I received this book for free from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Source: the author
Slave to Marshmallows
N.R. Grabe
fairytale in a Kindle edition that was published by Amazon Digital Services on August 1, 2012 and has 135 pages.
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A very short steampunk fairytale that I received from the author.
My Take
The definition of a fairytale is of magic and imaginary characters and lands and this tale certainly qualifies on the imaginary end. It’s rather Cinderella-esque with its wicked “parents” exploiting the child who should be loved and cared for rather than used and abused. And it’s bittersweet for the poor worker who has no idea about her surroundings, and yet has enough human spirit to desire freedom.
I do wonder why Grabe couldn’t at least have capitalized “worker”. It seems to have been her name. Or, at least how she referred to herself. It took the second time through for me to realize that “torchbearer” was also “worker”.
I did enjoy the point-of-view Grabe gave us of how worker saw her world and her interpretation of clouds was very cute. Got me thinking of roast marshmallows, chocolate…graham crackers…
However, the writing was too confusing and loosey-goosey for me.
The book’s title appeared as the chapter heading followed by a number “1”, which led me to expect a number “2”. I did like the initial start of the story itself with its:
It was her breath.”
And Grabe continued with a fantastical premise of someone whose job was toasting marshmallows and keeping out the spiders. Both mouthwatering and ick-inducing! Causing me to wonder just what is going on.
Then the confusion sets in with “nobody at the factory seemed to notice her age”. Yet, later on Grabe gives the impression that worker has never noticed anyone else at the factory. Other than the Baker, Cherie, and the Bright Ones.
I suppose it is possible that Grabe uses this confusing presentation to give us insight into how worker thinks, as she doesn’t have a frame of reference for life as we would understand it.
What was the deal with the “bucket of water”? Was it to cover up the smell of worker? Or, simply time for her to take a bath?
I feel like I’m hanging in the wind here — right along with the kids — wondering why Mama Luna cared. Why she sent the kids off into the skies? Where did they go? Was there a plan for them, other than floating in the breeze? Why did Mama Luna do as she did with Baker and Cherie? I think I understood her reason, but why the circus? Why would Baker and Cherie acquiesce so easily?
Grabe could do with tightening this story up. A lot. There is quite a bit he could have done to enhance the gruesome aspects — that child machine is enough to start raising my hackles!
The Characters
worker is in charge of carefully toasting the precious marshmallows and is unaware of almost everything around her.
Marquis Baker is the Master Baker, the man in charge of the factory producing this luxurious delicacy. Cherie Liquouriche appears to be the floor manager.
Mama Luna is a fortuneteller with a soft heart.
The Title
The title is certainly fanciful and accurate as worker is a Slave to Marshmallows.