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The Prophecy
on February 22, 2011 and has 378 pages.
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First in the Xannu fantasy series for ??? …to be honest, I’m not sure if this is aimed at children or young adults.
This eARC was given me by the author.
My Take
I was 216 pages in and there really isn’t much in the way of emotions or drama in this story. It’s fun. I’m enjoying its childlike qualities, and it does involve a quest. I’m also curious to discover how Teern and Maria, Selene and Matthius, and Terry all fit together into this. There are possibilities for moral lessons, but I have to confess that I’m just not emotionally involved in wanting to know what happens next. I want my heart to pound, my breathing to quicken, my body to tense. I want to empathize when they are caught in the blizzards. I want to feel the swinging of that bridge and the lack of air when Ariana dives.
In parts, it reads like a young children’s book, but the length of it as well as the “big words” used makes me believe it’s intended for a young adult audience. Dorset needs to choose for which audience he’s writing: children or teens and then ramp it up.
A prolonged introduction provides the background on the important roles Teern Truthbringer and Maria Pengollen will play, for prophecy has declared them partners on a journey of great importance. As on any quest, help comes from unexpected sources: Viper and Vortex are two prassos, horse-like creatures who bond with one person in their lives; Terry’s friend Joe has an unexpected role to play; Selene and Matthius with their aunt’s friend come in handy; and, then there’s Princess Ariana and her escort(s).
Maria seems to be inventing uncertainties while on their journey to F’Al. Nor did I get the impression that they’re being chased. Again, that lack of emotion. Sure the vandyrs attacked in F’Ik, but how does Maria make the great leap into believing they’re being chased. There’s a great scene in Robert Jordan’s The Eye of the World in which Rand and his friends are being chased which has a great deal more drama and tension.
Oh, please…”I sense an evil presence here among us”. Could you get any more drama-queeny…
The battle with the krik and Yglok was rather ho-hum and certainly ended abruptly. Teern has been a soldier for five hundred years and he thinks he and Matthius will be safe in an inn. And, wouldn’t a proper soldier clean his weapon after the fight and not wait until the next day?
I find it difficult to believe the Church would send a fourteen-year-old boy off on his own. Especially after the recent battle in the city.
Whoa, Miss Bromine is Warlock Bluestone!!?? This opens a can of worms with some disastrous results!
Wait, you can’t just leave it there…”most men would not marry a woman who had been married before.” What’s with that? Why? What in the culture influences this?
She fell off a horse and has nothing but what was on her person. So how is it she’s taking a cup of the cold water to her lips? Why use “robe” when “cloak” would be a more obvious choice? Maria has aged beyond her years?? How? Why? A few adventures have added that many lines to her face??
How clueless is Maria? It’s pretty obvious what is about to happen to Judicia and Maria doesn’t pick up on it? Just goes merrily off to meet up with her friends? She’s just had this huge honor bestowed upon her and it’s treated more like she’s just gotten a few gold stars on her exam.
Well, it’s about time Princess Ariana figured out that keeping a low-profile was safer!
What is the deal with Vixxa kissing Matthius? Sure, he’s young, but the way Selene is carrying on, you’d think Vixxa was doing something obscene to him in public. It’s certainly way out of line even for a sister to react. It’s enough to really give the kid a complex!
Warlock Bluestone goes through this with this sacrifice, all these actions, and has no emotion until the very end when all of a sudden he’s weeping?
What?? Ariana claims history is her favorite subject?? After her tantrum back at the sanctuary??
Her own father greets her by calling her “my princess”? Wouldn’t it be more appropriate to call her “my daughter” or “my beloved” or ??? Later when “my troublesome princess” is used, it is much more appropriate.
Okay, I ain’t buying that one either. Skuul is mistaken for the king when he’s out celebrating his upcoming marriage. What? The bad guy doesn’t know the king is already married?
The king tells them to find somewhere safe. Why doesn’t he simply say he will arrange rooms for them in the palace so they can be safe??
Oh, no, they shouldn’t tell the king what they know about the kriks. They shouldn’t warn him. Noooo, let the city be attacked. And what was with the lame announcement just shouted out like that?
Hmmm, I’ve realized I’ve been incredibly negative, so for the good bits… Seriously, there are good bits in spite of my ranting. Each character has a contribution to make to this quest, a part to play, and they are nice enough with some interesting possibilities to teach kids moral lessons without being preachy. Parents won’t have to worry about their kids going to bed and having nightmares — a side benefit to little emotion or drama.
Oh, I did like the forest creatures’ response to Maria’s dilemma. Very sweet.
Well, that’s quite adult of Joe to take this tack about what he sees as Terry’s embarrassment over his lower class status.
The princess brings her own particular charms and I’m wondering if her selfishness will change. She and Selene are certainly welcome additions when the kriks attack!
And I did read 400 pages before I realized how incredibly late it was, and that I really must get off to bed if I wanted to get up at a reasonable hour!
The Story
Young Terry, who has been shadowing Teern in his dreams, is having his own adventures in our own world. The blow-up in chemistry class simply allows Terry time on his own to explore the old Roman road, to find more coins so he may continue to dream his way alongside Teern.
Selene’s parents had promised she could finish her studies, but now they are insisting she marry next week. Fortunately, Selene works at the library and she overhears Maria and Teern’s plans to travel to KA’Truin…wait’ll she learns what Matthius’ punishment is!
Lucky for them that Selene does run off after them for someone has to rescue them from the dream. There’s a lesson to be learned, if only all of them can be found to learn from it.
The Characters
Xannu is the “Deliverer who would come one day to correct the wrongs that had been done”. The Tane call him the Spirit of Truth.
The Mothers of Perception is an organization of women who are wise and heal others. They must live alone forever and are highly respected. Mother Perpetua Pengollen was one of their strongest Mothers. Today, it is led by Mother Premiera.
Teern Truthbringer has been tasked by the Power Almighty to find and proclaim the Xannu, but Teern doesn’t seem much of a soldier. Jonah Musslinger is another soldier and he helps Teern when he is delirious.
Maria Pengollen is a new applicant as a Mother who lives at the Crown Hostel in Caipor, the capital of Triluika. Judicia will test and judge Maria while Belvania, one of the Mother of Deception, will tempt her with the test of Conscience. The only other applicant to be so tested in hundreds of years.
Jack Bluestone, a.k.a., Warlock Bluestone, lives on the same floor as Maria at the Crown Hostel. Henry Bluestone and his wife Astrid run The Chalice in F’Ik. Henry is either Jack’s son or brother.
Amber Fleetfoot is a B’Wot, one of the half-cat/half-monsters who roam the undiscovered lands, who helps Maria.
Hymmae manages fights from village to village, traveling with his champion. Trimble is the champion whom Teern bests in a staff fight in Brindle. Together they journey to Caipor where Trimble signs up for a two-year apprenticeship in tournament fighting.
Terry and Joe on our world
Terry West is twelve-years-old and lives with his parents and sister Tina in Bottleford, England. He’s living a parallel life with Teern.
Joe Simmons is his best friend and he has an older brother, Daryl. Their mum works and doesn’t take the time to make dinners for them. Brian Thorpe is a misfit student who has attached himself to Joe. His sister Susan has heard all about Terry from Brian and is attracted to Terry.
Dr. Burke is Terry and Joe’s chemistry teacher; Miss Bromine is his assistant and she has her own secret. Dr. Mallory is the head of Science. Mr. MacDougall is the headmaster.
Selene and Matthius
Selene is studying to be a scholar and loves to practice swordplay. She lives in F’Al with her parents and younger brother. Her parents have promised that she can finish her studies before they marry her off. Daffid is one of Selene’s friends, although the one she likes least.
She also worries about her brother Matthius who is in training at the High Church to become a Holy Priest of the Order of the Prophets, to fill their grandfather’s role. His best friends are Benjamin and Thomas; Jannus is another priest-in-training but is more of a bully than anything else.
HiLite is an Upthair who is anxious to return home, but Aunt Astor is anxious that he help protect the small party first.
Princess Ariana‘s hair is finally recovering from her punishment. Moll is her handmaiden and under strict instructions not to let Ariana out of her sight. Queen Betrina is her mother. King Annut II is her father and has “ruled Vandor for twenty-four years”. Skuul and Mordrin are her brothers and lead their own armies.
Mathrol is one of the king’s most trusted commanders and he is to lead the troop conducting the princess to the Sisters in KA’Id. Stanton and Tenshun are her personal bodyguards. Poor saps. Yotau is her mare.
King Josper of KA’Samay is their ally and his daughter, Princess Joanna, is to marry Skuul.
Vixxa is a sorceress of Tane wanting to know if Ariana knows her history. The same history she pooh-poohed back at the sanctuary.
Bad Guys
Warlock Mayhem is a Lord of Chaos, the epitome of evil. Al’Baneen was a religious prophet ages ago who was corrupted by Mayhem.
Vandyrs are flying evil beasts. Krik are “animals bound together by a lust and greed for reward”. Yglock is a krik commander who leads the war party against the city of F’Al. If he is successful, he can challenge his older brother, Yglewn, for the position of chief of the Wollites. Yglewn is an incompetent who fears his younger brother’s abilities.
The Cover and Title
The cover is quite cheerful with its purples and blues and a hand-drawn castle, I’m guessing KA’Truin, perched up on its rocky hilltop.
I must confess I had thought the title of the book was Xannu due to its prominence and precedence. However the true title is quite accurate for it is The Prophecy with which our band of intrepid travelers is concerned.