KD Did It is Kathy Davie, and she is passionate about words, whether editing your manuscript, letters, annual reports, social media, and more or reading and reviewing books.
Click to read the excerpts from KD Did It’s self-editing posts and book reviews.
As a professional editor, KD Did It helps you put your best word forward whether it’s business-related or as an author with a manuscript.
In business, she collaborates with you to create easy-to-understand content that gets your message across, making you look good, staying on-brand, and being consistent in all your communications.
In working with authors, she is enthusiastic in ensuring your manuscript looks as professional and as polished as possible — in your voice — whether you intend to submit your work to established publishers or self-publish your work.
The blogging side of KD Did It combines the Self-Editing posts with the reviews Kathy has done of a wide range of books.
Kathy also understands the financial aspect of finding the money to pay an editor, which led to the Self-Editing side of KD Did It. To that end, Kathy has been posting a variety of self-editing tips from Word Confusions to Grammar Explanations to Formatting Tips to the Properly Punctuated.
That’s not to say you still don’t need an editor (or copywriter or proofreader), but by doing some of the preliminary editing/proofing, you can save some money.
The Agony of Writing & Self-Editing
There is also the other side of books, the writing thereof. I know most of us can’t afford an editor. Or think we can’t. It is actually much cheaper to hire an editor than to have to fix your reputation after publishing a poorly edited book that will be out in the world forever.
“There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.”
– W. Somerset Maugham
My research, along with exploring other aspects of writing and editing, led to Author Resources posts, which provides surface information for authors on the process of self-editing, including book layouts and covers, Building Your Website, to Grammar Explanations to Formatting Tips to Publishing, Marketing to the Properly Punctuated, Publishing Tips, Word Confusions, and writing (which includes linguistics).
Reading and Reviewing
The thing is, it is about books. Books are where I go for knowledge, insight, new worlds to explore, new ways of seeing, for the fun of it, the escape. Yes, it’s an indulgence. You could even call it an addiction — I reckon it’s a cheaper addiction than heroin!
I love reading all sorts of books from historical anything to romances, the excitement of science fiction with the fun of space opera and the curious construction of steampunk with a few horrors thrown in, all sorts of fantasies including paranormals and paranormal romances and urban fantasies. Then there are the myriad sub-genres of mysteries, the thrillers, and the suspense of it all. Every once in a while, I touch on nonfiction.
To “pay” for my indulgence in reading so much, I review what I read. It’s definitely slowed down my reading rate, but it’s turned into a master’s course in literature analysis.
. . . something very magical can happen when you read a good book.
– J.K. Rowling
There are lots of ways for you to explore the books reviewed here on KD Did It: book reviews; lists of books in a variety of genres which Kathy has read and what she thinks of them; a Chronological Lists of Complex, Intersected Series of all those series that have subseries and/or short stories . . . or those series which slip back and forth along the chronological line. For an obsessively organized person, not knowing drives Kathy nuts!; and, then there are my own publications.
So stop worrying about commas and hire a pro!
KD Did It will work with you.
Are you taking review requests at this time? If so where would I send a copy of book, E-book or soft cover? Do you review non-fiction genre, eastern philosophy, yoga philosophy for everyday living. Combination of ancient yoga teachings with a psycho/spiritual approach.
I don’t review philosophy or yoga books. Thanks for thinking of me.
HI Kathy.Do you review Children’s picture books?Lainey.
Yes, as long as they’re Kindle books.
Ms. Davie (or KD?),
I just read your discrimination of “how ever” and “however” and was educated about this point, however fine. Fine work!
As the daughter of English teachers, one of whom was a proofreader at a college press in her day and later a speech teacher too, I really don’t think that correct grammar is optional. (As you know, it saves lives and distinguishes between a panda and a gunslinger!)
The general public, I fear, never minds grammar, never mind misspellings! If spell check doesn’t catch it, it must be OK,
right? (On the other hand, as a poet I find the interference of spell check, when I know I have it right, quite annoying.) Evidently even those with advanced degrees can avail themselves too of fine-tuning such as yours.
So, to my pet peeves:
It’s never to late to learn grammar and its logic. (I get really mad when educated people think “its” correct when it’s not!)
Dangling modifiers. (Lord help us when we forget who it pertains to.) (I know that I am using modern structure here.)
Misuse of Elizabethan style, I-thou English for comic effect. I am not objecting to humor when the number of pronoun and verb agree. But get it right: don’t make me frown instead of laughing!
Another fundamental irk: lack of the subjunctive, when it is obviously indicated, in my opinion. I may be a loner here. My Mother even told me that it is out of favor, and that it is considered not a native plant in English. Quoi que ce soit, I feel it adds a nuance to the mood of a sentence; and having thoroughly learned l’analyse logique and also first-year Greek, I find it indispensable for true understanding. Again, I am probably vestigial in the evolution of English in this.
In closing, I add: my Mother in the last month of her 95-year-old life was still a stickler for grammar. When she was told, “Lay back, Mrs. Jordan, so that we can put drops in your eyes” and she responded emphatically, “Lie!” I had to interpret for her when this exchange was repeated without further enlightenment resulting. My explanation that she wasn’t accusing the aide of deception or subterfuge (though she may have been objecting to the disruption of English language grammar) and my comment “She was an English teacher!” brought peals of laughter that boosted the the mood of us all.
God save the English language; and rest in peace, Mother; you’ve done your share to preserve it well!
Thank you for your attention, Ms. Davie. I hope that my message brings a few chuckles and the knowledge that there are some of us out there that care as you do about our native tongue.
Best wishes,
Candace, thank you! I did have to laugh, and yes, I have the same issues you do with poor misuse of any style of English. I don’t have a problem having fun with language, but it’s like writing an historical novel and having a camera appear in the scene. When it’s not time travel. Of course the language issues are more subtle, but the idea is very much the same. I hope you have a Good Christmas, Candace, and a Happy New Year.
Dear KD,
What a thrill to hear from a real-life editor! (I guess you might say I have already spoken with one, as my uncle on my Dad’s side had a lengthy career as an editor of a newspaper in his home of Long Beach, CA. And David Starr Jordan was a relative too. Speaking of that, on my Mother’s side Horace Greeley was also a relation. I hope that this gives me credentials to address you!)
I could never do what you do, but I admire it so much, especially that you want to bring out the writer’s own voice while helping them with the absolutely necessary mechanics of linguistic expression, whereas writers often complain (no doubt selfishly or insensitively) that editors can try to impose their own ideas on the works. So I am told. My late Mother, a published author herself, maintained that no author should be without the benefit of an editor.
As a case in point, Mother spoke regretfully of a dear friend, a classmate from their M.A.s in English who went on to get a doctorate. This friend did the wonderful service to the reputation of womankind of writing the biography, if I remember right, of an extraordinary professor of ancient languages with proficiency not only in Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac–and probably others I don’t know how to name; but also in the ability to read cuneiform. (Please pardon the punctuation; when I wax enthusiastic, I am afraid that I break the structural restraints of proper written discourse.) The professor being written about was the only woman in a seminary for years and held her place due to her brilliance in ancient languages.
My late Mother’s late friend did, however, think that she could do without an editor for the book–the mistake that me Mother mournfully decried in confidence to me: “if she had only realized that four eyes are better than two, I would have been happy to proofread for her, and could have helped her avoid a few embarrassing errors that marred the perfect presentation of her work.” So a little hubris can mislead all of us, even the best and most polished.
I liked your anachronism metaphor, and I was thinking of one, too; oh yes, since I work as librarian in an art museum, I thought of this: the analogy that the collaboration between an author and an editor could be like that of an artist and a master printer in printmaking.
I will close with another pet peeve that came to mind. I feel that I do not beg the question when I say that the current usage of that expression is quite wrong-headed.
And last word is from my Mother (she always did have the last word!): arguably the most few frequent mistake made these days in educated circles, regretfully, is the misuse of adverbs in this way. Happily there are editors like you to keep things straight, hopefully!
Best yule time greetings and warm wishes for the New Year, Kathy! And thank you for yours.
Dear KD,
I should have thanked you for replying; you wouldn’t have had to, but I did hope that you would.
I happened, as a child, to have read the book, What Kay Did Next, in the Katy Did series. And now I see that there is a lingerie line out of jolly old England named What Katie Did (perhaps referring to the book?)
One can’t be without literary allusions (or literary illusions?!) My Mother read Milton for her M.A. of course, and explained to me, a pre-teen then, how allusions enrich literature. She also read me her M.A. thesis on the influence of Elizabeth Barrett on Robert Browning. It’s a favorite memory that I have of her. I suppose that I am thinking of her a lot as the anniversary of her death on January 5 approaches. I owe her so much.
Thanks again; and I won’t take any more of your attention–for you need it for gainful reading and writing–except to say that your aspiration to give people help in self-editing is a wonderful and much needed act of the best charity–since it is the season for that!
But I had to, lol, Candace. I was thinking of your note (and appreciating your appreciation, as not many people “get” it about proper writing). Ah, now the allusions do enrich while there are many who are under illusions (there are posts on that particular delusion) that they’re ready to go to print. I’m hoping you feel encouraged that people are carrying on with your mom’s passions.
The KD Did comes from my mom. One of her nicknames for me as a kid was “katydid”.
And thank you,
Damn, your family (and household) must have had fun! And your mom was too, too right about EVERYone needing an editor. I need a proofreader to go through my own writings. I’m too close to it and too familiar with what it “should” be saying.
I have two questions for you. One is about your comment “I will close with another pet peeve that came to mind. I feel that I do not beg the question when I say that the current usage of that expression is quite wrong-headed.” Which peeve? The “pet peeve” or the “beg the question”? They could be excellent Word Confusions! The second is about adverbs.
I disagree with the objections editors have about adverbs these days. If they’re not to be used, why are they there? I suspect it’s one of those cyclical issues that will eventually revolve back to adverbs being acceptable.
Happy Christmas, Kathy
Question no. 1: My antecedents were vague I can see. (I suppose I am taking a leaf out of the book of one of my girlfriends who talks very fast and expects me to track her mind in its leaps despite unclear antecedents. Usually I can do so; but when I am not acquainted at all with the name–when the antecedent is new, what am I supposed to do?) So, yes, it’s to beg the question, that is, the pet peeve; or, rather, the expression “to beg the question” is my objection.
Question no. 2: Point well taken. Similarly, but differently, adjectives used to be suspect, but I think that they have had some redemption. Not that it’s good to overdo.
And yes, we had fun! Especially on those vacation trips in the 60s. Then to entertain ourselves during long drives, Mom and Dad and my brother Tom and I would play “Fourth of a Ghost,” a spelling game that had the advantage, for the adults, of silencing people. When a person had had four different incidents of ending the word being spelled at the time (or lost a challenge because of bluffing), he became a “whole ghost” and could not be replied to–without the respondent becoming a “ghost” himself. The luckiest speller–or the most taciturn–would win. We played until our parents tired of it and coveted some “real” peace and quiet!
When I was older and got to go the the faculty women’s showers (not at the gym!), I had the splendid opportunity of hearing my Mom’s personalized skits and spoofs, always in demand at such showers (Thank God the showers were not so mindless as some have been in other places.) I remember, for example, that one little reading related to “Can I canoe you down the river?” a song that Mother alluded to because the young couple had met or started their relationship several years earlier as summer camp counselors.
Living with my Mom was like living in a musical! At the slightest reminder of a song from her youth she would burst into song–and fifty, sixty, seventy years later, with her remarkable memory, she still knew all the words! And Dad always had an appropriate observation or wry take on things. My favorite was his memorable, “He was shattered by a high C!” in speculation about the absence at a concert of the suitor of one the voice teachers (a “beautiful soprano” as they say).
All of my Mom’s family of origin were witty, too. My brother– who never got to talk because Mother and I were loquacious and Dad had enough authority to break in (but Tom was still too young or too polite to interrupt)–learned to say things succinctly and has always made the funniest comments. My favorite of his–that still has not been topped so far–dates from when my Mother was advising me to curb my teen-age appetite (“you’ll be glad later”) and I was also dating a Chinese young man. When Tom heard Mom counsel me on the topic of weight control, Tom wisely or unwisely interjected, “Confucius say: Fat wife, heavy burden.”
I must close now with “To all a good night!”
P. S. Please don’t feel obliged to answer (unless you can’t resist!) You have given me enough of your precious editorial attention. I will say, nonetheless, that you may hear from me again (but don’t hold your breath!) when my ship comes in and I get my manuscript (barely started) done. I am keeping you in mind for future employment, KD.
Thank you once again for replying yet once more!
Yes, it is heartwarming that there are those like you who are carrying on Mother’s passion.
I enjoyed your effusion of “usions” that you carried on above, too.
In regard to the delusion of thinking that something is ready to go to print: I have finally learned according to the saying of someone in the know, quoted by Mom, that “a poem is never finished; it is just abandoned.” My first printed out draft of a poem is never the last.
If you like and will give me a way to attach it, I will send you my latest poem for your Christmas time amusement: “Mrs. Claus gripes.” Just for fun–light verse to lighten up a sometimes stressful season. But as you like it.
What a cute nickname! So you are the “katydid” kid. I used to be called Candy Dandy at times.
Would you be interested in reviewing my non fiction book called What Nobody Knew
What is it about?
Hi, I’m writing to ask if you would be interested in reviewing my latest book, Political Dirty Trick. It is not a political book. It is a suspense/thrill set during a gubernatorial election. Yes, a political dirty trick does set things in motion. I will add a brief blurb on the book at the end of this email. But, I can send you a mobi file (for Kindle), an epub file for other readers, a PDF, or an audio book.
Political Dirty Trick. Crystal Moore’s friend Ron Drake is a shoo-in for governor of Texas. Two members of the opposition camp believe their candidate’s only chance is a political dirty trick that will sink Drake’s backing. They execute an elaborate hoax. But something goes terribly wrong and a man is killed. And things only get worse.
The dirty trick is successful. Drake’s support begins to crumble. As Crystal investigates the fake news being released, she becomes a target.
Drake’s numbers sink below his opponent’s. Attacks on Crystal increase. Drake may lose the election. But, Crystal may lose her life.
If you are interested, just let me know which format you’d like to receive. Thank you for your time and consideration.
James Callan
Just found your page and it’s marvelous indeed! I’m not a native speaker, even though I manage to get by. Anyway, I`m very pleased to stumble upon you and your work. Looking forward to read more of your texts and exchange linguistics and grammatical knowledge (since I always get the feeling that my “english” isn`t good enough. Once more, pleased to get ti know your work. Congrats!
Your message sounds quite good to my English-speaking ear, and I’m glad you’re enjoying my posts and finding them useful *grin*.
I love your site as so well laid out and professional looking. I love books like you and probably like you have more then I have space to put them. I am contacting you as I have written a book entitled The Optimal Dose: Restore Your Health With The Power D3. My goal naive but still the way I believe which is to make a better world. I find if you help others it ends up benefiting you. So I converted it into audiobook and would love to have it reviewed for your site. I really appreciate your time and review.
I was looking through Reedsy’s Best Book Review Blogs when I found you. Congrats on doing so well. I’m sure it isn’t easy. I don’t know how you select the books you’ll review, but would very much appreciate an honest one. My books are Ghosters and Ghosters 2: Revenge of the Library Ghost. They are middle-grade ghost/mystery stories, scary, but with a dash of humor. If you’re interested, let me know and I’ll gift you an e-book of Ghosters 2 right now. It’s in more need of reviews. Or, you could read both books in the series! I can dream, can’t I?
Anything you can do is greatly appreciated.
They both sound fun, so if you wouldn’t mind sending me both?? In MOBI, please.
Hello, Kathy.
My name is Skylerr Darren and I’m a psychological horror author. I have written and published a novel titled “Interview with the Devil Part 1 Victor’s Account.” It details the story of a young man named Victor who has suffered through a troubled childhood and now as a young adult desires to become a psychologist.
I would love and be honored if you would take an interest in reading and reviewing my work, as I can send it to you via PDF file. I hope to hear back from you soon. Thank you.
Hello Kathy and Stormi
My name is George O’Barts and I am a screenwriter that has recently entered the world of writing books. My first book in my young adult series is entitled “Perfectly Imperfect The Story Of Starfish”. It is the story of a young girl with disabilities that lives in a world where it is illegal to be different. By the age of 13 she becomes the champion others like herself who are shunned and mistreated, liberating them from the prison where they are confined, called the Anathema Hospital.
I want to make this book as accessible as possible. My own mother has lost nearly all her vision, so it was extra important to me to create an audiobook immediately. I partnered with the talented voice actress Angela Ohlfast to create an audiobook that is readily available in a wide variety locations on the internet, including a company called Overdrive which supplies libraries with audiobooks. I believe my little book could provide a lot of kids and young adults, primarily those with disabilities, joy and entertainment, but before it can be considered for libraries it needs to be reviewed. So, now that I have babbled my whole journey to you, I can finally get to my reason for writing you today. I wished to see if you would consider my audiobook for a review. I did not attached a link to my book on Audible, because this a blog comment and I did not wish for it to seem like I was attempting to avertise my work in the guise of a post. However, a quick Amazon of my book’s name search will reveal where you can listen to a sample on Audible. My audiobook publisher, Findaway Voices has provided me with a limited number of links for reviews that I can send you if the sample you hear on audible seems worthy to consider my work for a review.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Kindest regards,
George O’Barts
I’m sorry George, I don’t do audiobooks. That’s Stormi’s niche.
Good luck,
Hi Kathy,
Thanks for providing some informative articles for writing. I’m was wondering if you review psychological thrillers?
If so, is there a way I can reach you to send a query letter?
Yes, I do, Sharlene. If you go through myBook Review Policy page, you’ll find a link to send it.
Hello, Kathy!
Do you review rom-coms on your blog. Michelle Angelle is a pen name for two dear friends who write romantic comedies. We just published Dear Pink in April. If you are interested in reviewing it, we’d love to send you a mobi or a pdf.
Happy Reading!
Michelle Angelle
It sounds cute, Sure, I’d love a MOBI copy. Kathy
Hello Kathy,
I hope that you are well.
I just wondered please if you might take a look at one of my latest novels, now available on Amazon in both electronic format but also in paperback.
DEATH ON THE ALGARVE (Eyes Of The Water) By.- K.E. Heaton.
Its the first book in a murder / mystery trilogy entitled “Tales Of Entrapment.”
Set on the sunny Algarve in Portugal.
A storyline full of intrigue, suspense and inevitably a good deal of skullduggery.
Please… if you will… let me know what you think.
And its free to download onto a kindle or other electronic device, from Amazon, this weekend.- Saturday, 21st, August, 2021.
Thank you for your time.
Kind Regards
Thanks for thinking of me, Keith. I read a bit on Amazon, and I’ll pass. Kathy Davie