I received this book for free from the library in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Source: the library
Peter and the Secret of Rundoon
Dave Barry, Ridley Pearson
fantasy in a hardcover edition that was published by Disney-Hyperion on October 23, 2007 and has 482 pages.
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Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Peter and the Starcatchers, Peter and the Shadow Thieves, The Bridge to Never Land, Peter and the Sword of Mercy, Killer Summer, In Harm's Way, Disney After Dark, Disney at Dawn, Disney in Shadow, Power Play, Shell Game, Dark Passage, Unforeseen, The Insider, The Final Step
Third in the Peter and the Starcatchers children’s fantasy-adventure series based upon the Peter Pan of James Barrie fame.
My Take
We learn a tiny bit about Peter’s parents as well as a wee bit about Peter himself. The important part of the story is saving the world from Lord Ombra and his Darkness and eliminating the slave trade between Rundoon and St. Norbert’s, even as Peter fears the watchfulness of his own shadow. Is it even his own?
I do love how Barry and Pearson manage to tie in bits and pieces form Barrie’s Peter Pan, from the clock inside the crocodile to the boys’ hideout from the pirates, the flying ship, and Molly’s darling future. Using fanciful parts of other tales such as the flying carpet just keeps the fun alive. The authors really have a handle on the gross humor of children — wait’ll you read how Hook trims his toenails — yuck!
They also give a reasonable explanation — well, story-wise it’s reasonable — as to why Peter will never grow old. Why he can fly and heal so quickly. It’s a fate that reveals the truth to Peter eventually.
Full of hazards and perils and a bit of seat-of-your-pants terror, you can’t help but gasp and laugh as you enjoy the adventure and remember a bit of your lost childhood as you read Peter and the Secret of Rundoon!
The Story
It’s a two-pronged attack with the Scorpion tribe scouting Never Land to invade the Mollusk people, and Lord Ombra anxious to make up for his losses against Peter and the Starcatchers with his plan to snatch Peter. For it appears, from what Molly and George Darling discovered, that Peter is a lot more than he seems.
New clues have risen up and the Starcatchers are concerned about the lack of communication from the Watcher. Never before in the history of the organization has the Watcher not warned them of a starfall, and it takes Molly and George to discover why. Armed with this information, they hurriedly make plans to bring Peter back to London only to have everything go cockeyed.
The triumphant invasion by the Scorpions with some bright notes when Shining Pearl escapes.
The Characters
Peter whose last name turns out to be Pan is the son of a Watcher. A special breed designated to pinpoint starfall leaking through the cosmic pipeline.
The Lost Boys are getting older and becoming impatient with Never Land; Thomas, Prentiss, Tubby Ted, and James display some of that maturity with their kidnapping and the rescue of other boys sent by St. Norbert’s to be slaves for King Zarboff III: Slightly, Curly, Tootles, Nibs, and the twins.
Fighting Prawn is the leader of the Mollusk people, and Shining Pearl is his very resourceful daughter leading Mr. Grin in a sneak attack.
Molly Aster leads George Darling, her neighbor across the square in London, into more mischief than her father, Lord Leonard Aster, can handle even if it does create unexpected opportunities of help. We finally get to meet Bakari who was instrumental in the last book.
Lord Ombra struggles to re-materialize and redeem himself in the eyes of his fellows after events in Peter and the Shadow Thieves. King Zarboff III is a nasty, little, despot of a king using his gigantic snake, Kundilini, to keep everyone in line. Hah! He who laughs last…
The Cover and Title
The cover is gorgeous with a touch of the Russian lacquer box style with Peter and the Lost Boys in the flying carpet escape scene as King Zarboff the III screeches on his throne, the great snake, Kundalini, poised to strike while Molly and George Darling shout encouragement from atop their flying camel while a golden green swirl of holographic ink marks Tinker Bell’s trail. A deep red metallic holographic effect creates the names of the authors, the borders and the book title.
I’m not quite sure what Barry and Pearson believe is the secret of Rundoon as there seem to be so many. And, no, I’m not telling. It might give the game away!