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"Pay Me"
Gordon Andrews
magical realism in a PDF edition that was published by the author on October 23, 2018 and has 8 pages.
Explore it on Goodreads Other books by this author which I have reviewed include "Fernando's, "Rogan's POV 1", "Rogan's POV 2", "Rogan’s POV #3"
A free short story (actually a repeat scene) in the Catalina Baylor Trilogy, and I consider it 3.9 in the Hidden Legacy magical realism private investigator mystery series revolving around House Baylor and the family with Catalina as the focus.
My Take
This is bogus. It’s essentially chapter one from Sapphire Flames, 4.
Yes, it is from Catalina’s perspective, using first person protagonist point-of-view.
Sure, the unknown Prime is new as is the potential suicide and his mother, but otherwise it’s the same with the dream sequence and waking up, that comment about Nevada losing her mind when Catalina tells her one of Augustine’s secrets.
It does appear as if Caleb is Catalina’s first jumper, which puts him before Sapphire Flames, where Catalina is again called in, in the middle of the night, by Augustine.
Other differences include that elite high school, which has Rogan and Augustine shutting down.
The ending was lame too.
The Story
Augustine shows up in the wee hours with another Prime, desperate for Catalina to talk his son down.
The Characters
Catalina Baylor, a siren Prime who turned twenty-one two hours ago, is the very young head of her House, House Baylor.
House Baylor has . . .
. . . a family business, Baylor Investigative Agency. Arabella is Catalina’s younger sister. (Catalina and Arabella are both Victoria Tremaine’s granddaughters.) Bern and Leon are their cousins. Mom took them in as family. Grandma Frida “speaks” to vehicles.
House Rogan
Nevada Rogan-Baylor is their older sister who married Connor “Mad” Rogan three years ago (review of Ilona Andrews’ “Diamond Fire”, 3.5). Arossa is Connor’s mother.
House Montgomery
Augustine Montgomery, an illusion Prime, is the Head of House Montgomery and runs Montgomery International Investigations (MII).
House Anderson
Carter Anderson, a psionic Prime and a combat mage with the ability to overwhelm minds, is the Head of his House. He has a fifteen-year-old son, Caden, another psionic Prime, threatening suicide.
Crownover is an elite high school.
The Cover and Title
The cover is a combination of oranges and blues from atop a building with Catalina facing away from us overlooking the sunset-bathed city skyline.
I have no idea where the title, “Pay Me”, came from unless it refers to House Anderson owing Catalina.