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A Call to Insurrection
David, Weber, Timothy Zahn, Thomas Pope
military science fiction in a Kindle edition that was published by Baen Books on February 1, 2022 and has 480 pages.
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Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Cobra Guardian, Cobra Gamble, Judgment at Proteus, Cobra Slave, A Call to Duty, Cobra Outlaw, A Call to Vengeance, Cobra Traitor, A Call to Arms
Fourth in the Manticore Ascendant series within the Honorverse and revolving around Manticore. The focus is on Travis, Lisa, and Gavin’s interactions with the Andermani as well as Chomps’ investigation on-planet. It’s been a year since the battle against the Volsungs in A Call to Vengeance, 3.
If you’re interested, there is a chronological listing of the Honorverse books on my website.
My Take
A Call to Insurrection is a tale of greed and murder with a lot of under-the-table dealing. It’s full of betrayals, subterfuge, assassinations, battles, physics, tactics, political maneuvering, and forensic work dedicated to solving a murder mystery leavened with personal lives that revolve around family, children, and at least one pair of lovers. It’s also poor Travis not being able to keep those secrets that secret.
It’s a three-way of the newlyweds Travis and Lisa off on a mission instead of their honeymoon and yet with an opportunity to bond with Gavin, his remote half-brother. There’s insight into the mission delegates, the consideration and bravery of the Manticorans in support of the Andermani as well as the excuses for going to war.
Unfortunately, I can see why the Andermani incorporate citizens of “conquered” planets into their navy, and yet they really should’ve been a little more cautious. The exciting bit is this is Manticore’s first step into shipbuilding. Okay, so it’s a dip of the toe into the pond, but it’s a start.
I do feel for Catt Quint. She’s heading downhill fast, and she’s worried about her people. Surprisingly, she and her people are one of the few honorable mercenary groups.
It’s fascinating to get more of the background history (and honor) of the Andermani, as there isn’t much about them in the Honor Harrington series. They’re quirky mix of Chinese and German with even quirkier name combinations. They all speak German, and they too are an honorable people. They are also feared throughout the universe. NO ONE wants to offend them. Andrew has sone wise remarks at the end. As for how quickly the Manticorans learned German, I am impressed!
It’s also been an eye opening series of events with the Andermani efficiency and advanced equipment continuing to astound the Manticorans. Thank god Breakwater is gone, Manticore may have a chance!
Political maneuvering and appearances are universal through time and space. Sadly for Chomps, it’ll affect his future. He is having a hard time getting along in Serisburg Duchy. That man is just too curious for words and isn’t too concerned with whom he might tick off.
Hmm, most everyone in the galaxy fears the Andermani Empire, but once Anderman and his people rescued the people of Kuan Yin, their empire only expanded when others attacked them. That the Andermani are an honorable people is evident in the clash between Andrew and his navy. You know they are concerned about their rep when they ask for Manticoran observers for the upcoming battle.
More conflict is the uncertainty of the Andermanis as to Andrew’s ability to govern. For an intelligent woman, Hansen is an idiot. In Serisburg, Vespoli is another with no loyalty.
Travis is still struggling with his unsocial “abilities”, but his time in the Navy and with Lisa are helping to advance his character arc. The Royal Manticoran Navy is also advancing its character arc. And it’s making me crazy to finish this (currently) last book in Manticore Ascendant and dive into On Basilisk Station, 1.
Yeah, Weber and company do get quite technical, and I find it fascinating how they figure these things out. I’m buying it ’cause I haven’t a clue if it’s accurate or not.
Crew members, captains, and more all have their own thoughts and emotions and actions with the authors using third person global subjective point-of-view if only so all these perspectives can all be heard from. it certainly shows the scene and ramps up the tension.
The authors throw an interesting twist in towards the end with Llyn and his interaction with Amos and his interest in Catt. I’m looking forward to Manticore Ascendant 5!
As for the series drama of that space anomaly, well I’m darned curious as to how that works out!
The Story
Someone has issues on how Gustav is growing his empire, and they’re willing to back Tomlinson on getting their world back . . . under-the-table. The deal these unknown others offer is irresistible . . . and plays right into their hands for the desired chaos to cover up their plans for Manticore.
It’s all about politics for Chomps when he’s fired from the SIS. No, it’s not fair, and yet when he discovers is far more than fair when he uncovers an insidious plot.
The Characters
The Star Kingdom of Manticore is . . .
. . . a three-planet system — Manticore, Sphinx, and Grayson — is out in the back of beyond and founded years ago by settlers who became the Manticore Corporation. It’s too small for most to pay any attention to. Elizabeth II is queen and has just had a baby. Her security people include Sergeant Adler. Dr Tolochko is a young scientist with a radical theory.
Julian Mulholland, Baron Harwich, is the prime minister. James Mantegna, Earl Dapplelake, is the defense minister. Admiral Carlton Locatelli is the commanding officer of the Star Kingdom’s System Command. Until now, the Foreign Office has been merely figurative. Gavin Vellacott, Baron Winterfall (and Travis’ half-brother) is its new minister, taking over from Susan Tarleton. Verona Blankenship is Gavin’s secretary/receptionist.
Olga Strait, Baroness Crystal Pine, whose background is in industrial manufacturing, is the new Secretary of Industry and she’s making up to Gavin. Baron Stallman had a short-lived position at Industry. Katra Nessler, Countess Greatgap replaces Anderson L’Estrange, Earl Breakwater, who had been a power in government as Chancellor of the Exchequer — until he was forced to resign. Jakob Oldham, Baron Broken Cliff, is the Secretary of Education.
Captain Trina Clegg is the commander of the Casey. Captain Hari Marcello is the commander of HMS Damocles. Commander Lisa Donnelly, the XO on the Donnelly, is engaged to Lieutenant Commander Travis Long. The courier ship Diactoros is commanded by Captain Cheryl Cherise.
Serisburg Duchy had . . .
. . . been Duke Serisburg‘s until he died in Drobne Forest. Benjamin had been his youngest son. Ralph and Eileen Lassaline run a country inn, Three Corners, which is undergoing renovations. Deputy Terry Lassaline is their daughter. Laura Vespoli, Terry’s drunk of a boss, is the sheriff. Gorkich is the chief. Other deputies include Carl Brognais. Dr Tsai is a scientist. The Plaza Parlor is a great ice cream place in Whistlestop. Thom Devereux had been the duke’s mechanic. A former NCO had been a guest at the inn.
Masterson is a special agent with the Royal Investigation Division.
Senior Chief Charles “Chomps” Townsend, a Sphinxian with all their physical attributes, is actually with Delphi in Room 2021 as an agent in the new Special Intelligence Service headed up by Clara Sumner, Lady Calvingdell. Fiona Taylor is the secretary/gatekeeper. ONI has been the old hide-bound intelligence service headed up by Admiral Barnam Knox for over twenty years.
Andermani Empire is . . .
. . . based in the New Berlin Star System where Emperor Gustav Anderman, a former [honorable] mercenary and his Liegnitz Ltd, carved out an empire, rescuing the Chinese citizens of Kuan Yin. Potsdam is the capital. I think it’s a planet as they mention that Zizhulin is the capital city. Abteilung III is the Andermani Department of Naval Intelligence.
Andrew Gustav Gotthold Boyer-Laird is Gustav’s heir. Baronesse Marija Shoneoa had started out as Andrew’s nursemaid, then guardian and companion, and now one of his most trusted advisors. The brilliant, if not noble, Fräulein Liang Ying Yue is Andrew’s fiancée. Außenminister Yuèguìshù Shān is the foreign secretary. Kriegminister Aeric Zimmerman is the Minister of War. Major Basle Strossmeyer is the third shift commander of the Totenkopf Hussars who appears to be in charge of Manticoran security. Josef Shu Tung is one of the caretakers of the Emperor’s greyhounds. Sunna is one of the greyhounds and has developed an affection for Gavin. Glenr is Sunna’s mate.
The funeral cortege will be aboard SMS Friedrich der Grosse and includes Kanzlerin Wilhelmine Heilbronn, Markgräfin von rzer Fluügel, the head of the Empire’s government. Außenminister Yuèguìshù. Admiral der Flotte Hoher Berg is the senior uniformed officer of the Imperial Andermani Navy. Kapitänin der Sterne Yasmin Sternberger is the flag captain of the Friedrich der Grosse and refuses to move. Korvettenkapitän Cristaldo Carrino is the chief engineer who escorts Travis all over the ship. Oberleutnantin Jingyi Unterberger, the assistant tactical officer, will be Lisa’s guide. Fregattenkapitän Hong Lindauer is the XO and a ship completist. Fregattenkapitän Shuren Hasselreider is the staff navigator. Korevettenkapitän Wuying Haberman is another tactical officer. Oberstabsbootsmann Ferber and Bootsmann Prager heard about Travis from Carrino.
Admiral Gotthold Riefenstahl, Graf von Basaltberg, is in charge of a diplomatic mission to Manticore. Fregattenkapitän Li Gong-hu left an advanced goodwill gift. One that Jeffrey Hopstead at Hopstead Manufacturing in Baron Mourncreek’s territory will analyze.
The initial fleet dispatched to Tomlinson includes the SMS Preussen, a battleship under the authority of Flotillenadmiral von Jachman. Kapitänin der Sterne Florence Hansen thinks she has reason. Her crew includes Fregattenkapitän Syinba Greuner; Korvettenkapitän Simon Bajer, who is the Assistant Tactical Officer; Stabsgefreiter Mei-chau Thörnrich; Leutnant der Sterne Kevin Selavko; Overbootsmann Zhi-wa Pang is Hansen’s personal steward; Oberleutnant der Sterne Kiselev; Hauptgefreiter Yau-bin Uhlriz; Stabsgefreiter Meichau Thörnrich; Oberleutnant der Sterne Eichmann; Overbootsmann Palzer; Petty Officer Maat Ditmar Muthig; Bootsman Eicher; Obergefreiter Schuster; Bootsman Tischler; Oberstabsbootsmann Arthur Kellerman; Feldweber Metzger; Obermaat Collette Filipov (a Tomlinson); Oberleutnantin Braunstein is the com officer; Korvettenkäpitan Kistler is at tactical; and, Lieutenant Commander Vanys is the Tomlinson-born engineer.
Major Kau-jung Kleinberg is the commander of the Raumbattalion, a battle squadron aboard the Preussen. Hauptfeldwebel Huan Niekisch is the senior NCO. Hauptmann Waldschmidt is Beta Company’s NCO on his first deployment as company commander. Hauptbootsmann Ning Shindler is the shuttle pilot for Shuttle Alpha. Oberbootsman Taschner is a petty officer.
Other ships in the fleet include IANS Rotte, a heavy cruiser, is captained by Fregattenkapitän der Sterne Xuefeng Radnitz. Oberleutnant der Sterne Metternich is the tactical officer of the watch. IANS München is captained by Fregattenkapitänin Zhelan Deutschmann. Korvettenkapitän Malachi Tolbert. Kriegsmädchen is a transport.
The second fleet is christened Gerechtigkeitsgeschwader, Justice Squadron, with Fregattenkapitän Guiying Schlamme as Bsaltberg’s staff tactical officer. Kapitänin der Sterne Jijun Kranz is his chief of staff. Korvettenkapitän Westgate is on communications. Other ships in this fleet include the Drachen commanded by Korvettenkapitän Gangyi Scherzer; Vergeltung under the command of Kapitän der Sterne Chao Schwender; Kurzschwert; Reiterei; Schreien; Kunlin and her sister ship Xingtian; Seydlitz and her sister ship Yanwang; Xiangfei; Zhong Kui; Landwehr and her sister ship Gewalthaufen; Mazu; Kuafu; Schwert; and, the Langschwert.
Major Chien-Lu Zhou, a.k.a. Captain Charles Kane, had commanded the Hamann in A Call to Vengeance. The Hausorden von Anderman is an award for civilian bravery and merit. The Order von Tischendorg is an award for military bravery. The Sternekrieg is Gustav’s treatise on warfare and philosophy. Admiral Donnic no longer commands the Liegnitz.
Vizeadmiral Amanda Hansen had been Hansen’s mother and Pang had been her personal steward. Pang had known Florence Hansen since Hansen was thirteen. Eighteen years ago there was a coup attempt that included Admiral Cutler Gensonne, the leader of the Volsung Mercenaries in A Call to Arms and A Call to Vengeance. The Bayern is a lesson today.
Tomlinson System is . . .
. . . in the Preston Star System, which is on the edge of the Core worlds. There is a 24-year rotation for the heads of the three families, as they swap in and out of the president, chief director, and a third position. Hereditary President-in-Exile Trudy McIntyre is considered heavy-handed and stupid. Chief Director Lucretia Tomlinson for the Preston, Fagnelli, and Tomlinson transstellar corporation has a reputation for straight dealing. Zamail is her assistant. Tomlinson’s main industry is asteroid extraction, which is located in The Cloud. It’s also the system that launched an attack against the Nimbalkar System and screwed up when they attacked an Andermani ship, and the Empire promptly took over the system fifteen years ago.
Unrest is boiling up, giving rise to the Free Tomlinson Front, a.k.a. the Freets. The surprising Periwinkle is transporting illegal weapons. Station Beta is a secondary orbital platform, which handles communications between the asteroid extraction platforms and the ships that served them. It’s possible that the Freedom Council is part of the Freets. Ensign Rolf Panum is with Tomlinson Emergency Services. Sean Clendenin is the crash car’s team leader. Ships involved in the battle include Crossfire and Black Knight.
Axelrod is . . .
. . . a powerful, greedy, underhanded transstellar corporation with a very bad reputation. Its black operatives include the very ambitious Freya Bryce, who’s setting up the Tomlinson end of things (her ship had been the Docent with, I think, Sandor as captain), and Jeremiah Llyn, a.k.a. Smiley, whose ship’s captain is Rhamas. (We’ve met Llyn in A Call to Arms, 2, and A Call to Vengeance.) The Solway station is one of theirs.
The Quintessence Mercenaries
Commodore Catt Quint leads her people, who are based on Kenichi. The psychopathic Amos is her personal steward; his last ship was the Jackstraw with the Black Hand Consortium. Some of her people include Taylor and Commander Grimling. Retribution will become Quint’s new flagship and will include Lieutenant Arnold Bax on loan from the Vorpal Blade Mercenaries.
Captain Muneer Jamshidi commands the Spark with Commander Ariella Kupner as his XO. Commander Mattias Callewaert is the tactical officer; Oberleutnant der Sterne Freudel is the com officer; Fregattenkapitänn Dassler; and, Bootsman Ingrid Reitman, who is bored. Retaliation, Revenge, Amphitrite, Brindle, Warrior, Nebula, and Saber are other ships in their fleet.
Catt’s parents, Erich and Juliana Quint, had been mercenaries with the Condotta Group.
The Solarian League is the biggest boy in the universe; it’s our current earth. Dzung has a sleazy bar where Georgio is the bartender. Cormorant is a planet that salvages ships. The ABC Alliance of Angelique, Babel, and Cantiz accused Anderman of aggression. The Deneb Agreement states the rules of war, including how mercenaries are treated.
The Cover and Title
The cover is dark with its extremely deep blue background of space, stars lightening its depth. At the top are the authors’ names in white outlined in red. Below that is a pale-blue outlined blue banner with the overall series info in the same white with red outline. Below that is the title superimposed on a spaceship of deep gray with missile blasts of orange and gray smoke and a ring of blue lights. That tail end looks rather like an electrical plug. The title itself is an embossed gold gradient with a firm black outline that is further outlined in blue. An info blurb in white is just below the title on the right. This particular series info repeats the blue below left of the ship with a testimonial in white centered across the bottom.
The title is about a woman’s greed and a people’s fear and desire for power in A Call to Insurrection.