonstrative Pronouns
  4. Possessives
Definite Article Definition: An essential, restrictive article that determines a specific or particular noun. It identifies a particular item.

Rule: No commas.

A.k.a. restrictive identifier, essential identifier

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List of Essential Definite Articles
the that this
Look at the ball.

Find the car keys.

She ran down that alley.

This is the letter mother sent to me.

That man came into the room.

The football team was led by the quarterback Joe Namath.

The artist Pablo Picasso both destroyed and created the avant-garde.

Indefinite Article Definition: A nonessential, nonrestrictive article that modifies non-specific or non-particular nouns. It simply identifies one of any number of similar items.

Rule: When the identifier makes sense in the sentence by itself, then the name is nonessential, and it should be set off from the sentence with commas or a comma and a period if it is the end of the sentence.

A.k.a. nonrestrictive identifier, nonessential identifier, general determiner

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List of Nonessential Indefinite Articles
a an some
A Rule: Use a before words that begin with a consonant sound.
That was a great catch.

It was a detail that was overlooked.

She saw it as a ladder to the stars.

This is a letter mother sent to me.

A man came into a room.

An Rule: Use an before words that begin with a vowel sound.

Most acronyms and words beginning with an “h”, and pronounced with an “aitch” sound, will use “an” in front of it.

Explore the difference between a and an in the post, “Grammar Explanation & Word Confusion: A and An.

He would need an angioplasty.

Do you hear an echo?

I had to hand it to her, it was an Oscar-award moment.

Some Rule: Use for the plural nouns.

It can be followed by any adverb, adjective, plural noun, or uncountable noun whatsoever (as long as there’s a noun somewhere in the vicinity to complete the noun phrase).

I would like some flowers, please.

Now those are some blue shoes!

You should see some buildings up ahead.

Can we buy some camels?

Oh, man, those are some ugly clothes.

Can you pick up some brushes while you’re out?

We need some soda for tonight . . .

. . . and pick up some water while you’re out.

I have some dollar bills.

Nonessential with Comma
Rule: When the identifier makes sense in the sentence by itself, then the name is nonessential, and it should be set off from the sentence with commas or a comma and a period if it is the end of the sentence.
A Chicago janitor, Aye Gi, bought the winning lottery ticket.

George Jones, a city politician, prepared the speech.

Anna Johnson, a sophomore, is president of the newspaper club.

Local 99’s winner of the prize, Harry Kline, will be eligible for the grand prize next year.

Demonstratives Definition: Used to show:

  • The relative distance between the speaker and the noun
  • Show if an action is in past or present time

Four Demonstrative Identifiers:

  1. That / Those [ as adjective, as pronoun]
  2. This / These [as adjective], as pronoun

A.k.a. specific determiner

Demonstrative Adjective Definition: Show whether the noun they refer to is singular or plural and whether it is located near to or far from the speaker or writer.

Source: Demonstrative

those (pl.)
Rule: Use if an action has finished or is in the past. It must agree with the noun.

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That car is so cool.

Those boys with their pants hanging off their butts are so silly looking.

Those girls we met last night were silly.

these (pl.)
Rule: Used in front of a noun and indicates present time and action. It must agree with the noun.

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This book is so dull.

These chocolates are delicious!

Demonstrative Pronoun Definition: Used to identify how close something is, i.e., how near or far:

  • If an action is near in time we tend to use this or these
  • If an action has finished or is in the past we use that or those

Rule: Used before a verb or by themselves.

A.k.a. adjectival demonstrative pronouns

those (pl.)
Rule: Use that (those is the plural) to identify an item(s) that is not close by the speaker.

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Get that ball over there.

Get those balls over there.

Has that man gotten home yet?

Have those men gotten home yet?

That’s the one over there.

Those are the ones over there.

Did you do that?
these (pl.)
Rule: Use this (these is the plural) to identify an item(s) that is close by the speaker or the action is near in time.

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Do you want me to throw this ball?

Do you want me to throw these balls?

This is the man who kissed me.

These are the men who kissed me.

This is the book I bought last week.

These are the books I bought last week.

Oh, man, I want to eat this.

I’d like to buy these.

I’d like to buy these shoes makes it a demonstrative adjective.

This is a good meal.

Rule: Use this expression when you talk on the phone or introduce people.
“Hello, this is Jamie.”

John, this is my friend Peter. Peter, this is John.

Interrogative Determiner Definition: Expresses direct or indirect questions and exclamations.

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List of Some Interrogative Determiners
what which whose
For what reason?

What time is it?

Do you know what excuse he gave me?

Which way is the wind blowing?

Whose car are you borrowing for tomorrow?

What luck!

Numbers Definition: Labels an object or class of objects as unique whether it’s an idea, a countable or noncountable noun.

Rule: A number identifier may be combined with letters, words, or symbols.

A.k.a. numerical determiner

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five, eight, 103 . . .
part number 5839-4
SN: BR-578-4JE78S32491
SSN: 555-55-5555
Telephone No.: 555-555-1212
Chapter 12
“100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall”

We have three children.

They are on the second floor.

Indefinite Pronouns Rule: Indefinite pronouns function as nouns.

There is a more extensive list of indefinite pronouns in the post, “Pronoun“.

A.k.a. distributive determiner, universal determiner

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List of Some Indefinite Pronouns
all Talks about the whole group
another Talks about an additional one of the same
any Talks about anything or anyone
Talks about pairs of people or things
Talks about the members of a group as individuals
half Talks about a divided group
most Talks about a majority of a group
other Expresses vagueness or an alternative
some Talks about an unspecified number or amount
All of her work made its impact on her grades.

Some of the water left its mark on the wooden table.

Both of the books were useful in their own ways.

Most of my friends drove their cars to the beach.

Each person threw in their hat.

All dogs love bones.

Each student will write two essays.

Every child will get an ice cream cone.

Possessives Definition: Identifiers that indicate ownership.

A.k.a. possessive adjectives (Biber, 1999:270-272), specific determiner

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List of Some Possessive Determiners
Whose coat is that?

Whose ball is that?

The hat is whose?

Possessive Nouns Definition: Shows that the owns something.
It may also be a
noun phrase.

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The studio’s lighting is excellent.

What happened to the pail’s handle?

The water bucket’s hole is making it very difficult to haul water.

Possessive Pronouns Definition: Modifies a noun by attributing possession (or other sense of belonging) to someone or something.

A.k.a. possessive adjective, adjectival possessive pronoun

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List of Possessive Pronouns
Mary’s, my, your, her, his, its, ours, their, theirs, whose
Where is James’ car?

Have you found your keys yet?

That’s my chocolate!

Whose coat is this?

Relative Determiner Definition: Used in non-restrictive clauses.

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List of Relative Determiners
He left at ten, at which point everyone sighed in relief.

Henry painted a picture of the house, which painting I later destroyed.

Yesterday, I met three men with long beards, which men I remember vividly

Every day, he visits me at the arcade, from which fact I derive much pleasure.

He went to the park and the shopping center, both of which places John hates.

Quantifiers Definition: Makes references to indefinite quantities.

A.k.a. positive paucal determiner

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List of Quantifiers
a few a little certain many
few several some various
I have several jars of chili sauce.

My file has too many complaints in it.

A little chocolate always helps.

Can I have some more, please?

Several people arrived at the door.

My sister has written a few books on child psychology (Kinds).

I have read few books on Indian mythology.

Sufficiency Determiner Definition: Makes specific reference to indicate an adequate amount.

Source: Aarts

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List of Sufficiency Determiners
enough sufficient
I have enough bread to eat.

There is sufficient fuel in the tank.

Getting More Specific About Determiners
The above determiners are the most basic types. Naturally, grammarians can’t resist the urge to pick things apart, so I’m including the following for their definitions and word lists — all of which fit more generally above as well.
Additive Determiner Definition: Signals that the noun is an alternative to whatever was suggested before or indicates an additional one of the same kind.

A.k.a. alternative-additive determiner, English determiner

Source: Calvin College and Aarts

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List of Additive Determiners
Do you have another suggestion?

Would you like another piece of pie?

We took another road to the city.

Give me another piece of gum.

Degree Determiner Definition: Refers to an amount, level, or extent.

Source: Aarts

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List of Degree Determiners
few little many much
Few people know about his plans.

Many are called, but few are chosen.

Disjunctive Determiner Definition: Expresses a choice between two mutually exclusive possibilities.

Source: Aarts

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List of Disjunctive Determiners
either neither
Either solution will do.

Neither of you are taking part in the expedition.

Neither day will do.

I’ve got tea and coffee, so you can have either.

The room has a door at either end.

Existential Determiner Definition: A type of indefinite determiner that relates to indefinite being(s) or thing(s).

Source: Aarts

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List of Existential Determiners
any some
Some people have all the fun.

Is there any beer left?

Negative Determiner Definition: Used to limit the meaning of a noun.

Source: Aarts

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List of Negative Determiners
No amount of tea will satisfy her.

What do you mean there’s no more beer!

Personal Determiner Definition: Specific personal pronouns used as part of a phrase.

Source: Aarts

List of Personal Determiners
us we you
You people are always against our ideas.

We anarchists have to stick together.

Everybody loves us kids.

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Resources for Determiners

Some of these links may be affiliate links, and I will earn a small percentage, if you should buy it. It does not affect the price you pay.

Aarts, Bas. “Determiners.” Grammarianism. 2015. Web. 3 June 2015. <>.

“Articles, Determiners, and Quantifiers.” Connecticut Community Colleges. Connecticut State Colleges & Universities. n.d. Web. 21 Nov 2020. <>

Biber, D, S. Johansson, G. Leech, S. Conrad, and E. Finegan. Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English. Harlow: Longman, 1999. Print.

“Demonstrative Adjectives Definition.” Using English. <>.

“Determiners.” Woospeak. n.d. Web. 3 June 2015. <>.

James, Henry. The Turn of the Screw. Originally published 1898. 2020. <>. Ebook.

“Kinds of Determiners.” English Grammar. 8 Jan 2014. Web. n.d. <>.

Nordquist, Richard. “Predeterminer Definition and Examples in English Grammar.” ThoughtCo. 2019. Web. 11 June 2019. <>.

“Pre-determiners.” Education First. n.d. Web. 3 June 2015. <>.

“Pre-determiners.” Really Learn n.d. Web. n.d. <>.

“Style Sheet for the 1632 Series.” n.d. Web. 3 June 2015. <>.

“This – That – These – Those.” English Grammar Notes – Demonstratives. Woodward English. Grammar. n.d. Web. n.d. <>.

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ISBN Details is by Sakurambo at English Wikipedia is under the CC BY-SA 2.0 license, via Wikimedia Commons.

Revised as of 22 Apr 2024
By: Kathy Davie