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<blockquote class=”revised right”>Revised as of<br/>17 Dec 2023
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<p>The <em>conditional</em> is sometimes referred to as <em>progressive</em>, so let’s get that out there right away. God knows, it was confusing for me.</p>
<p>It doesn’t help when they throw <em>continuous</em> into the pot. <em>Continuous</em> is a variation on the conditional and simply means it’s an ongoing situation. It hasn’t stopped yet. Hmmm, sounds like my fantasy life . . .</p>
<h2>It Doesn’t Make Sense That . . .</h2>
<p>. . . in the past, these were referred to as <em>conditional tenses</em>, i.e., <em>could / might / should / would</em> + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-infinitive/” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page to the Grammar post Infinitive”><em>infinitive</em></a> OR <em>could / might / should / would</em> + <em>perfect infinitive</em> (where <em>would</em> is indicated, you may also use <em>could</em>, <em>might</em>, or <em>should</em>.)</p>
<h2 class=”clr”>The Conditional / Progressive Tense is . . .</h2>
<p>What <em>conditional</em> / <em>progressive</em> is, is a <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#http://localhost:49307/AUTHOR%20RESOURCES/FREE%20-%20Self%20Editing/grammar/verb.html#verbProgPresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page to the post on verbs”>verb tense</a> with the requisite <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbProgPresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>present</a>, <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbProgPast” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>past</a>, and <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbProgFuture” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>future</a> variations, and it is that verb tense which is used in conditional sentences. In this case, <code>clause</code> = <code>sentence</code>. The conditional is mostly used in sentences, but it can also be a clause, so I’ll be referring to it as a clause AND it could mean either one.</p>
<blockquote><p>If</span> you are approached by an armored tiger, you should not invoke the power of Grayskull.</p><p>If you pick up an article, remember that knowing is half the battle.</p></blockquote>
<h2>The Conditional / Progressive Clause Is . . .</h2>
<p>What a conditional clause does is express a condition and an outcome, an <em>if-then</em> situation. <em>If Johnny comes down with a cold, I will have to nurse him.</em> Of course, there are “100s” of variables on this depending upon whether it’s past, present, future, continuous, perfect (<em>yeah, right</em>) or ???</p>
<p>In general, The first part of each sentence sets an hypothesis, the condition, the <em>if</em>. The second part of each sentence is actually a complete sentence that could stand on its own. It’s the <em>then</em>, the conclusion. What would happen <em>if</em>.</p>
<p>Always look for the <em>if</em>. <em>If</em> it is followed by a complete sentence, you’re gold. It’s definitely a conditional sentence.</p>
<h3>Real Conditional Clauses</h3>
<p>This is not a tense, but a way of using <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#http://localhost:49307/AUTHOR%20RESOURCES/FREE%20-%20Self%20Editing/grammar/verb.html#verbProgPresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page to the post on verbs”>progressive (continuous) verb tenses</a> to write sentences about real-life situations in the present, past, and future. This condition is neutral because it may or may not be true.</p>
<h3>Unreal Conditional Clauses</h3>
<p>This is not a tense, but a way of using <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbProgPresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page to the post on verbs”>progressive (continuous) verb tenses</a> to write sentences about imaginary situations in the present, past, and future. It implies that the speaker does not think that the condition will be, is, or has been fulfilled, and therefore the main clause is either in doubt or untrue.</p>
<h3>Continuous Conditional Clauses</h3>
<p><strong>Definition:</strong> Expresses a temporary action or state that began at a previous time and continues into the present time (or other time of reference).</p>
<p><strong><abbr title=”also known as”>A.k.a.</abbr></strong> conditional + continuous, progressive</p>
<p><strong>CAUTION:</strong> Be careful not to use <a href=”#verbNonContinu” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>non-continuous verbs</a> or certain non-continuous meanings for <a href=”#verbMixed” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>mixed verbs</a> in continuous conditionals.</p>
<h2>The Exceptions</h2>
<p>What? You thought this would be set in concrete? Hah. Certain tenses can do without the <em>if</em>. Most of the conditionals can swap <em>if-then</em> for <em>then-if</em>. Certain words — some-s and any-s, time clauses, the <em>was/were</em> rule, <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbModal” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page to the post on verbs”>modal verbs</a>, and more have different requirements.
<p><a href=”#top”>Return to top</a></p>
<h2>Exploring Later . . .</h2>
<p>You might want to have a look at “<a href=”https://kddidit.com/2013/03/04/word-confusion-mighta-not-be-a-coulda-woulda-shoulda/” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page to the post on Might’a not be a Could’a, Would’a, Should’a”>Might’a not be a Could’a, Would’a, Should’a</a>”.</p>
<p><a href=”#top”>Return to top</a></p>
<h2>Grammar Explanations is . . .</h2>
<p>. . . an evolving list of the structural rules and principles that determines where words are placed in phrases or sentences as well as how the language is spoken. Sometimes I run across an example that helps explain better or another “also known as”. Heck, there’s always a better way to explain it, so if it makes quicker and/or better sense, I would appreciate <a href=”mailto:kathydavie@me.com”>suggestions and comments</a> from anyone on an area of grammar with which you struggle or on which you can contribute more understanding.</p>
<p>If you found this post on “Conditional Clause / Sentence” interesting, consider subscribing to <a href=”https://kddidit.us4.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u=75e183611cc8e72bcaa4a3931&id=e58af7b2e5″ title=”Opens a new form to subscribe to KD Did It” target=”_blank”>KD Did It</a>, if you’d like to track this post for future updates.</p>
<p>Return to <a href=”#top”>top</a> or <a href=”#poc”>post contents</a></p>
<tr><td class=”h2 stripe” colspan=”5″><a id=”sentenceConditional”></a>Conditional Sentences</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”5″ class=”hlght”><strong>Definition:</strong> A two-part sentence using a continuous (<abbr title=”also known as”>a.k.a.</abbr>, progressive) verb that describes the result of something that might happen in the present, the future, or that might have happened in the past but didn’t, using an <em>if-then</em> or <em>then-if</em> structure:
<ol class=”tbl”>
<li>A dependent <em>if / when / unless</em> or conditional clause or similar expressing the condition</li>
<li>A main clause, the <em>result</em> clause, expressing the conditional circumstance</li></ol>
<strong>Rule:</strong> <em>Always</em> use a comma after the <em>if</em> clause IF it comes first.
<table class=”noBorder”>
<tr><td colspan=”3″><strong>POST CONTENTS</strong>:<a id=”poc”></a></td></tr>
<tr><td style=”width:28%”>A lot of books and sites refer to the conditionals as:<br/>
<a href=”#sentenceProgCondRealPres” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Zero Conditional</a><br/>
<a href=”#sentenceProgCondRealFuture” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>1st Conditional</a><br/>
<a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealPresent” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>2nd Conditional</a><br/>
<a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealPast” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>3rd Conditional</a>
<td style=”width:40%”>
<strong>General Information:</strong><br/>
<a href=”#condClass” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Conditional Classifications</a><br/>
<a href=”#condAnatomy” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Anatomy of a Conditional Clause</a><br/>
<a href=”#cond2Parts” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Two Parts to a Conditional Sentence</a><br/>
<a href=”#condWordIntro” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Words That Introduce a Conditional Clause</a>
<td style=”width:32%”><strong>General “Conditional” Rules</strong><br/>
<a href=”#wasWere” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”><em>Was/Were</em> Rule</a><br/>
<a href=”#condTimeClause” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Time Clause</a>
<table class=”noBorder”>
<tr><td><strong><a href=”#sentenceProgCondReal” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>REAL Conditionals</a></strong>
<ul class=”tbl nb”>
<li><strong>Present Progressive / Conditional</strong></li>
<li><a href=”#sentenceProgCondRealPres” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Present Real Progressive / Conditional (Zero Conditional)</a></li>
<li><a href=”#sentenceProgCondContinPresent” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Present Real Progressive / Conditional Continuous</a></li>
<li><a href=”#sentenceProgCondContinPresPerf” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Present Perfect Real Progressive / Conditional Continuous</a></li>
<li> </li>
<li><strong>Past Progressive / Conditional</strong></li>
<li><a href=”#sentenceProgCondRealPast” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Past Real Progressive / Conditional</a></li>
<li><a href=”#sentenceProgCondContinRealPast” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Past Real Progressive / Conditional Continuous</a></li>
<li><a href=”#sentenceProgCondContinRealPast” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Past Perfect Real Continuous</a></li>
<li> </li>
<li><strong>Future Progressive / Conditional</strong></li>
<li><a href=”#sentenceProgCondRealFuture” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Future Real (First Conditional)</a></li>
<li><a href=”#sentenceProgCondContinRealFuture” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Future Real Continuous</a></li>
<li><a href=”#sentenceProgCondContinRealFuturePerf” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Future Perfect Real Continuous</a></li>
<td><strong><a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnreal” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>UNREAL Conditionals</a></strong>
<ul class=”tbl nb”>
<li><a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealPresent” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Present Unreal Conditional (Second Conditional)</a></li>
<li><a href=”#sentenceProgCondContinUnrealPresent” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Present Unreal Continuous</a></li>
<li><a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealPresPerf” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Present Perfect Unreal Continuous</a></li>
<li> </li>
<li><a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealPast” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Past Unreal Conditional</a></li>
<li><a href=”#sentenceProgCondContinUnrealPast” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Past Unreal Continuous</a></li>
<li><a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealPastPerf” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Past Perfect Unreal</a></li>
<li> </li>
<li><a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealFuture” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Future Unreal Conditional</a></li>
<li><a href=”#sentenceProgCondContinUnrealFuture” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Future Unreal Continuous</a></li>
<li><a href=”#sentenceProgCondContinFuturePerf” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Future Perfect Unreal Continuous</a></li>
<li> </li>
<li><a href=”#condClassMixed” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”><strong>Mixed Conditional</strong></a></li>
<strong>A.k.a.</strong>, <em>if</em> clause, <em>if-then</em> clause, conditional clause, conditional conjunction, conditional phrase, clause of condition
<tr class=”hlght”><td colspan=”5″ class=”h2″><a id=”condClass”></a>Conditional Classifications</td></tr>
<tr class=”hlght”><td colspan=”5″><strong>DISCLAIMER:</strong> Conditionals have been referred to as <em>conditional tenses</em>. It’s actually referring to the continuous (or progressive) verb that is used in conditional clauses or sentences.<br/><br/>Many grammar books and websites also refer to various clauses as <a href=”#sentenceProgCondRealPres” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>zero conditional</a>, <a href=”#sentenceProgCondRealFuture” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>first conditional</a>, <a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealPresent” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>second conditional</a>, <a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealPast” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>third conditional</a>, and <a href=”#condClassMixed” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>mixed conditionals</a>.
<tr><td colspan=”5″ class=”hlght”><table class=”noBorder” style=”background-color:white”>
<tr><th colspan=”2″>REAL</th><th colspan=”2″>UNREAL</th></tr>
<tr class=”hlght”><td colspan=”2″>Describes real-life situations</td>
<td colspan=”2″>Describes imaginary situations</td>
<tr><th class=”fitz”>Conditional</th>
<th class=”fitz”>Continuous Conditional</th>
<th class=”fitz”>Conditional</th>
<th class=”fitz”>Continuous</th>
<tr><td><a href=”#sentenceProgCondRealPres” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Present Real</a><br/><abbr title=”also known as”>a.k.a.</abbr>, Zero Conditional</td>
<td><a href=”#sentenceProgCondContinPresent” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Present Real Continuous</a><br/><br/>
<a href=”#sentenceProgCondContinPresPerf” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Present Perfect Real Continuous</a></td>
<td><a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealPresent” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Present Unreal</a><br/><abbr title=”also known as”>a.k.a.</abbr>, Second Conditional</td>
<td><a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealContinPresent” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Present Unreal Continuous</a><br/><br/>
<a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealPresPerf” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Present Perfect Unreal Continuous</a>
<tr class=”gray”><td><a href=”#sentenceProgCondRealPast” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Past Real</a></td>
<td><a href=”#sentenceProgCondContinRealPast” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Past Real Continuous</a><br/><br/>
<a href=”#sentenceProgCondContinRealPastPerf” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Past Perfect Real Continuous</a>
<td><a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealPast” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Past Unreal</a><br/><abbr title=”also known as”>a.k.a.</abbr>, Third Conditional</td>
<td><a href=”#sentenceProgCondContinUnrealPast” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Past Unreal Continuous</a>
<tr><td><a href=”#sentenceProgCondRealFuture” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Future Real</a><br/><abbr title=”also known as”>a.k.a.</abbr>, First Conditional</td>
<td><a href=”#sentenceProgCondContinRealFuture” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Future Real Continuous</a><br/><br/>
<a href=”#sentenceProgCondContinRealFuturePerf” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Future Perfect Real Continuous</a>
<td><a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealFuture” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Future Unreal</a></td>
<td><a href=”#sentenceProgCondContinUnrealFuture” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Future Unreal Continuous</a><br/><br/>
<a href=”#sentenceProgCondContinFuturePerf” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Future Perfect Unreal Continuous</a>
<tr class=”gray”><td><a href=”#condClassMixed” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Mixed Conditional</a></td>
<tr class=”hlght”><td colspan=”5″ class=”h2″><a id=”condAnatomy”></a>Anatomy of a Conditional Clause</td></tr>
<tr class=”third”><td colspan=”5″ class=”h3″><a id=”cond2Parts”></a>Two Parts to a Conditional Sentence</td></tr>
<tr><td class=”bottom”><p>Return to <a href=”#top”>top</a> or <a href=”#poc”>post contents</a></p></td>
<td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Definition:</strong><ol class=”tbl”>
<li>Conditional clause sets up the condition:
<ol class=”nb tbl”><li><em><strong>If</strong></em> suggests something that happens less frequently. It is the most common word to begin a conditional clause, common enough that it is frequently referred to as the <em>if</em> clause.</li>
<li><em><strong>Unless</strong></em> infers <em>if not</em></li>
<li><em><strong>When</strong></em> suggests something that happens regularly or will definitely happen at some point; we are simply waiting for it to occur</li>
<li style=”list-style-type:2″>Main clause states the result of the condition
<ol class=”nb tbl”><li>A.k.a. . . . the consequent in a conditional sentence</li></ol>
<tr class=”third”><td colspan=”5″ class=”h3″><a id=”condWordIntro”></a>Words That Introduce a Conditional Clause</td></tr>
<tr><td rowspan=”2″ class=”bottom”><p>Return to <a href=”#top”>top</a> or <a href=”#poc”>post contents</a></p></td>
<td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Rule:</strong> While <em>if</em> is the most common word used, there are a few more, although not all of them are used in all present, past, or future variations. See the specific entries for which allows for it. Or not.</td>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><table class=”noBorder”>
<tr><th colspan=”2″>List of Introductory Words for a Conditional Clause</th></tr>
<tr><td style=”width:25%”>if *<br/>unless *<br/>when **<br/></td>
<td style=”width:75%”>on condition (that)<br/>provided (that)<br/>providing (that)<br/></td>
</table><hr class=”thin” />
<p class=”indent1″>* Most common</p>
<p class=”indent2″>** Second most common</p>
<tr class=”hlght”><td colspan=”5″ class=”h2″>General “Conditional” Rules</td></tr>
<tr class=”third”><td class=”h3″><a id=”wasWere”></a>Was / Were
<td colspan=”4″><strong>Rule:</strong> If the <em>if</em> clause includes the verb <em>to be</em>, then the <em>was</em> is replaced by <abbr title=”past subjunctive”><em>were</em></abbr>. Although fashion is again changing, and it is becoming <em>slightly</em> more acceptable to use <em>was</em>. I recommend erring on the side of caution: go with <em>were</em> unless the situation is informal or dialogue.
<tr class=”third”><td class=”h3″><a id=”condTimeClause”></a>Time Clause</td>
<td colspan=”4″><strong>Rule:</strong> Future tenses cannot be used in clauses beginning with time expressions such as:</td></tr>
<tr><td class=”bottom”><p>Return to <a href=”#top”>top</a> or <a href=”#poc”>post contents</a></p></td>
<td colspan=”4″>
<table class=”noBorder”>
<tr><td>after<br/>as soon as<br/></td>
<td>before<br/>by the time<br/></td>
<tr><td class=”h2 hlght” colspan=”5″><a id=”sentenceProgCondReal”></a>Real Conditional</td></tr>
<tr class=”hlght”><td colspan=”5″><strong>Definition:</strong> This is not a tense, but a way of using <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#http://localhost:49307/AUTHOR%20RESOURCES/FREE%20-%20Self%20Editing/grammar/verb.html#verbProgPresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page to the post on verbs”>progressive (continuous) verb tenses</a> to write sentences about real-life situations in the present, past, and future. This condition is neutral because it may or may not be true.<br/><br/>
<strong><abbr title=”also known as”>A.k.a.</abbr></strong> open condition, real condition
<tr><td colspan=”5″ class=”h2 hlght”>PRESENT – REAL</td></tr>
<tr class=”third”><td class=”h3″ colspan=”5″><a id=”sentenceProgCondRealPres”></a>Present Real Conditional<br/><br/>(Zero Conditional)</td>
<tr><td rowspan=”6″ class=”bottom”><p>Return to <a href=”#top”>top</a> or <a href=”#poc”>post contents</a></p></td>
<td class=”third” colspan=”4″><strong>Definition:</strong> Describes what you normally do in real-life situations or a a two-part general situation in which things are always true, like a scientific fact.<br/><br/>
You can reverse the forms from condition/result to result/condition.<br/><br/>
<strong>Rule:</strong> Uses <em>if</em>, <em>unless</em>, or <em>when</em>:
<ul class=”tbl nb”>
<li><b><em>If</em></b> suggests something that happens infrequently
<ul><li>To express willingness, as in requests, use <em>will</em> or <em><abbr title=”modal verb”>would</abbr></em> in an <em>if</em> clause.</li></ul>
<li><b><em>Unless</em></b> think of it as an <em>except if</em>, <em>if not</em>, or <em>only if</em></li>
<li><b><em>When</em></b> suggests something that happens regularly</li>
<table class=”noBorder” style=”width: 85%;”>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 68%;”>[if / when / unless *] + <a href=”#verbPresent” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>simple present</a>,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”>+</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 30%;”><a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple present</a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<tr><td class=”center”>[if / when / unless *] + <a href=”#verbPresent” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>simple present</a>,</td>
<td class=”center”>+</td>
<td class=”center”><a href=”#verbImperative” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>imperative</a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
To express willingness, as in requests, use <em>will</em> or <em>would</em> in an <em>if</em> clause.<br/><br/>
<strong><abbr title=”also known as”>A.k.a.</abbr></strong> present open condition, conditional certainty present, conditions of fact, zero conditional, conditional simple, simple conditional
<tr><td colspan=”4″>I talk<br/>you talk<br/>s/he/it talks<br/>we talk<br/>they talk</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”bold”>Examples:</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the simple present or imperative</li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the <em>if</em> / <em>unless</em> / <em>when</em> clause (the condition)</li>
<li><em>Italics</em> indicate an explanation of the above sentence</li>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>go</mark> to a friend’s house for dinner,</mark> I usually <mark class=”emp”>take</mark> a bottle of wine or some flowers.
<p class=”italics”>I rarely go to a friend’s house for dinner.</p>
<hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>When I <mark class=”emp”>have</mark> a day off from work,</mark> I often <mark class=”emp”>go</mark> to the beach.
<p class=”italics”>I frequently have days off from work.</p>
<hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>If the weather <mark class=”emp”>is</mark> nice,</mark> Janis often <mark class=”emp”>walks</mark> to work.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>When I <mark class=”emp”>go</mark> to Rye,</mark> I <mark class=”emp”>stay</mark> with my father-in-law in the new town.<br/><br/>
Jerry <mark class=”emp”>helps</mark> me with my homework <mark class=”blu”>when he <mark class=”emp”>has</mark> time</mark>.<br/><br/>
I <mark class=”emp”>read</mark> <mark class=”blu”>if there <mark class=”emp”>is</mark> nothing on TV</mark>.<br/><br/>
What <mark class=”emp”>do</mark> you do <mark class=”blu”>if it <mark class=”emp”>rains</mark> </mark>?<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>When Saturday <mark class=”emp”>comes</mark> around,</mark> I <mark class=”emp”>go</mark> to the movies.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>Unless he <mark class=”emp”>asks</mark> you politely,</mark> <mark class=”emp”>refuse</mark> to do any more work on the project.<hr class=”thin” />
You <mark class=”emp”>can’t enter</mark> <mark class=”blu”>unless you <mark class=”emp”>have</mark> a ticket.</mark>
<p class=”italics”>Only if you have a ticket, can you enter.</p><hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”emp”>Press</mark> the button <mark class=”blu”>if you <mark class=”emp”>want</mark> a receipt</mark>.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If you <mark class=”emp”>want</mark> to leave a message,</mark> <mark class=”emp”>speak</mark> after the tone.
<tr><th colspan=”4″>Facts</th></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><mark class=”blu”>If you <mark class=”emp”>heat</mark> ice,</mark> it <mark class=”emp”>melts</mark>.<br/><br/>
Ice <mark class=”emp”>melts</mark> <mark class=”blu”>if you <mark class=”emp”>heat</mark> it</mark>.<hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>If you <mark class=”emp”>hit</mark> a ball,</mark> it <mark class=”emp”>moves</mark>.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>When it <mark class=”emp”>rains</mark>,</mark> things <mark class=”emp”>get</mark> wet.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>Unless you <mark class=”emp”>have</mark> been there yourself,</mark> you <mark class=”emp”>can’t</mark> understand its beauty.<br/><br/>
People <mark class=”emp”>die</mark> <mark class=”blu”>if they <mark class=”emp”>don’t</mark> eat</mark>.<br/><br/>
You <mark class=”emp”>get</mark> water <mark class=”blu”>when you <mark class=”emp”>mix</mark> hydrogen and oxygen</mark>.<br/><br/>
Snakes <mark class=”emp”>bite</mark> <mark class=”blu”>if they <mark class=”emp”>are</mark> scared</mark>.<br/><br/>
A balloon <mark class=”emp”>can’t</mark> inflate <mark class=”blu”>unless you <mark class=”emp”>blow</mark> air into it</mark>.
<tr class=”third”><td class=”h3″ colspan=”5″><a id=”sentenceProgCondContinPresent”></a>Present Real Conditional Continuous</td></tr>
<tr><td rowspan=”4″ class=”bottom”><p>Return to <a href=”#top”>top</a> or <a href=”#poc”>post contents</a></p></td>
<td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Definition:</strong> It describes imaginary situations which could be happening at this very moment.<br/><br/>
<strong>Rule:</strong> Only uses:
<ul class=”tbl nb”><li><em><strong>if</strong></em></li>
<li>NOT <em>was</em></li>
<table class=”noBorder” style=”width: 85%;”>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 40%;”>if + [were + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePresent” title=”Opens a new page on the present participle” target=”_blank”><em>-ing</em></a>],</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”>+</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 30%;”>[<abbr title=”modal verb”>would</abbr> be] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePresent” title=”Opens a new page on the present participle” target=”_blank”><em>-ing</em></a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<tr><td colspan=”4″>If I were talking, you would be listening<br/>If you were talking, I would be listening<br/>If s/he/it were talking, you would be listening<br/>If we were talking, you would be listening<br/>If they were talking, you would be listening<br/></td>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”bold”>Examples:</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the <em>were</em> + <em>-ing</em> (present participle)</li>
<li><mark class=”green”>White-on-Green</mark> indicates the <em>would be</em> + <em>-ing</em> (present participle)</li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the imaginary situation</li>
<li><em>Italics</em> indicate an explanation of the above sentence</li>
<mark class=”blu”>If the sun <mark class=”emp”>were shining</mark>,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>would be going</mark> to the beach.
<p class=”italics”>Unfortunately, it is raining, so I can’t go.</p><hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>If Sam <mark class=”emp”>were sitting</mark> here,</mark> he <mark class=”green”>would be cooking</mark> up the bacon.
<p class=”italics”>But Sam is not sitting here. He is somewhere else.</p><hr class=”thin” />
We <mark class=”green”>would be able to go sailing</mark> <mark class=”blu”>if the wind <mark class=”emp”>were blowing</mark>.</mark>
<p class=”italics”>But there is no wind, so we can’t go sailing.</p><hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>were</mark> in Hawaii,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>would be lying</mark> on the beach.
<p class=”italics”>But I am not in Hawaii.</p><hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>If my grandfather <mark class=”emp”>were</mark> here,</mark> he <mark class=”green”>would be talking</mark> about the war.
<p class=”italics”>But he is not here.</p><hr class=”thin” />
I <mark class=”green”>would be rafting</mark> down the Colorado River right now <mark class=”blu”>if my leg <mark class=”emp”>weren’t broken</mark>.</mark>
<p class=”italics”>But my leg is broken, so I am not there.</p><hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>If my grandfather <mark class=”emp”>were</mark> here,</mark> he <mark class=”green”>would be telling</mark> stories.<br/><br/>
We <mark class=”green”>would be</mark> able to go <mark class=”green”>skiing</mark> <mark class=”blu”>if it <mark class=”emp”>were</mark> light out</mark>.<br/><br/>
I <mark class=”green”>would be rafting</mark> down a Class 4 right now <mark class=”blu”>if my leg <mark class=”emp”>weren’t broken</mark> </mark>.
<tr class=”third”><td class=”h3″ colspan=”5″><a id=”sentenceProgCondContinPresPerf”></a>Present Perfect Real Conditional Continuous</td></tr>
<tr><td rowspan=”9″ class=”bottom”><p>Return to <a href=”#top”>top</a> or <a href=”#poc”>post contents</a></p></td>
<td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Definition:</strong> Describes an unspecified time between <em>before now</em> and <em>now</em>, something that started and is either still continuing or recently finished. The speaker is interested in the process as well as the result, and this process may still be going on, or may have just finished.<br/><br/>
<strong>Duration:</strong> Use a duration such as for five minutes, for three months, or since last Monday, etc.<br/><br/>
<table class=”noBorder” style=”width: 85%;”>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 40%;”>[<abbr title=”helping or auxiliary verb”>has / have</abbr> + been] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new window in Grammar for Present Participle”><em>-ing</em></a>,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”></td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 30%;”></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the past action)</small></td>
<td class=”center”></td>
<tr><td colspan=”3″ class=”bold third”><small>Using Stative Verbs</small></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”3″ class=”center” style=”width: 40%;”>[<abbr title=”helping or auxiliary verb”>has / have</abbr>] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePast” title=”Opens an entry on past participles on the post on participles” target=”_blank”><em>-ed</em></a></td>
<tr><td colspan=”3″ class=”center”><small>(the past action)</small></td>
<strong><abbr title=”also known as”>A.k.a.</abbr></strong> present perfect real progressive
<tr><td colspan=”2″>I have been talking<br/>you have been talking<br/>s/he/it has been talking<br/>we have been talking<br/>they have been talking</td>
<td colspan=”2″>I have talked<br/>you have talked<br/>s/he/it has talked<br/>we have talked<br/>they have talked
<tr><th colspan=”4″ class=”third”>Actions That Started in the Past and Continue in the Present</th>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the <em>has/have</em> (auxiliary verb) + <em>-ing</em> (present participle)</li>
<li><mark class=”purp”>Purple</mark> indicates the past action</li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the present situation</li>
<mark class=”purp”>She <mark class=”emp”>has been waiting</mark> for you all day,</mark> and <mark class=”blu”>she’s still waiting now</mark>.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”purp”>I<mark class=”emp”>’ve been working</mark> on this report since eight o’clock this morning,</mark> and <mark class=”blu”>I still haven’t finished it</mark>.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”purp”>They <mark class=”emp”>have been traveling</mark> since last October,</mark> and <mark class=”blu”>they’re not home yet</mark>.
<tr><th colspan=”4″ class=”third”>Actions That Have Just Finished, But We Are Interested in the Results</th>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the <em>has/have</em> (auxiliary verb) + <em>-ing</em> (present participle)</li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the past action</li>
<li><mark class=”purp”>Purple</mark> indicates the result</li>
<mark class=”blu”>She <mark class=”emp”>has been cooking</mark> since last night,</mark> and <mark class=”purp”>the food on the table looks delicious</mark>.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>It<mark class=”emp”>’s been raining</mark>,</mark> and <mark class=”purp”>the streets are still wet</mark>.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>Someone<mark class=”emp”>’s been eating</mark> my chips,</mark> and <mark class=”purp”>half of them are gone</mark>.
<tr><th colspan=”4″ class=”third”>Verbs Without Continuous Forms</th></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Rule:</strong> Use the <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPerfect” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple present perfect</a> if using <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbBeing” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>stative verbs</a>.
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the auxiliary verb + simple present perfect</li>
I<mark class=”emp”>’ve wanted</mark> to visit China for years.<br/><br/>
She<mark class=”emp”>’s known</mark> Robert since she was a child.<br/><br/>
I<mark class=”emp”>’ve hated</mark> that music since I first heard it.<br/><br/>
I<mark class=”emp”>’ve heard</mark> a lot about you recently.<br/><br/>
We<mark class=”emp”>’ve understood</mark> everything.<br/><br/>
We<mark class=”emp”>’ve heard</mark> all about it.
<tr><td colspan=”5″ class=”h2 hlght”>PAST – REAL</td></tr>
<tr class=”third”><td class=”h3″ colspan=”5″><a id=”sentenceProgCondRealPast”></a>Past Real Conditional</td></tr>
<tr><td rowspan=”7″ class=”bottom”><p>Return to <a href=”#top”>top</a> or <a href=”#poc”>post contents</a></p></td>
<td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Definition:</strong> Describes what you used to do in particular real-life situations. It suggests that your habits have changed, and you do not usually do these things today.<br/><br/>You can reverse the forms from condition/result to result/condition.<br/><br/>
<strong>Rule</strong>: Uses <em>if</em> and <em>when</em>:
<ul class=”tbl nb”>
<li><b><em>If</em></b> suggests something that happened infrequently</li>
<li><b><em>Unless</em></b> suggests something that happened regularly</li>
<li><strong><em>Used to</em></strong> expresses the idea that something was an old habit that stopped in the past</li>
<table class=”noBorder” style=”width: 85%;”>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 30%;”>[if / when] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPast” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple past</a>,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”>+</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 30%;”><a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPast” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple past</a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPast” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple past</a></td>
<td class=”center”>+</td>
<td class=”center”>[if / when] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPast” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple past</a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<strong><abbr title=”also known as”>A.k.a.</abbr></strong> past progressive
<tr><td colspan=”4″>If I talked + walked<br/>If you talked + walked<br/>If s/he/it talked + walked<br/>If we talked + walked<br/>If they talked + walked
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”bold”>Examples:</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the simple past</li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the <em>if</em> / <em>unless</em> / <em>when</em> clause</li>
<li><em>Italics</em> indicate an explanation of the above sentence</li></ol></div>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>went</mark> to a friend’s house for dinner,</mark> I usually <mark class=”emp”>took</mark> a bottle of wine or some flowers.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>When I <mark class=”emp”>had</mark> a day off work,</mark> I often <mark class=”emp”>went</mark> to the beach.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If the weather <mark class=”emp”>was</mark> nice,</mark> Janis often <mark class=”emp”>walked</mark> to work.<br/><br/>
Jerry always <mark class=”emp”>helped</mark> me with my homework <mark class=”blu”>when he <mark class=”emp”>had</mark> time</mark>.<br/><br/>
I usually <mark class=”emp”>stayed</mark> at home <mark class=”blu”>when it <mark class=”emp”>rained</mark> </mark>.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>When I <mark class=”emp”>traveled</mark>, </mark>I usually <mark class=”emp”>took</mark> half a dozen books.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>When I <mark class=”emp”>traveled</mark>, </mark>I <mark class=”emp”>used to take</mark> half a dozen books.<hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>took</mark> the bus to work, </mark>I usually <mark class=”emp”>read</mark> the paper.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>took</mark> the bus to work,</mark> I <mark class=”emp”>used to read</mark> the paper.<hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>had</mark> time,</mark> I <mark class=”emp”>studied</mark> English.
<p class=”italics”>Sometimes I had time.</p><hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>Unless I <mark class=”emp”>had</mark> the car,</mark> I <mark class=”emp”>rode</mark> the bus.
<p class=”italics”>I took the bus if I didn’t have the car.</p>
<tr><th colspan=”4″>Used to . . .</th></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Rule:</strong> <em>Used to</em> expresses the idea that something was an old habit that stopped in the past and emphasizes that something was a habit.</td>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the simple past</li>
<li><mark class=”green”>White-on-Green</mark> indicates the <em>used to</em> + simple past</li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the <em>if/when</em> clause</li>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>went</mark> to a friend’s house for dinner,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>used to take</mark> a bottle of wine or some flowers.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>When I <mark class=”emp”>had</mark> a day off work,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>used to go</mark> to the beach.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If the weather <mark class=”emp”>was</mark> nice,</mark> she <mark class=”green”>used to walk</mark> to work.<br/><br/>
<tr class=”third”><td class=”h3″ colspan=”5″><a id=”sentenceProgCondContinRealPast”></a>Past Real Conditional Continuous</td></tr>
<tr><td rowspan=”16″ class=”bottom”><p>Return to <a href=”#top”>top</a> or <a href=”#poc”>post contents</a></p></td>
<td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Definition:</strong> Emphasizes an interrupted action in the past:
<ul class=”tbl”>
<li>A longer action in the past was interrupted</li>
<li>An interruption in time</li>
<li>Specific time as an interruption</li>
<li>Indicates that both actions were happening at the same time</li>
<li>A series of parallel actions describe the atmosphere at a particular time in the past</li>
<li>Expresses the negative idea that something irritating or shocking often happened in the past</li>
<strong>CAUTION:</strong> Use this if you don’t include a duration such as <em>for five minutes</em>, <em>for three months</em>, or <em>since last Monday</em>, etc.<br/><br/>
You can reverse the forms from condition/result to result/condition.<br/><br/>
<table class=”noBorder”>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 40%;”>[was /were] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new window in Grammar for Present Participle”><em>-ing</em></a>,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”>+</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 30%;”><a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPast” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple past</a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<strong><abbr title=”also known as”>A.k.a.</abbr></strong> past real progressive
<tr><td colspan=”4″>I was talking + you listened<br/>you were talking + he listened<br/>s/he/it was talking + you listened<br/>we were talking + you listened<br/>they were talking + you listened
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”bold”>Examples:</td></tr>
<tr><th colspan=”4″>Interrupted Action in the Past</th></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the <em>was/were</em> + <em>-ing</em> (present participle)</li>
<li><mark class=”purp”>Purple</mark> indicates the simple past</li></ol>
I <mark class=”emp”>was watching</mark> TV when she <mark class=”purp”>called</mark>.<br/><br/>
When the phone <mark class=”purp”>rang</mark>, she <mark class=”emp”>was writing</mark> a letter.<br/><br/>
While we <mark class=”emp”>were having</mark> the picnic, it <mark class=”purp”>started</mark> to rain.<br/><br/>
What <mark class=”emp”>were</mark> you <mark class=”emp”>doing</mark> when the earthquake <mark class=”purp”>started</mark>?<br/><br/>
I <mark class=”emp”>was listening</mark> to my iPod, so I <mark class=”purp”>didn’t</mark> hear the fire alarm.
<tr><th colspan=”4″>Specific Time as an Interruption</th></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark>Yellow</mark> indicates the time</li>
<li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the <em>was/were</em> + <em>-ing</em> (present participle)</li></ol>
Last night <mark>at 6 p.m.</mark>, I <mark class=”emp”>was eating</mark> dinner.<br/><br/>
<mark>At midnight</mark>, we <mark class=”emp”>were</mark> still <mark class=”emp”>driving</mark> through the desert.<br/><br/>
<mark>Yesterday at this time,</mark> I <mark class=”emp”>was sitting</mark> at my desk at work.
<tr><th colspan=”4″>Parallel Actions</th></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Rule:</strong> When past continuous has two actions in the same sentence, it indicates that both actions were happening at the same time — parallel actions.</td>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the <em>was/were</em> + <em>-ing</em> (present participle)</li></ol></div>
I <mark class=”emp”>was studying</mark> while he <mark class=”emp”>was making</mark> dinner.<br/><br/>
While Ellen <mark class=”purp”>was reading</mark>, Tim <mark class=”emp”>was watching</mark> television.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”emp”>Were</mark> you <mark class=”emp”>listening</mark> while he <mark class=”emp”>was talking</mark>?<br/><br/>
I <mark class=”emp”>wasn’t paying</mark> attention while I <mark class=”emp”>was writing</mark> the letter, so I made several mistakes.<br/><br/>
What <mark class=”emp”>were</mark> you <mark class=”emp”>doing</mark> while you <mark class=”emp”>were waiting</mark>?<br/><br/>
Thomas <mark class=”emp”>wasn’t working</mark>, and I <mark class=”emp”>wasn’t working</mark> either.<br/><br/>
They <mark class=”emp”>were eating</mark> dinner, <mark class=”emp”>discussing</mark> their plans, and <mark class=”emp”>having</mark> a good time.</td></tr>
<tr><th colspan=”4″>Atmosphere</th></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Rule:</strong> Uses a series of parallel actions to describe the atmosphere at a particular time in the past.</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark>Yellow</mark> indicates the time</li>
<li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the <em>was/were</em> + <em>-ing</em> (present participle)</li></ol>
<mark> When I walked into the office</mark>, several people <mark class=”emp”>were</mark> busily <mark class=”emp”>typing</mark>, some <mark class=”emp”>were talking</mark> on the phones, the boss <mark class=”emp”>was yelling</mark> directions, and customers <mark class=”emp”>were waiting</mark> to be helped. One customer <mark class=”emp”>was yelling</mark> at a secretary and <mark class=”emp”>waving</mark> his hands. Others <mark class=”emp”>were complaining</mark> to each other about the bad service.</td>
<tr><th colspan=”4″>Repetition and Irritation with <em>Always</em></th></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Rule:</strong> <em>Always</em> or <em>constantly</em> expresses the idea that something irritating or shocking often happened in the past. It’s a negative emotion and similar in concept to the expression <em>used to</em>.<br/><br/>
<table class=”noBorder”>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 40%;”>[was /were] + [<em>always</em> / <em>constantly</em>] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new window in Grammar for Present Participle”><em>-ing</em></a>,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”>+</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 30%;”><a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPast” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple past</a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the <em>was/were</em> + <em>-ing</em> (present participle)</li>
<li><mark class=”purp”>Purple</mark> indicates the simple past</li>
<li><mark class=”orange”>Orange</mark> indicates the <em>always</em> / <em>constantly</em></li>
She <mark class=”emp”>was <mark class=”orange”>always</mark> coming</mark> to class late.<br/><br/>
He <mark class=”emp”>was <mark class=”orange”>constantly</mark> talking</mark>. He <mark class=”purp”>annoyed</mark> everyone.<br/><br/>
I <mark class=”purp”>didn’t</mark> like them because they <mark class=”emp”>were <mark class=”orange”>always</mark> complaining</mark>.</td>
<tr class=”third”><td class=”h3″ colspan=”5″><a id=”sentenceProgCondContinRealPastPerf”></a>Past Perfect Real Conditional Continuous</td></tr>
<tr><td rowspan=”8″ class=”bottom”><p>Return to <a href=”#top”>top</a> or <a href=”#poc”>post contents</a></p></td>
<td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Definition:</strong> Describes how long something had been going on before something important happened in the past.<br/><br/>
<strong>Duration</strong>: Use a duration such as <em>for five minutes</em>, <em>for three months</em>, or <em>since last Monday</em>, etc.<br/><br/><strong>Duration Before</strong>: Using this before another action in the past is a good way to show cause and effect<br/><br/>
<table class=”noBorder”>
<tr><td class=”center”>[had been] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new window in Grammar for Present Participle”><em>-ing</em></a>,</td>
<td class=”center”></td>
<td class=”center”></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”></td>
<tr><td class=”center”>had + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePast” title=”Opens an entry on past participles on the post on past participles” target=”_blank”><em>-ed</em></a>,</td>
<td class=”center”></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”></td>
<strong><abbr title=”also known as”>A.k.a.</abbr></strong> past perfect real progressive
<tr><td colspan=”2″>I had been talking<br/>you had been talking<br/>s/he/it had been talking<br/>we had been talking<br/>they had been talking</td>
<td colspan=”2″>I had talked<br/>you had talked<br/>s/he/it had talked<br/>we had talked<br/>they had talked
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”bold”>Examples:</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark>Yellow</mark> indicates duration</li>
<li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the <em>had been</em> + <em>-ing</em>/<em>-ed</em></li>
Jamie <mark class=”emp”>had been flying</mark> <mark>for over six hours</mark> when he touched down in San Diego.<br/><br/>
Paul <mark class=”emp”>had been working</mark> <mark>for two hours</mark> when she telephoned.<br/><br/>
You <mark class=”emp”>had been waiting</mark> there <mark>for more than two hours</mark> when she finally arrived.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”emp”>Had</mark> you <mark class=”emp”>been waiting</mark> there <mark>for very long</mark> before she finally arrived?<br/><br/>
You <mark class=”emp”>had not been waiting</mark> there <mark>for more than two hours</mark> when she finally arrived.
<tr><th colspan=”4″>Duration Before Something in the Past</th></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark>Yellow</mark> indicates duration</li>
<li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the <em>had been</em> + <em>-ing</em>/<em>-ed</em></li>
<li><mark class=”orange”>Orange</mark> indicates cause</li>
They <mark class=”emp”>had been talking</mark> <mark>for over an hour</mark> before Tony arrived.<br/><br/>
She <mark class=”emp”>had been working</mark> at that company <mark>for three years</mark> when it went out of business.<br/><br/>
<mark>How long</mark> <mark class=”emp”>had</mark> you <mark class=”emp”>been waiting</mark> to get on the bus?<br/><br/>
Mike wanted to sit down <mark class=”orange”>because he <mark class=”emp”>had been standing</mark> all day at work</mark>.<br/><br/>
James <mark class=”emp”>had been teaching</mark> at the university <mark>for more than a year</mark> before he left for Asia.<br/><br/>
I <mark class=”emp”>had not been studying</mark> Latin <mark>very long</mark>.
<tr><th colspan=”4″>Cause of Something in the Past</th></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the <em>had been</em> + <em>-ing</em>/<em>-ed</em></li>
<li><mark class=”orange”>Orange</mark> indicates cause</li>
Jason was tired <mark class=”orange”>because he <mark class=”emp”>had been jogging</mark>.</mark><br/><br/>
Sam gained weight <mark class=”orange”>because he <mark class=”emp”>had been overeating</mark>.</mark><br/><br/>
Betty failed the final test <mark class=”orange”>because she <mark class=”emp”>had not been attending</mark> class.</mark>
<tr><td colspan=”5″ class=”h2 hlght”>FUTURE – REAL</td></tr>
<tr class=”third”><td class=”h3″ colspan=”5″><a id=”sentenceProgCondRealFuture”></a>Future Real Conditional<br/><br/>(First Conditional)
<tr><td rowspan=”7″ class=”bottom”><p>Return to <a href=”#top”>top</a> or <a href=”#poc”>post contents</a></p></td>
<td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Definition:</strong> Describes a future event that could easily come true.<br/><br/>You can reverse the forms from condition/result to result/condition.<br/><br/>
<strong>Rule:</strong> Uses <em>if</em>, <em>unless</em>, and <em>when</em>:
<ul class=”tbl nb”>
<li><b><em>If</em></b> suggests that you do not know if something will happen or not</li>
<li><b><em>Unless</em></b> can be interpreted as <em>if … not</em>, and has a negative value used where the verb of the condition clause is also in the negative</li>
<li><b>When</b> suggests that something will definitely happen at some point; we are simply <em>waiting</em> for it to occur.</li></ul>
You may want to explore the <a href=”#clauseCondSomeAny” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Some / Any</a> rule as well.<br/><br/>
<strong>Form 1:</strong>
<table class=”noBorder”>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 40%;”>[if / when] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple present</a>,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”>+</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 40%;”>will + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-infinitive/” title=”Opens a new page on Infinitive” target=”_blank”>infinitive</a> (<a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbFuture” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple future</a>)</td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<tr><td class=”center”>will + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-infinitive/” title=”Opens a new page on Infinitive” target=”_blank”>infinitive</a> (<a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbFuture” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple future</a>)</td>
<td class=”center”>+</td>
<td class=”center”>[if / when] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple present</a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<strong>Form 2:</strong>
<table class=”noBorder” style=”width: 100%;”>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 40%;”>[if / when] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple present</a>,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”>+</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 40%;”>[to be + going] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-infinitive/” title=”Opens a new page on Infinitive” target=”_blank”>infinitive</a> (<a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbFuture” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple future</a>)</td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<tr><td class=”center”>[to be + going] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-infinitive/” title=”Opens a new page on Infinitive” target=”_blank”>infinitive</a> (<a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbFuture” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple future</a>)</td>
<td class=”center”>+</td>
<td class=”center”>[if / when] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple present</a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<strong>Form 3:</strong>
<table class=”noBorder”>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 48%;”>[if / when / unless] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple present</a>,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”>+</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 48%;”>[can / must] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-infinitive/” title=”Opens a new page on Infinitive” target=”_blank”>infinitive</a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small><br/>
<small>See the rule on <a href=”#sentenceProgCondModal” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>conditional modal verbs</a>.</small>
<strong>Form 4:</strong>
<table class=”noBorder”>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 48%;”>[if / when / unless] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple present</a>,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”>+</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 48%;”><a href=”#wasWere” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>were</a> + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-infinitive/” title=”Opens a new page on Infinitive” target=”_blank”>infinitive</a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<strong>A.k.a.</strong>, conditional real present, conditions of prediction, conditions of possibility, conditional I, first conditional, open <em>if</em> clause, type 1 conditional,
<tr><td colspan=”4″>I walk + will talk<br/>you walk + are going to go<br/>s/he/it walk + is going to stay<br/>we walk + will give<br/>they walk + are going to read</td>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”bold”>Examples:</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the simple present</li>
<li><mark class=”purp”>Purple</mark> indicates the <del>was</del> were (see the <a href=”#wasWere” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>was/were</a> rule)</li>
<li><mark class=”green”>White-on-Green</mark> indicates the simple future</li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the <em>if</em> / <em>unless</em> / <em>when</em> clause (the condition)</li>
<mark class=”blu”>If Helen <mark class=”emp”>calls</mark>,</mark> She <mark class=”green”>must get</mark> home right now.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If you <mark class=”emp”>help</mark> me,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>will be</mark> grateful.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If my mother <mark class=”emp”>knows</mark> about this,</mark> we <mark class=”green”>will be</mark> in serious trouble.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If you <mark class=”emp”>come</mark> this way,</mark> the manager <mark class=”green”>will see</mark> you now.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If you <mark class=”emp”>go</mark>,</mark> you <mark class=”green”>must leave</mark> before 8.<br/><br/>
I<mark class=”green”>’ll be</mark> back tomorrow <mark class=”blu”>unless there <mark class=”emp”>is</mark> a plane strike</mark>.<br/><br/>
He<mark class=”green”>’ll accept</mark> the job <mark class=”blu”>unless the salary <mark class=”emp”>is</mark> too low</mark>.<br/><br/>
We <mark class=”green”>will be</mark> in serious trouble <mark class=”blu”>if my mother <mark class=”emp”>knows</mark> about this</mark>.<br/><br/>
We <mark class=”green”>will have to go</mark> without him <mark class=”blu”>if he <mark class=”emp”>is</mark> late</mark>.<hr class=”thin” />
<del>You <mark class=”green”>will learn</mark> where the will <mark class=”emp”>is</mark> located <mark class=”blu”>if I <mark class=”purp”>was</mark> to die</mark>.</del><br/><br/>
You <mark class=”green”>will learn</mark> where the will <mark class=”emp”>is</mark> located <mark class=”blu”>if I <mark class=”purp”>were</mark> to die</mark>.<hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>win</mark> the lottery,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>will buy</mark> a big house.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>get</mark> promoted,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>will throw</mark> a big party.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If my team <mark class=”emp”>wins</mark> the Cup,</mark> I<mark class=”green”>’ll buy</mark> champagne for everybody (<cite><a href=”http://college.cengage.com/english/raimes/digitalkeys/keyshtml/verbs_co.htm” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page”>Cengage Learning</a></cite>).<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>go</mark> to my friend’s house for dinner tonight,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>will take</mark> a bottle of wine or some flowers.<br/><br/>
I <mark class=”green”>will take</mark> a bottle of wine or some flowers <mark class=”blu”>if I <mark class=”emp”>go</mark> to my friend’s house for dinner tonight</mark>.<hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>If the weather <mark class=”emp”>is</mark> nice,</mark> Janis <mark class=”green”>is going</mark> to walk to work.<br/><br/>
Janis <mark class=”green”>is going</mark> to walk to work <mark class=”blu”>if the weather <mark class=”emp”>is</mark> nice</mark>.<hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>If there <mark class=”emp”>is</mark> nothing on TV,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>am going</mark> to read.<br/><br/>
I <mark class=”green”>am going</mark> to read <mark class=”blu”>if there <mark class=”emp”>is</mark> nothing on TV</mark>.<hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>When I <mark class=”emp”>have</mark> a day off work,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>am going</mark> to go to the beach.<br/><br/>
Jerry <mark class=”green”>will help</mark> me with my homework <mark class=”blu”>when he <mark class=”emp”>has</mark> time</mark>.<br/><br/>
I <mark class=”green”>am going</mark> to read <mark class=”blu”>if there <mark class=”emp”>is</mark> nothing on TV</mark>.
<tr><th colspan=”4″><a id=”clauseCondSomeAny”></a>If + [Some-s and Any-s]</th></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Rule:</strong> After <em>if</em>, use:
<ul class=”tbl”><li><em>some</em>, <em>someone</em>, <em>somewhere</em>, etc., OR</li>
<li><em>any</em>, <em>anyone</em>, <em>anywhere</em>, etc.</li></ul></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the simple present</li>
<li><mark class=”green”>White-on-Green</mark> indicates the simple future</li>
<li><mark class=”purp”>Purple</mark> indicates the <em>some</em> / <em>any</em></li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the <em>if</em> (conditional) clause</li></ol></div>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>have</mark> <mark class=”purp”>some</mark> spare time next weekend,</mark> I<mark class=”green”>’ll help</mark> you in the garden.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>have</mark> <mark class=”purp”>any</mark> spare time,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>can fix</mark> that gutter.<br/><br/>
<tr class=”third”><td class=”h3″ colspan=”5″><a id=”sentenceProgCondContinRealFuture”></a>Future Real Conditional Continuous</td></tr>
<tr><td rowspan=”15″ class=”bottom”><p>Return to <a href=”#top”>top</a> or <a href=”#poc”>post contents</a></p></td>
<td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Definition:</strong> Indicates that a longer action in the future — a real interruption or just an interruption in time — will be interrupted by a shorter action in the future:
<ul class=”tbl”>
<li>Specific time can be an interruption</li>
<li>When future continuous is used with two actions in the same sentence, it expresses the idea that these two parallel actions will be happening at the same time</li>
<li>Describe atmosphere at a specific point in the future</li>
There isn’t any real difference in meaning if you use <em>will be</em> or <em>going to be</em>, and the condition/result can swap positions.<br/><br/>
<strong>CAUTION:</strong> There is no future in a <a href=”#condTimeClause” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>time clause</a>. Use <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbProgPresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>present continuous</a> with a time clause which will begin with <em>after</em>, <em>as soon as</em>, <em>before</em>, <em>by the time</em>, <em>if</em>, <em>unless</em>, <em>when</em>, <em>while</em>, etc.<br/><br/>
<table class=”noBorder”>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 40%;”>[will be] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new window in Grammar for Present Participle”><em>-ing</em></a>,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”></td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 30%;”></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”></td>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 40%;”>[am/is/are + going to be] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new window in Grammar for Present Participle”><em>-ing</em></a>,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”></td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 30%;”></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”></td>
<strong><abbr title=”also known as”>A.k.a.</abbr></strong> future real progressive
<tr><td colspan=”2″>I will be talking<br/>you will be talking<br/>s/he/it will be talking<br/>we will be talking<br/>they will be talking</td>
<td colspan=”2″>I am going to be talking<br/>you are going to be talking<br/>s/he/it is going to be talking<br/>we are going to be talking<br/>they are going to be talking</td>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”bold”>Examples:</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the future progressive</li>
</div>You <mark class=”emp”>will be waiting</mark> for her when her plane arrives tonight.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”emp”>Will</mark> you <mark class=”emp”>be calling</mark> Maggie tonight?<br/><br/>
Jon <mark class=”emp”>won’t be going</mark> to Florida next week.<br/><br/>
You <mark class=”emp”>are going to be getting</mark> sleepy if you drink all that tonight.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”emp”>Are</mark> you <mark class=”emp”>going to be writing</mark> your term paper tonight?<br/><br/>
You <mark class=”emp”>are not going to be waiting</mark> for her to call you tonight, are you?
<tr><th colspan=”4″>Interrupted Action in the Future</th></tr>
<tr class=”third”><td colspan=”4″>The interruptions are in simple present and not simple future because3 it is a time clause; future tenses cannot be used in <a href=”#condTimeClause” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>time clauses</a>.</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark>Yellow</mark> indicates interruption in simple present</li>
<li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the <em>will be/going to be</em> + <em>-ing</em> (present participle)</li>
I <mark class=”emp”>will be watching</mark> TV <mark>when she arrives tonight</mark>.<br/><br/>
I <mark class=”emp”>will be waiting</mark> for you <mark>when your bus arrives</mark>.<br/><br/>
I <mark class=”emp”>am going to be staying</mark> at the Madison Hotel, if anything <mark>happens</mark> and you <mark>need</mark> to contact me.<br/><br/>
He <mark class=”emp”>will be studying</mark> at the library tonight, so he will not see Jennifer when she <mark>arrives</mark>.
<tr><th colspan=”4″>Specific Time as an Interruption in the Future</th></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark>Yellow</mark> indicates the specific time interruption</li>
<li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the <em>will be/going to be</em> + <em>-ing</em> (present participle)</li>
<mark>Tonight at 6 p.m.</mark>, I <mark class=”emp”>am going to be eating</mark> dinner.<br/><br/>
<mark>At midnight tonight</mark>, we <mark class=”emp”>will</mark> still <mark class=”emp”>be driving</mark> through the desert.
<tr><th colspan=”4″>Parallel Actions in the Future</th></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Definition:</strong> Both actions are happening at the same time — in the future.</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark>Yellow</mark> indicates a time clause</li>
<li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the <em>will be/going to be</em> + <em>-ing</em> (present participle)</li>
I <mark class=”emp”>am going to be studying</mark> and he <mark class=”emp”>is going to be making</mark> dinner.<br/><br/>
Tonight, they <mark class=”emp”>will be eating</mark> dinner, <mark class=”emp”>discussing</mark> their plans, and <mark class=”emp”>having</mark> a good time.<br/><br/>
<mark>While Ellen is reading</mark>, Tim <mark class=”emp”>will be watching</mark> television.
<tr><th colspan=”4″>Atmosphere in the Future</th></tr>
<tr class=”third”><td colspan=”4″><strong>Definition:</strong> Future real continuous is used to describe the atmosphere; time is implied. Which also means that a <a href=”#condTimeClause” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>time clause</a> is involved.</td>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark>Yellow</mark> indicates the time clause</li>
<li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the <em>will be/going to be</em> + <em>-ing</em> (present participle)</li>
<mark>When I arrive at the party</mark>, everybody <mark class=”emp”>is going to be celebrating</mark>. Some <mark class=”emp”>will be dancing</mark>. Others <mark class=”emp”>are going to be talking</mark>. A few people <mark class=”emp”>will be eating pizza</mark>, and several people <mark class=”emp”>are going to be drinking</mark> beer. They always do the same thing.
<tr class=”third”><td class=”h3″ colspan=”5″><a id=”sentenceProgCondContinRealFuturePerf”></a>Future Perfect Real Conditional Continuous</td></tr>
<tr><td rowspan=”7″ class=”bottom”><p>Return to <a href=”#top”>top</a> or <a href=”#poc”>post contents</a></p></td>
<td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Definition:</strong> Indicates that something will continue up until a particular event or time in the future; it’s also a good way to show cause and effect.<br/><br/>
<strong>Duration:</strong> Use a duration such as <em>for five minutes</em>, <em>for two weeks</em>, and <em>since Friday</em>. While related to <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPerfect” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>present perfect continuous</a> and the <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbProgPluperf” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>past perfect continuous</a>, the duration for <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbProgFuturePerf” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>future perfect continuous</a> stops at or before a reference point in the future.<br/><br/>
There isn’t any real difference in meaning if you use <em>will have been</em> or <em>be going to have been</em>, and the condition/result can swap positions.<br/><br/>
<strong>CAUTION:</strong> There is no future in a <a href=”#condTimeClause” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>time clause</a>. Use <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbProgPresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>present continuous</a> with a time clause which will begin with <em>after</em>, <em>as soon as</em>, <em>before</em>, <em>by the time</em>, <em>if</em>, <em>unless</em>, <em>when</em>, <em>while</em>, etc.<br/><br/>
<table class=”noBorder”>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 40%;”>[will have been] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new window in Grammar for Present Participle”><em>-ing</em></a>,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”></td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 30%;”></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”></td>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 40%;”>[be going to have been] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new window in Grammar for Present Participle”><em>-ing</em></a>,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”></td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 30%;”></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”></td>
<strong><abbr title=”also known as”>A.k.a.</abbr></strong> future perfect real progressive
<tr><td colspan=”2″>I will have been talking<br/>you will have been talking<br/>s/he/it will have been talking<br/>we will have been talking<br/>they will have been talking</td>
<td colspan=”2″>I am going to have been talking<br/>you are going to have been talking<br/>s/he/it is going to have been talking<br/>we are going to have been talking<br/>they are going to have been talking
<tr><th colspan=”4″>Duration Before Something in the Future</th></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Definition:</strong> Describes an event that stops at or before a reference point (using <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple present</a>) in the future; time is implied, which means that a <a href=”#condTimeClause” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>time clause</a> is involved.</td>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark>Yellow</mark> indicates the reference point</li>
<li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the <em>will have been/be going to have been</em> + <em>-ing</em></li>
They <mark class=”emp”>will have been talking</mark> for over an hour by the time Thomas <mark>arrives</mark>.<br/><br/>
She <mark class=”emp”>is going to have been working</mark> at that company for three years when it finally <mark>closes</mark>.<br/><br/>
James <mark class=”emp”>will have been teaching</mark> at the university for more than a year by the time he <mark>leaves</mark> for Asia.<br/><br/>
How long <mark class=”emp”>will</mark> you <mark class=”emp”>have been studying</mark> when you <mark>graduate</mark>?<br/><br/>
We <mark class=”emp”>are going to have been driving</mark> for over three days straight when we <mark>get</mark> to Anchorage.<br/><br/>
When you <mark>finish</mark> your English course, <mark class=”emp”>will</mark> you <mark class=”emp”>have been living</mark> in New Zealand for over a year?
<tr><th colspan=”4″>Cause/Effect of Something in the Future</th></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the <em>will have been/be going to have been</em> + <em>-ing</em></li></ol>
Jason will be tired when he gets home because he <mark class=”emp”>will have been jogging</mark> for over an hour.<br/><br/>
Claudia’s English will be perfect when she returns to Germany because she <mark class=”emp”>is going to have been studying</mark> English in the United States for over two years.
<tr><td class=”h2 hlght” colspan=”5″><a id=”sentenceProgCondUnreal”></a>Unreal Conditional</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”5″ class=”hlght”><strong>Definition:</strong> This is not a tense, but a way of using <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#http://localhost:49307/AUTHOR%20RESOURCES/FREE%20-%20Self%20Editing/grammar/verb.html#verbProgPresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page to the post on verbs”>progressive (continuous) verb tenses</a> to write sentences about imaginary situations in the present, past, and future. It implies that the speaker does not think that the condition will be / is / has been fulfilled, and therefore the main clause is either in doubt or untrue.<br/><br/>
<strong><abbr title=”also known as”>A.k.a.</abbr></strong> rejected condition, hypothetical condition, counterfactual condition, hypothetical statement
<tr class=”third”><td class=”h3″ colspan=”5″><a id=”sentenceProgCondUnrealPresent”></a>Present Unreal Conditional<br/>(Second Conditional)</td></tr>
<tr><td rowspan=”14″ class=”bottom”><p>Return to <a href=”#top”>top</a> or <a href=”#poc”>post contents</a></p></td>
<td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Definition:</strong> Describes two different situations that talk about impossible situations:
<ol class=”tbl”>
<li>A particular imaginary condition, fantasy, or dream in the future is much more unlikely to happen</li>
<li>Something in the present is impossible because it’s not true or is hypothetical</li>
<strong><abbr title=”also known as”>A.k.a.</abbr></strong> simple conditional, conditional progressive<br/><br/>
The <em>if</em> (conditional) clause may be implied.<br/><br/>
<strong>Rule:</strong> Present tense, although it’s also future tense. Except, that we are talking about the present, <em>now</em>.<br/><br/>
<strong>Rule:</strong> Only uses:
<ul class=”tbl”><li><em>if</em></li>
<li><em>were</em>, never use <em>was</em></li></ul>
There are also rules on the <a href=”#clauseCondSubjMood” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Subjunctive Mood</a> and using <a href=”#clauseCond2IfSome” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”><em>some</em> or <em>any</em></a> in an <em>if</em> clause.<br/><br/>
<table class=”noBorder” style=”width: 85%;”>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 30%;”>if + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPast” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple past</a>,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”>+</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 30%;”><a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbModal” title=”Any modal verb can be used; opens a new page on verbs”>would</a> + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-infinitive/” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page”>infinitive</a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbModal” title=”Any modal verb can be used; opens a new page on verbs”>would</a> + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-infinitive/” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page”>infinitive</a></td>
<td class=”center”>+</td>
<td class=”center”>if + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPast” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple past</a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<strong><abbr title=”also known as”>A.k.a.</abbr></strong> present unreal, present contrary-to-fact, second conditional, conditional unreal present, conditions of speculation about present or future time, conditional II
<tr><td colspan=”4″>I talked + would<br/>you talked + would<br/>s/he/it talked + would<br/>we talked + would<br/>they talked + would
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”bold”>Examples:</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the simple past</li>
<li><mark class=”purp”>Purple</mark> indicates the <del>was</del> were (see the <a href=”#wasWere” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>was/were</a> rule; it’s also simple past)</li>
<li><mark class=”green”>White-on-Green</mark> indicates the <em>would</em> + infinitive</li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the imaginary situation</li>
<li><em>Italics</em> indicate an explanation of the above sentence</li>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>owned</mark> a car,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>would drive</mark> to work.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If they <mark class=”emp”>worked</mark> harder,</mark> they <mark class=”green”>would earn</mark> more money.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If you <mark class=”emp”>moved</mark> to the U.S.,</mark> where <mark class=”green”>would</mark> you <mark class=”green”>live</mark>?<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If he <mark class=”purp”>were</mark> French,</mark> he <mark class=”green”>would live</mark> in Paris.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If she <mark class=”purp”>were</mark> rich,</mark> she <mark class=”green”>would buy</mark> a yacht.<br/><br/>
She <mark class=”green”>would travel</mark> around the world <mark class=”blu”>if she <mark class=”emp”>had</mark> more money</mark>.<br/><br/>
Mary <mark class=”green”>would move</mark> to Japan <mark class=”blu”>if she <mark class=”emp”>spoke</mark> Japanese</mark>.<br/><br/>
What <mark class=”green”>would</mark> you <mark class=”green”>do</mark> <mark class=”blu”>if you <mark class=”emp”>won</mark> the lottery</mark>?<br/><br/>
I <mark class=”green”>would play</mark> basketball <mark class=”blu”>if I <mark class=”purp”>were</mark> taller</mark>.<br/><br/>
I <mark class=”green”>would buy</mark> that computer <mark class=”blu”>if it <mark class=”purp”>were</mark> cheaper</mark>.<br/><br/>
I <mark class=”green”>would take</mark> a trip to India <mark class=”blu”>if it <mark class=”purp”>were</mark> affordable</mark>.
<p class=”italics”>I can’t afford it.</p>
<hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”green”>were</mark> rich,</mark> I<mark class=”purp”> would travel</mark> the world.
<p class=”italics”>I don’t have the money.</p>
<tr><th colspan=”4″><a id=”sentenceProgCondModal”></a>Conditional with Modal Verbs</th></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Rule:</strong> <em>Would</em> cannot be used with certain modal verbs as they already include a conditional implication — <em>can</em>, <em>may</em>, <em>ought to</em>, or <em>shall</em> — so the two forms are combined for all but <em>ought to</em>.</td>
<tr><td colspan=”4″>
<ul class=”tbl nb”>
<li><abbr title=”modal verb”>would</abbr> + can = <abbr title=”modal verb”>could</abbr></li>
<li><abbr title=”modal verb”>would</abbr> + may = <abbr title=”modal verb”>might</abbr></li>
<li><abbr title=”modal verb”>would</abbr> + shall = <abbr title=”modal verb”>should</abbr></li>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the simple past</li>
<li><mark class=”green”>White-on-Green</mark> indicates the <abbr title=”all are modal verbs”><em>could / might / should</em></abbr> + infinitive</li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the imaginary situation</li>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>went</mark> to Egypt,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>could learn</mark> Arabic.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If she <mark class=”emp”>had</mark> time,</mark> she <mark class=”green”>might go</mark> to the party.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>had</mark> more time,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>could exercise</mark> after work.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If he <mark class=”emp”>invited</mark> you,</mark> you really <mark class=”green”>should go</mark>.
<tr><th colspan=”4″><a id=”clauseCondSubjMood”></a>Subjunctive Mood</th></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Rule:</strong> Describes a two-part situation that discusses speculative conditions about the present and future using <em>were</em> instead of <em>was</em>, creating a subjunctive mood (<cite><a href=”http://college.cengage.com/english/raimes/digitalkeys/keyshtml/verbs_co.htm” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page”>Cengage Learning</a></cite>).<br/><br/>
The form, <em>if I were you</em>, is frequently used as a prelude to giving advice.<br/><br/>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the future used in the result</li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the <em>if</em> subjunctive present clause</li>
<li><mark class=”purp”>Purple</mark> indicates the <del>was</del> were (see the <a href=”#wasWere” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>was/were</a> rule)</li>
<del>If I was a rich man, you would love me.</del><br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”purp”>were</mark> a rich man,</mark> you <mark class=”emp”>would love</mark> me.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”purp”>were</mark> you,</mark> I <mark class=”emp”>would move</mark> to Australia.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”purp”>were</mark> an Alaskan,</mark> I <mark class=”emp”>would probably choose</mark> to live in Florida.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If my aunt <mark class=”purp”>were</mark> sixty-five,</mark> she <mark class=”emp”>could get</mark> a discount air fare.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”purp”>were</mark> you,</mark> I <mark class=”emp”>wouldn’t go</mark> out with that man.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”purp”>were</mark> you,</mark> I <mark class=”emp”>would look</mark> for a new place to live.<br/><br/>
<tr><th colspan=”4″><a id=”clauseCond2IfSome”></a>If + [<em>Some-s</em> and <em>Any-s</em>]</th></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Rule:</strong> After <em>if</em>, use:
<ul class=”tbl”><li><em>some</em>, <em>someone</em>, <em>somewhere</em>, etc., OR</li>
<li><em>any</em>, <em>anyone</em>, <em>anywhere</em>, etc.</li></ul></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the simple past</li>
<li><mark class=”green”>White-on-Green</mark> indicates the future</li>
<li><mark class=”purp”>Purple</mark> indicates the <em>some</em> / <em>any</em></li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the <em>if</em> clause</li>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>have</mark> <mark class=”purp”>some</mark> spare time next weekend,</mark> I<mark class=”green”>’ll help</mark> you in the garden.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>have</mark> <mark class=”purp”>any</mark> spare time,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>can fix</mark> that gutter.
<tr class=”third”><td class=”h3″ colspan=”5″><a id=”sentenceProgCondContinUnrealPresent”></a>Present Unreal Continuous</td></tr>
<tr><td rowspan=”4″ class=”bottom”><p>Return to <a href=”#top”>top</a> or <a href=”#poc”>post contents</a></p></td>
<td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Definition:</strong> Expresses an unfinished or continuing action or situation, which is the probable result of an unreal condition.<br/><br/>
<table class=”noBorder”>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 40%;”>if + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPast” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple past</a>,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”>+</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 30%;”>[would be] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new window in Grammar for Present Participle”><em>-ing</em></a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<strong><abbr title=”also known as”>A.k.a.</abbr></strong> present unreal progressive
<tr><td colspan=”4″>I was + should be talking<br/>you were + could be talking<br/>s/he/it was + might be talking<br/>we were + would be talking<br/>they were + shouldn’t be talking</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”bold”>Examples:</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the simple past</li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the <em>if</em> clause (the condition)</li>
<li><mark class=”green”>White-on-Green</mark> indicates the <em>would be</em> + <em>-ing</em> (present participle; the result)</li>
<mark class=”blu”>If it <mark class=”emp”>was</mark> after 10,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>should be sewing</mark> by then.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If Helen <mark class=”emp”>were</mark> in Italy,</mark> she <mark class=”green”>would be writing</mark> her Italian section.<br/><br/>
You <mark class=”green”>wouldn’t be smiling</mark> <mark class=”blu”>if you <mark class=”emp”>knew</mark> the truth</mark>.
<tr class=”third”><td class=”h3″ colspan=”5″><a id=”sentenceProgCondUnrealPresPerf” style=”width:20%”></a>Present Perfect Unreal Continuous</td></tr>
<tr><td rowspan=”6″ class=”bottom”><p>Return to <a href=”#top”>top</a> or <a href=”#poc”>post contents</a></p></td>
<td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Definition:</strong> Describes an unspecified time between <em>before now</em> and <em>now</em>, something that started but has not finished in that period of time, nor is it likely to have happened. It could be a fantasy or dream.<br/><br/>
<table class=”noBorder” style=”width: 85%;”>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 40%;”>[<abbr title=”helping or auxiliary verb”>has / have</abbr> + been] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new window in Grammar for Present Participle”><em>-ing</em></a>,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”> <span style=”font-size:1.5em”>→</span></td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 30%;”></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the past action)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the present situation)</small></td>
<tr><td colspan=”3″ class=”bold third”><small>Using Stative Verbs</small></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”3″ class=”center” style=”width: 40%;”>[<abbr title=”helping or auxiliary verb”>has / have</abbr>] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePast” title=”Opens an entry on past participles on the post on participles” target=”_blank”><em>-ed</em></a></td>
<tr><td colspan=”3″ class=”center”><small>(the past action)</small></td>
<strong><abbr title=”also known as”>A.k.a.</abbr></strong> present perfect unreal progressive
<tr><td colspan=”2″>I have been talking<br/>you have been talking<br/>s/he/it has been talking<br/>we have been talking<br/>they have been talking</td>
<td colspan=”2″>I have talked<br/>you have talked<br/>s/he/it has talked<br/>we have talked<br/>they have talked</td>
<tr><th colspan=”4″ class=”third”>Actions That Started in the Past and Continue in the Present</th></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the [<em>has / have</em>] + <em>-ing</em> (present participle)</li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the past action</li>
<li><mark class=”purp”>Purple</mark> indicates the present situation</li>
<mark class=”blu”>She <mark class=”emp”>has been waiting</mark> for you all day,</mark> and <mark class=”purp”>she’s still waiting now</mark>.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>I<mark class=”emp”>’ve been working</mark> on this report since eight o’clock this morning,</mark> and <mark class=”purp”>I still haven’t finished it</mark>.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>They <mark class=”emp”>have been traveling</mark> since last October,</mark> and <mark class=”purp”>they’re not home yet</mark>.
<tr><th colspan=”4″ class=”third”>Actions That Have Just Finished, But We Are Interested in the Results</th>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the <em>has/have</em> (auxiliary verb) + <em>-ing</em> (present participle)</li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the past action</li>
<li><mark class=”purp”>Purple</mark> indicates the result</li>
<mark class=”blu”>She <mark class=”emp”>has been cooking</mark> since last night,</mark> and <mark class=”purp”>the food on the table looks delicious</mark>.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>It<mark class=”emp”>’s been raining</mark>,</mark> and <mark class=”purp”>the streets are still wet</mark>.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>Someone<mark class=”emp”>’s been eating</mark> my chips,</mark> and <mark class=”purp”>half of them are gone</mark>.
<tr><td colspan=”5″ class=”h2 hlght”>PAST – UNREAL</td></tr>
<tr class=”third”><td class=”h3″ colspan=”5″><a id=”sentenceProgCondUnrealPast”></a>Past Unreal Conditional</td></tr>
<tr><td rowspan=”14″ class=”bottom”><p>Return to <a href=”#top”>top</a> or <a href=”#poc”>post contents</a></p></td>
<td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Definition:</strong> Describes a two-part situation that could have happened in the past, but didn’t.<br/><br/>
<strong>Rule:</strong> Only uses <em>if</em>.<br/><br/>
<strong>Form 1:</strong>
<table class=”noBorder”>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 35%;”>if + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPluperf” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>past perfect</a>,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”>+</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 63%;”>[<a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbModal” title=”Any modal verb can be used; this link jumps to an entry on this page”>would</a> + <abbr title=”modal verb”>have</abbr>] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePast” title=”Opens a new page on past participles” target=”_blank”><em>-ed</em></a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
There are three more forms, each with its own rule; see <a href=”#clause3rdCondInformal” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Spoken, Informal Form 4</a> and <a href=”#clause3rdCond5″ title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Form 5</a> for their rules on the <abbr title=”independent clause”>result clause</abbr> when it uses <em>would</em>, <em>could</em>, <em>might</em>, <em>ought to</em>, or <em>should</em> (see <a href=”#sentenceProgCondModal” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Conditional Modal Verbs</a>).<br/><br/>
<strong><abbr title=”also known as”>A.k.a.</abbr></strong> third conditional, type 3 conditional, conditional not possible present, conditions of speculation about the past, conditional III, unfulfilled hypothesis statement clause
<tr><td colspan=”4″>I had talked + would have walked<br/>you had talked + would have walked<br/>s/he/it had talked + would have walked<br/>we had talked + would have walked<br/>they had talked + would have walked</td>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”bold”>Examples:</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the past perfect</li>
<li><mark class=”green”>White-on-Green</mark> indicates the <em>would/could/might</em> + <em>-ed</em> (past participle; see <a href=”#sentenceProgCondModal” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>conditional modal verbs</a>)</li>
<li><mark class=”purp”>Purple</mark> indicates the subject</li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the <em>if</em> clause</li>
<li><em>Italics</em> indicate an explanation of the above sentence</li>
<mark class=”blu”>If you <mark class=”emp”>had warned</mark> me,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>would not have told</mark> your father about that party.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>had won</mark> the lottery,</mark> I<mark class=”green”>’d have been</mark> in the Riviera now.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If she <mark class=”emp”>had studied</mark>,</mark> she <mark class=”green”>would have passed</mark>.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If we <mark class=”emp”>had taken</mark> the taxi,</mark> we <mark class=”green”>wouldn’t have missed</mark> the plane.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If she <mark class=”emp”>had concentrated</mark> on one media,</mark> she <mark class=”green”>would have succeeded</mark>.<hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>If you <mark class=”emp”>had eaten</mark> too much,</mark> you<mark class=”green”>’d have got</mark> fatter.<br/><br/>
You<mark class=”green”>’d have got</mark> fatter <mark class=”blu”>if you<mark class=”emp”>’d eaten</mark> too much</mark>.<hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>If everyone <mark class=”emp”>had worked</mark> fast,</mark> we<mark class=”green”>’d have finished</mark> in time.
<p class=”italics”>But we didn’t.</p><hr class=”thin” />
We <mark class=”green”>wouldn’t have finished</mark> in time <mark class=”blu”>unless everyone <mark class=”emp”>had worked</mark> fast</mark>.
<p class=”italics”>But we did.</p><hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>had gone</mark> to London,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>could have visited</mark> the British Museum.
<p class=”italics”>But I didn’t.</p><hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>If you <mark class=”emp”>had visited</mark> Scotland,</mark> you <mark class=”green”>could have visited</mark> Edinburgh Castle.
<p class=”italics”>But you didn’t.</p><hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>Unless we<mark class=”emp”>’d been</mark> very confident of success,</mark> we <mark class=”green”>wouldn’t have</mark> even <mark class=”green”>tried</mark>.
<p class=”italics”>But we were confident, we did try, and we succeeded.</p>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Form 2: Omitting the <em>If</em></strong><br/><br/>
<strong>Rule:</strong> Implies the <em>if</em>.
<table class=”noBorder” style=”width:100%”>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width:39%”><a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbAuxiliary” title=”Opens a new page” target=”_blank”>auxiliary verb</a> + subject,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width:2%”>+</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width:59%”>[would + have] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePast” title=”Opens an entry on past participles on the post on past participles” target=”_blank”><em>-ed</em></a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><mark class=”blu”> <mark class=”emp”>Had</mark> <mark class=”purp”>I</mark> <mark class=”emp”>known</mark>, </mark>I<mark class=”green”>’d never have gone</mark> there.
<p>Implies: <span class=”italics”>I did go there because I did not know.</span></p>
<p class=”italics”>If I had known, I’d never have gone there.</p>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Form 3:</strong><br/><br/>
<strong>Rule:</strong> When describing a condition that speculates about the past in relation to the effect on the present, some blending of conditional meaning and tenses can occur (<cite><a href=”http://college.cengage.com/english/raimes/digitalkeys/keyshtml/verbs_co.htm” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page”>Cengage Learning</a></cite>).
<table class=”noBorder”>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 22%;”>if + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPluperf” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>past perfect</a>,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”>+</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width:50%;”><abbr title=”modal verb”>would</abbr> + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple present</a> (see <a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealPresent” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>present unreal conditional</a>)</td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the past perfect</li>
<li><mark class=”green”>White-on-Green</mark> indicates the <em>would</em> + simple present</li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the <em>if</em> clause</li>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>had bought</mark> a new car instead of this old wreck,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>would feel</mark> a lot safer today.</td>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><a id=”clause3rdCondInformal”></a><strong>Spoken, Informal Form 4:</strong><br/><br/>
<strong>Rule:</strong> Spoken and informal English frequently uses <em>would</em> in the conditional clause, even though, technically, <em>would</em> should only be used in the <em>if</em> clause (<cite><a href=”http://college.cengage.com/english/raimes/digitalkeys/keyshtml/verbs_co.htm” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page”>Cengage Learning</a></cite>).
<table class=”noBorder” style=”width: 85%;”>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 40%;”>if + <abbr title=”modal verb”>would</abbr> + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple present</a> / <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPast” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple past</a>],</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”>+</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 30%;”>[<abbr title=”modal verbs”>could / would / should / might</abbr>] + [any tense]</td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”green”>Green-on-White</mark> indicates the informal use of <em>would</em></li>
<li><mark class=”green”>White-on-Green</mark> indicates the traditional modal use</li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the <em>if</em> clause</li>
<li><mark class=”gray”>Gray</mark> indicates the properly written conditional</li></ol></div>
<mark class=”blu”>If the fish fry committee <mark class=”green”>would show</mark> more initiative,</mark> people <mark class=”green”>might attend</mark> their events more regularly.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”gray”>If the fish fry committee showed more initiative, people might attend their events more regularly.</mark><br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”green”>would have heard</mark> him say that,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>would have been</mark> angry.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”gray”>If I had heard him say that, I would have been angry.</mark>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><a id=”clause3rdCond5″></a><strong>Form 5:</strong><br/><br/>
<strong>Rule:</strong> Describes a situation that is contrary to fact with the conditional clause understood. It uses <em>would / could / might</em> in the <abbr title=”independent clause”><em>result</em> clause</abbr> when no conditional clause is present (<cite><a href=”http://college.cengage.com/english/raimes/digitalkeys/keyshtml/verbs_co.htm” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page”>Cengage Learning</a></cite>).
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the past perfect</li>
<li><mark class=”green”>White-on-Green</mark> indicates the <em>would have</em> + <em>-ed</em> (past participle)</li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the imaginary situation</li>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>had owned</mark> a car,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>would have driven</mark> to work.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If she <mark class=”emp”>had</mark> more money,</mark> she <mark class=”green”>would have traveled</mark> around the world.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If Jack <mark class=”emp”>had worked</mark> harder,</mark> he <mark class=”green”>would have earned</mark> more money.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If Mary <mark class=”emp”>had studied</mark> Japanese,</mark> she <mark class=”green”>would have gotten</mark> the job in Japan.<br/><br/>
I <mark class=”green”>would have driven</mark> to work <mark class=”blu”>if I <mark class=”emp”>had owned</mark> a car</mark>.<br/><br/>
She <mark class=”green”>would have traveled</mark> around the world <mark class=”blu”>if she <mark class=”emp”>had</mark> more money</mark>.<br/><br/>
Jack <mark class=”green”>would have earned</mark> more money <mark class=”blu”>if he <mark class=”emp”>had worked</mark> harder</mark>.<br/><br/>
Mary <mark class=”green”>would have gotten</mark> the job in Japan <mark class=”blu”>if she <mark class=”emp”>had studied</mark> Japanese</mark>.<br/><br/>
<tr><th colspan=”4″>Conditional with Modal Verbs</th></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the past perfect</li>
<li><mark class=”green”>White-on-Green</mark> indicates the <em>could/might/should have</em> + <em>-ed</em> (past participle; see <a href=”#sentenceProgCondModal” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>conditional modal verbs</a>)</li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the imaginary situation</li>
<li><em>Italics</em> indicate an explanation of the above sentence</li>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>had gone</mark> to Egypt,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>could have learned</mark> Arabic.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If she <mark class=”emp”>had had</mark> time,</mark> she <mark class=”green”>might have gone</mark> to the party.
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>had had</mark> time,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>would have studied</mark> English.
<p class=”italics”>I didn’t have time.</p>
<tr class=”third”><td class=”h3″ colspan=”5″><a id=”sentenceProgCondContinUnrealPast”></a>Past Unreal Continuous</td></tr>
<tr><td rowspan=”8″ class=”bottom”><p>Return to <a href=”#top”>top</a> or <a href=”#poc”>post contents</a></p></td>
<td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Definition:</strong> It describes imaginary situations happening at a very specific time in the past or over a period of time in the past, including:
<ol><li>Describes imaginary situations to emphasize interruptions or parallel actions in the past</li>
<li>Emphasizes a duration of time in imaginary situations and used like <a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealPresPerf” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>present perfect unreal continuous</a> or <a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealPastPerf” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>past perfect unreal continuous</a></li></ol>
<table class=”noBorder” style=”width: 85%;”>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 30%;”>if + [<abbr title=”modal verb”>had</abbr> been] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new window in Grammar for Present Participle”><em>-ing</em></a>,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”>+</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 40%;”>[<abbr title=”modal verb”>would have</abbr> been] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new window in Grammar for Present Participle”><em>-ing</em></a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<tr><td colspan=”4″>
I would have been talking<br/>you would have been talking<br/>s/he/it would have been talking<br/>we would have been talking<br/>they would have been talking</td>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”bold”>Examples:</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the <em>had been</em> + <em>-ing</em> (present participle)</li><li><mark class=”green”>White-on-Green</mark> indicates the <em>would have been</em> + <em>-ing</em></li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the imaginary situation</li>
<li><em>Italics</em> indicate an explanation of the above sentence</li>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>had been talking</mark> to him when he said that,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>would have been punching</mark> him in the face.
<p class=”italics”>But I wasn’t talking to him when he said that.</p><hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>If he <mark class=”emp”>had been writing</mark> that book all that time,</mark> he <mark class=”green”>would have been publishing</mark> it by now.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If he <mark class=”emp”>had been studying</mark> the language that long,</mark> I think he <mark class=”green”>would have been interpreting</mark> for us at the airport.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If you <mark class=”emp”>had gone</mark> to his house last night,</mark> he <mark class=”green”>would have been sitting</mark> on his couch in front of the TV.
<p class=”italics”>But you didn’t go to his house, so you didn’t see what he was doing.</p><hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>If she <mark class=”emp”>had missed</mark> her train,</mark> he <mark class=”green”>would have been waiting</mark> for her at the station for hours.
<p class=”italics”>Luckily, she caught her train and he didn’t have to wait.</p>
<tr><th colspan=”4″>Emphasizes Interruptions, Parallel Actions</th></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><mark class=”blu”>If James <mark class=”emp”>had been crossing</mark> the street when the car ran the red light,</mark> it <mark class=”green”>would have hit</mark> him.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If Tom <mark class=”emp”>had been studying</mark> while Becky was making dinner,</mark> he <mark class=”green”>would have finished</mark> his homework early and they could have gone to the movie.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If James <mark class=”emp”>hadn’t stopped</mark> to tie his shoe,</mark> he <mark class=”green”>would have been crossing</mark> the street when the car ran the red light.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If you <mark class=”emp”>had gone</mark> to their house last night,</mark> Bob <mark class=”green”>would have been reading</mark> the newspaper, Nancy <mark class=”green”>would have been talking</mark> on the phone, and the kids <mark class=”green”>would have been watching</mark> TV.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If he <mark class=”emp”>had been standing</mark> near the house when the wall collapsed,</mark> it <mark class=”green”>would have killed</mark> him.
<p class=”italics”>Luckily, he moved away before the wall fell.</p>
<tr><th colspan=”4″>Emphasizes a Duration of Time</th></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″>Scott said he <mark class=”emp”>had been studying</mark> Greek for more than five years. <mark class=”blu”>If he <mark class=”emp”>had been studying</mark> the language that long,</mark> I think he <mark class=”green”>would have been able to interpret</mark> for us at the airport.<br/><br/>
Sarah claimed she <mark class=”emp”>had been waiting</mark> in the rain for more than twenty minutes by the time we arrived, but she wasn’t even wet. <mark class=”blu”>If she <mark class=”emp”>had been waiting</mark> that long,</mark> I think she <mark class=”green”>would have been totally drenched</mark> by the time we arrived.<br/><br/>
Terry’s plane arrived ahead of schedule. <mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>hadn’t decided</mark> to go to the airport early,</mark> she <mark class=”green”>would have been waiting</mark> there for more than twenty minutes before I arrived.<br/><br/>
At the travel agency yesterday, I waited for more than an hour for somebody to help me. Finally, I got up and left. <mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>hadn’t decided</mark> to leave,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>would have been sitting</mark> there forever.
<tr class=”third”><td class=”h3″ colspan=”5″><a id=”sentenceProgCondUnrealPastPerf”></a>Past Perfect Unreal Conditional</td></tr>
<tr><td rowspan=”4″ class=”bottom”><p>Return to <a href=”#top”>top</a> or <a href=”#poc”>post contents</a></p></td>
<td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Definition:</strong> Combines the conditional mood with <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs/#verbAspectPerfect”>perfect aspect</a> and describes something that might have happened in the past but did not.<br/><br/>
Mostly used in <a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealPresent” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>third conditional</a> and sometimes <a href=”#condClassMixed” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>mixed conditional</a> sentences.<br/><br/>
You can reverse the forms from condition/result to result/condition.<br/><br/>
<table class=”noBorder” style=”width: 85%;”>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 48%;”><a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPast” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple past</a> / <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPluperf” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>past perfect</a>,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”>+</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 48%;”>[<abbr title=”modal verb”>would</abbr> have] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePast” title=”Opens an entry on past participles on the post on participles” target=”_blank”><em>-ed</em></a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<strong><abbr title=”also known as”>A.k.a.</abbr></strong> conditional perfect
<tr><td colspan=”4″>I had talked + would have listened<br/>you had talked + would have listened<br/>s/he/it had talked + would have listened<br/>we had talked + would have listened<br/>they had talked + would have listened</td>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”bold”>Examples:</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the <del>was</del> were (see the <a href=”#wasWere” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>was/were</a> rule; it’s also simple past)</li>
<li><mark class=”green”>White-on-Green</mark> indicates the past perfect</li>
<li><mark class=”purp”>Purple</mark> indicates the <em>would have</em> + <em>-ed</em></li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the imaginary situation</li>
<li><em>Italics</em> indicate an explanation of the above sentence</li>
I <mark class=”purp”>would have cooked</mark> dinner <mark class=”blu”>if you <mark class=”green”>had come</mark> home</mark>.<br/><br/>
You <mark class=”purp”>would have gotten</mark> farther <mark class=”blu”>if you <mark class=”green”>had studied</mark> harder</mark>.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If we <mark class=”green”>had decided</mark> sooner,</mark> we <mark class=”purp”>would have married</mark> earlier.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>were</mark> a woman,</mark> I still <mark class=”purp”>would have participated</mark> in the pissing contest.
<tr><td colspan=”5″ class=”h2 hlght”>FUTURE – UNREAL</td></tr>
<tr class=”third”><td class=”h3″ colspan=”5″><a id=”sentenceProgCondUnrealFuture”></a>Future Unreal Conditional</td></tr>
<tr><td rowspan=”14″ class=”bottom”><p>Return to <a href=”#top”>top</a> or <a href=”#poc”>post contents</a></p></td>
<td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Definition:</strong> Talks about imaginary situations in the future to emphasize that the conditional form is in the future rather than the present.<br/><br/>This form can be used in the <em>if</em> clause, the result, or in both parts of the sentence.<br/><br/>Use it when:
<ol><li>A speaker needs to emphasize that something is impossible</li>
<li>In cases of reported speech</li>
<li>Sometimes the <em>if</em> can be omitted if the <em>condition</em> and <em>result</em> are reversed [<a href=”#futureUnreal4″ title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Form 4</a>]</li>
This looks the same as <a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealPresent” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Present Unreal Conditional</a>.<br/><br/>
<strong><abbr title=”also known as”>A.k.a.</abbr></strong> open hypothetical conditional statement
<tr><td colspan=”4″>I walked + would talk<br/>you walked + would talk<br/>s/he/it walked + would talk<br/>we walked + would talk<br/>they walked + would talk</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Form 1:</strong>
<table class=”noBorder” style=”width: 100%;”>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 40%;”>if + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPast” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple past</a>,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”>+</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 30%;”><abbr title=”modal verb”>would</abbr> + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-infinitive/” title=”Opens a new page on Infinitive” target=”_blank”>infinitive</a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><abbr title=”modal verb”>would</abbr> + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-infinitive/” title=”Opens a new page on Infinitive” target=”_blank”>infinitive</a></td>
<td class=”center”>+</td>
<td class=”center”>if + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPast” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple past</a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the simple past</li>
<li><mark class=”green”>White-on-Green</mark> indicates the <em>would</em> + infinitive</li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the imaginary situation</li>
<li><em>Italics</em> indicate an explanation of the above sentence</li>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>went</mark> to my friend’s house for dinner tonight,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>would take</mark> a bottle of wine or some flowers.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>had</mark> time,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>would come</mark> to your party.
<p class=”italics”>I can’t come.</p>
<hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>If Jerry <mark class=”emp”>didn’t</mark> have to work,</mark> he <mark class=”green”>would help</mark> me with my homework tomorrow.<br/><br/>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Form 2:</strong>
<table class=”noBorder” style=”width: 100%;”>
<tr><td class=”center”>if + [were + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new window in Grammar for Present Participle”><em>-ing</em></a>],</td>
<td class=”center”>+</td>
<td class=”center”>[would be] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new window in Grammar for Present Participle”><em>-ing</em></a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<tr><td class=”center”>[would be] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new window in Grammar for Present Participle”><em>-ing</em></a></td>
<td class=”center”>+</td>
<td class=”center”>if + [were + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new window in Grammar for Present Participle”><em>-ing</em></a>]</td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the <em>were</em> + <em>-ing</em> (present participle)</li>
<li><mark class=”green”>White-on-Green</mark> indicates the <em>would be</em> + <em>-ing</em></li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the imaginary situation</li>
<li><em>Italics</em> explain the sentence above it</li>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>were going</mark> to Fiji next week,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>would be taking</mark> my scuba diving gear.
<p class=”italics”>I am not going to Fiji next week, so I won’t be taking my diving gear with me.</p><hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>were not visiting my grandmother tomorrow,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>would be helping</mark> you study.<br/><br/></mark>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>had</mark> time,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>would be coming</mark> to your party.
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Form 3:</strong>
<table class=”noBorder” style=”width: 100%;”>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 48%;”>if + [were going to] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-infinitive/” title=”Opens a new page on Infinitive” target=”_blank”>infinitive</a>,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”>+</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 48%;”>[would be] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new window in Grammar for Present Participle”><em>-ing</em></a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<tr><td class=”center”>[would be] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new window in Grammar for Present Participle”><em>-ing</em></a></td>
<td class=”center”>+</td>
<td class=”center”>if + [were going to] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-infinitive/” title=”Opens a new page on Infinitive” target=”_blank”>infinitive</a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the <em>were going to</em> + infinitive</li>
<li><mark class=”green”>White-on-Green</mark> indicates the <em>would be</em> + <em>-ing</em> (present participle)</li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the imaginary situation</li>
<li><em>Italics</em> indicate an explanation of the above sentence</li>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>were going to go</mark> to Fiji next week,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>would be taking</mark> my scuba diving gear with me.
<p class=”italics”>I am not going to Fiji next week, so I won’t be taking my diving gear with me.</p><hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>were not going</mark> to visit my grandmother tomorrow,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>would be helping</mark> you study.<br/><br/>
I <mark class=”green”>would be helping</mark> you study <mark class=”blu”>if I <mark class=”emp”>were not going</mark> to visit my grandmother tomorrow</mark>.
<hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>had</mark> time,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>would study</mark> English.
<p class=”italics”>I won’t have time.</p>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><a id=”futureUnreal4″></a><strong>Form 4</strong><br/><br/>
<strong>Rule:</strong> Omitting the <em>if</em>.
<table class=”noBorder” style=”width: 100%;”>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 58%;”>[be / do / have (<a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbAuxiliary” title=”Opens a new page” target=”_blank”>auxiliary verb</a>)] + subject,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”>+</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 38%;”>[would have] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePast” title=”Opens an entry on past participles on the post on participles” target=”_blank”><em>-ed</em></a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the simple past</li>
<li><mark class=”green”>White-on-Green</mark> indicates the [<abbr title=”All are modal verbs”><em>would/could/might/should</em></abbr>] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-infinitive/” title=”Opens a new page on Infinitive” target=”_blank”>infinitive</a> (see <a href=”#sentenceProgCondModal” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>conditional modal verbs</a>)</li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the imaginary situation</li>
<li><em>Italics</em> indicate an explanation of the above sentence</li>
<mark class=”blu”> <mark class=”emp”>Were</mark> the <mark class=”green”>virus</mark> to reappear,</mark> hospitals <mark class=”green”>would</mark> now <mark class=”green”>be</mark> ready for it.
<p class=”italics”>If the virus reappeared, hospitals would now be ready for it.</p>
<p class=”center”>or</p>
<p class=”italics”>If the virus were to reappear, hospitals would now be ready for it.</p>
<tr><th colspan=”4″>Conditional with Modal Verbs</th></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the simple past</li>
<li><mark class=”green”>White-on-Green</mark> indicates the [<abbr title=”All are modal verbs”><em>would/could/might/should</em></abbr>] + infinitive (see <a href=”#sentenceProgCondModal” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>conditional modal verbs</a>)</li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the imaginary situation</li>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>went</mark> to Egypt next year,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>could learn</mark> Arabic.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>didn’t</mark> have to work tonight,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>could go</mark> to the fitness center.
<tr><th colspan=”4″>Reported Speech</th></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the simple past</li>
<li><mark class=”green”>White-on-Green</mark> indicates the [<abbr title=”All are modal verbs”><em>would/could/might/should</em></abbr>] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-infinitive/” title=”Opens a new page on Infinitive” target=”_blank”>infinitive</a> (see <a href=”#sentenceProgCondModal” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>conditional modal verbs</a>)</li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the imaginary situation</li>
My professor told me I<mark class=”green”>’d do</mark> much better <mark class=”blu”>if I <mark class=”emp”>worked</mark> harder</mark>.<br/><br/>
The magistrate informed him that he<mark class=”green”>’d go</mark> to prison <mark class=”blu”>unless he <mark class=”emp”>stopped</mark> stealing</mark>.<br/><br/>
The newspaper reported that <mark class=”blu”>unless the directors <mark class=”emp”>could</mark> increase sales,</mark> they<mark class=”green”>’d have</mark> to close the shop.
<tr class=”third”><td class=”h3″ colspan=”5″><a id=”sentenceProgCondContinUnrealFuture”></a>Future Unreal Continuous</td></tr>
<tr><td rowspan=”4″ class=”bottom”><p>Return to <a href=”#top”>top</a> or <a href=”#poc”>post contents</a></p></td>
<td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Definition:</strong> While it looks the same as the <a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealPresent” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>present unreal continuous conditional</a>, the future is indicated with words such as <em>tomorrow</em>, <em>next week</em>, <em>in a couple of days</em>, etc., and includes:
<ol><li>Describes imaginary situations to emphasize interruptions or parallel actions in the past</li>
<li>Emphasizes a duration of time in imaginary situations and used like <a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealPresPerf” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>present perfect unreal continuous</a> or <a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealPastPerf” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>past perfect unreal continuous</a></li></ol>
<table style=”width: 85%;” class=”noBorder”>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 48%;”>if + [were + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new window in Grammar for Present Participle”><em>-ing</em></a>],</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”>+</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 48%;”>[<abbr title=”modal verb”>would</abbr> be] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new window in Grammar for Present Participle”><em>-ing</em></a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<tr><td colspan=”4″>If I were talking + would be listening<br/>If you were talking + would be listening<br/>If s/he/it were talking + would be listening<br/>If we were talking + would be listening<br/>If they were talking + would be listening
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”bold”>Examples:</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark>Yellow</mark> indicates the duration</li>
<li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the <em>were</em> + present participle</li>
<li><mark class=”green”>White-on-Green</mark> indicates the <em>would be</em> + present participle
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the imaginary situation</li>
<li><em>Italics</em> indicate an explanation of the above sentence</li>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>were going</mark> to the train station tonight to meet Sandra,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>would be standing</mark> on the platform waiting for her <mark>when she arrives</mark>.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If he <mark class=”emp”>were staying</mark> in that hotel next week <mark>while the conference is being held</mark>,</mark> he <mark class=”green”>would be meeting</mark> some of the key speakers and telling them about our new product.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>were waiting</mark> there next week when he gets off the plane,</mark> he <mark class=”green”>would be totally surprised</mark>.
<p class=”italics”>But I will not be waiting there, so he won’t be surprised.</p><hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>If he <mark class=”emp”>were staying</mark> in that hotel next week while the conference is being held,</mark> he <mark class=”green”>might be able to meet</mark> some of the key speakers and tell them about our new product.
<p class=”italics”>I don’t think he will be able to stay at the hotel, so he won’t be able to meet anybody there.</p><hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>were able to go</mark> to the train station tonight to meet Sandra,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>would be standing</mark> on the platform waiting for her when she arrives.
<p class=”italics”>I won’t be able to go to the train station, so I <mark class=”green”>will not be standing</mark> there when she arrives.</p><hr class=”thin” />
<mark class=”blu”>If you <mark class=”emp”>went</mark> over to Paul’s house after work,</mark> he <mark class=”green”>would probably be sitting</mark> there at his computer surfing the Internet.
<p class=”italics”>But you won’t go over.</p>
<tr class=”third”><td class=”h3″ colspan=”5″><a id=”sentenceProgCondContinFuturePerf”></a>Future Perfect Unreal Conditional Continuous</td></tr>
<tr><td rowspan=”4″ class=”bottom”><p>Return to <a href=”#top”>top</a> or <a href=”#poc”>post contents</a></p></td>
<td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>General Definition:</strong> Describes impossible or imaginary events or actions that would happen in the future, if they were possible. But they’re not; the event is hypothetical.<br/><br/>
The conditional and result can be switched without it affecting the meaning.<br/><br/>
<table class=”noBorder”>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 40%;”>[was / were] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new window in Grammar for Present Participle”><em>-ing</em></a>,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”>+</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 30%;”>would + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbBaseForm” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>base form</a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 40%;”><a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPast” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>simple past</a>,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”>+</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 30%;”>would + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbBaseForm” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>base form</a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<strong><abbr title=”also known as”>A.k.a.</abbr></strong> future perfect unreal progressive
<tr><td colspan=”2″>If I were talking . . ., you would listen<br/>If you were talking . . ., I would listen<br/>If s/he/it was talking . . ., you would listen<br/>If we were talking . . . , you would listen<br/>If they were talking . . . , you would listen</td>
<td colspan=”2″>If I were . . ., you would listen<br/>If you were . . ., you would listen<br/>If s/he/it was . . ., you would listen<br/>If we were . . ., you would listen<br/>If they were . . ., you would listen
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”bold”>Examples:</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the simple past</li>
<li><mark class=”purp”>Purple</mark> indicates the <em>was/were</em> + <em>-ing</em> (see the <a href=”#wasWere” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>was/were rule</a>)</li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the <em>if</em> clause (the condition)</li>
<li><mark class=”green”>White-on-Green</mark> indicates the <em>would</em> + base form</li>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”purp”>were going</mark> to Fiji,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>would be</mark> taking my dog.<br/><br/>
I <mark class=”green”>would bake</mark> <mark class=”blu”>if I <mark class=”emp”>were</mark> any good at it</mark>.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>had</mark> time,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>would be</mark> dancing.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>had</mark> time,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>would dance</mark>.
<tr><td colspan=”5″ class=”h2 hlght”>MIXED CONDITIONALS</td></tr>
<tr class=”third”><td class=”h3″ colspan=”5″><a id=”condClassMixed”></a>Mixed Conditional</td></tr>
<tr><td rowspan=”10″ class=”bottom”><p>Return to <a href=”#top”>top</a> or <a href=”#poc”>post contents</a></p></td>
<td colspan=”4″ class=”third”><strong>Definition:</strong> Mixed Conditionals are unreal and the time in the <em>if</em> clause is not the same as the time in the result.<br/><br/>
The possible combinations include:
<ul class=”tbl”>
<li>Past circumstance that is conditional on a not specifically past circumstance, OR</li>
<li>Not specifically past circumstance that is conditional past circumstance</li>
<li>When the condition refers to the past, but the consequence is to the present,
the condition clause is in the <abbr title=”third conditional”>past perfect</abbr>, while the <em>result</em> clause is in the conditional mood as in the <a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealPresent” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>second conditional</a>, but not conditional perfect.</li>
A combination of unreal conditional sentences whose time in the <em>if</em> clause is different than the time in the main clause (<cite>English Tenses</cite>).<br/><br/>
<table class=”noBorder” style=”width: 85%;”>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 40%;”>if + [had been] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePresent” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new window in Grammar for Present Participle”><em>-ing</em></a>,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”>+</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 30%;”><a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPluperf” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>past perfect</a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<tr><td class=”center” style=”width: 40%;”>if + [had been] + <a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/14/grammar-participle/#participlePast” title=”Opens an entry on past participles on the post on participles” target=”_blank”><em>-ed</em></a>,</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 2%;”>+</td>
<td class=”center” style=”width: 30%;”><a href=”https://kddidit.com/2014/12/21/grammar-verbs/#verbPluperf” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on verbs”>past perfect</a></td>
<tr><td class=”center”><small>(the condition)</small></td>
<td class=”center”><small>(the result)</small></td>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”bold”>Examples:</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”fourth bold”>Unreal Conditionals:<br/><a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealPresent” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Present</a> and <a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealPast” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Past</a></td></tr>
<td colspan=”4″><div class=”legend”><strong>Legend:</strong>
<ol><li><mark class=”emp”>Green</mark> indicates the verb tense in the <em>if</em> clause</li>
<li><mark class=”purp”>Purple</mark> indicates the <del>was</del> were (see the <a href=”#wasWere” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>was/were</a> rule)</li>
<li><mark class=”green”>White-on-Green</mark> indicates the <em>would</em> + infinitive</li>
<li><mark class=”blu”>Blue</mark> indicates the <em>if</em> clause</li>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”purp”>were</mark> smarter,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>would have graduated</mark> from Stanford.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If Mary <mark class=”purp”>weren’t</mark> a snob,</mark> she <mark class=”green”>wouldn’t have had</mark> so many parties this year.
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”fourth bold”>Unreal Conditionals:<br/><a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealPresent” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Present</a> and <a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealFuture” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Future</a></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><mark class=”blu”>If you <mark class=”purp”>were</mark> more eloquent,</mark> you <mark class=”green”>would become</mark> a politician.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If you <mark class=”emp”>had</mark> more time,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>would go</mark> to the cinema with you.
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”fourth bold”>Unreal Conditionals:<br/><a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealPast” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Past</a> and <a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealPresent” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Present</a> Combined</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><mark class=”blu”>If my father <mark class=”emp”>hadn’t lost</mark> his keys,</mark> we <mark class=”green”>wouldn’t have to wait</mark> until he finds them.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>had set up</mark> a backup drive,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>would be able to restore</mark> all my files.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If you <mark class=”emp”>had done</mark> your job properly,</mark> we <mark class=”green”>wouldn’t be</mark> in this mess now.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If I <mark class=”emp”>hadn’t married</mark> Kelly,</mark> I <mark class=”green”>wouldn’t be living</mark> in Scotland now.
<tr><td colspan=”4″ class=”fourth bold”>Unreal Conditionals:<br/><a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealPast” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Past</a> and <a href=”#sentenceProgCondUnrealFuture” title=”Jumps to an entry on this page”>Future</a></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=”4″><mark class=”blu”>If our house <mark class=”emp”>had been broken</mark> into,</mark> we <mark class=”green”>would call</mark> the police.<br/><br/>
<mark class=”blu”>If we <mark class=”emp”>had won</mark> the lottery last week,</mark> we <mark class=”green”>would buy</mark> a new Ferrari today.
<p class=”button”>Return to <a href=”#top”>top</a></p>
<div class=”clr”></div>
<p>C’mon, get it out of your system, bitch, whine, moan . . . which words are your pet peeves? Also, please note that I try to be as accurate as I can, but mistakes happen or I miss something. <a href=”mailto:kathydavie@me.com”>Email me</a> if you find errors, so I can fix them . . . and we’ll all benefit!</p>
<p>Satisfy your curiosity about other Grammar Explanations by exploring its <a href=”https://kddidit.com/ar/author-tools/grammar-explanations/” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page”>homepage</a> or more generally explore the <a href=”https://kddidit.com/ar/author-tools/index-of-self-editing-posts/” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page”>index of self-editing posts</a>. You may also want to explore <a href=”https://kddidit.com/ar/author-tools/book-layout-formatting-ideas/” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on the post Binding Choices (for Print)”>Book Layout & Formatting Ideas</a>, <a href=”https://kddidit.com/ar/author-tools/formatting-tips/” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page”>Formatting Tips</a>, <a href=”https://kddidit.com/ar/author-tools/grammar-explanations/” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page”>Grammar Explanations</a>, <a href=”https://kddidit.com/ar/author-tools/homepage-linguistics/” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page to the homepage for Linguistics”>Linguistics</a>, <a href=”https://kddidit.com/ar/author-tools/homepage-publishing-tips/” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page”>Publishing Tips</a>, the <a href=”https://kddidit.com/ar/author-tools/properly-punctuated/” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page”>Properly Punctuated</a>, <a href=”https://kddidit.com/ar/author-tools/word-confusions/” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page”>Word Confusions</a>, <a href=”https://kddidit.com/ar/hp-writing-ideas-resources/” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page”>Writing Ideas and Resources</a>, and <a href=”https://kddidit.com/ar/fun-with-your-website/” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page on the post Working Your Website”>Working Your Website</a>.</p>
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<h2>Resources for Conditional Clause / Sentence</h2>
<p class=”small”>Some of these links may be affiliate links, and I will earn a small percentage, if you should buy it. It does not affect the price you pay.</p>
<p class=”indent”>”Conditional Tutorial.” English Page. n.d. Web. n.d. <http://www.englishpage.com/conditional/conditionalintro.html>.</p>
<p class=”indent”>De Decker, Rob. Capital Community College Foundation. n.d. Web. n.d. <http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/conditional2.htm>.</p>
<p class=”indent”>”English Tenses – Grammar Explanations.” Englisch-Hilfen.de. n.d. Web. n.d. <http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/grammar_list/zeitformen.htm>.</p>
<p class=”indent”>Textbroker.com. n.d. Web. n.d. <http://www.textbroker.com/>.</p>
<p class=”indent”>”Type 2 If Clauses – The Open Hypothetical Conditional Statement.” “The Conditional in English.” Lingua Press. n.d. Web. n.d. <http://linguapress.com/grammar/conditionals.htm#hypothetical>.</p>
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<h2>Pinterest Photo Credits:</h2>
<p><a href=”https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:F0_tornado_damage_example.jpg” target=”_blank” title=”Opens a new page”><em>F0 Tornado Damage</em></a> is courtesy of NWS Birmingham and is in the public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.</p>
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