I received this book for free from the library in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Hidden Away
romantic suspense in Paperback edition that was published by Berkley Sensation on March 1, 2011 and has 486 pages.
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Third in the KGI romance-suspense series revolving around a family of brothers, the Kelleys, most of whom work for Kelly Group International, a private security firm that does contract work for the government based near Kentucky Lake in Tennessee. The couple focus is on Garrett Kelly and Sarah Daniels.
My Take
The central premise of KGI is rescuing people in distress; in Hidden Away, the initial theme is baiting a terrorist into the open using the love he has for his half-sister. A theme that soon takes advantage of the Kelly males’ need to protect women. For Sarah Daniels needs a soft, non-threatening touch before she trusts Garrett on their out-of-the-way island paradise. It’s therapy for Garrett as well for he needs someone of his own to care for, replace the nightmares he has of his last mission.
The initial chapter almost had me skipping the rest. I thought it would be another dud with a stupid female character because her running without reasoning made no sense to me. Once I got a good way into it, it made more sense.
It’s sweet how careful Garrett is with Sarah. I liked that Banks didn’t go the usual hearts and flowers route and instead he seduced her with caution, care, and wine, books, and chocolate! Oh, yeah!
I do enjoy Banks updating us on life at the Kellys. Everyone worrying about everyone else, caring about each other. It’s what life is about. I think it brings a reality to a series. Just because each story is about another person in the cast doesn’t mean that life has abruptly stopped for everyone else. I suspect it also makes it easier to set us up for future romance/conflicts.
The Story
Marcus Lattimer has gotten his half-sister, Sarah Daniels, to tell him what’s wrong. Why it is that she is holing up in her apartment terrified out of her mind. What he hears is enough to send him crazy. Crazy enough to shoot her rapist. Only, he should have waited. Should have gotten Sarah out of Boston and secure before he came back for Allen Cross, for Sarah suddenly realizes what that last little issue is that Marcus wants to clean up. And she arrives at Cross’ office just after Marcus has shot Cross.
She can’t. She just can’t stay. She has to get away before she is forced to testify against Marcus and so she flees even as Marcus attempts to chase her down. Marcus keeps his distance, understanding that Sarah needs some space but Adam Resnick, KGI’s CIA contact, hires KGI to find her and keep an eye on her intending to entice Marcus in so they can take him out.
The Characters
Garrett Kelly is the uptight Kelly brother. Well, that’s what his brothers think. Sarah Daniels thinks he’s the most relaxed, easygoing man she’s ever met. Sure he’s recovering from the bullet to the shoulder he took for Sophie in No Place to Run, 2 but he sure does relax in the moment. But it’s all a surface calm as Garrett is torn between his worry over and growing interest in Marcus’ sister versus his need to take Marcus down.
Sarah Daniels is damaged. She’s terrified by any contact, any interest in her. And with reason, her boss gained her trust and then raped her. With help. Now, she’s trying to elude the surviving Cross brother and protect her own brother.
Marcus Lattimer is a terrorist and traitor. He’s the man who betrayed Garrett’s team a few years ago killing everyone on it although Garrett got away with a nasty bullet wound to his thigh. Garrett’s team is just one on a long list of betrayals and murders. Seems that Sarah is the only person whom Marcus loves, trusts, and takes chances. The ideal bait in the CIA trap.
Frank and Marlene Kelly are the parents of this large brood and since Frank’s heart attack in No Place to Run, Marlene and Rusty have been dogging his diet and the hours he works in his hardware store. The rest of the Kelly brothers include Sam and a heavily-pregnant Sophie; Ethan and Rachel; Donovan, their techno-wizard; and Nathan and Joe, the twins who are still in the military.
Rusty is Marlene’s latest chick to be adopted. When Sean (deputy sheriff and another of Marlene’s chicks) finds her staggering down the road from her wrecked car, his first reaction is anger. With her. When he learns what happened, his next reaction is more anger. Not with her. It’s a good wake-up call for the Kelly boys to protect their new “sister”.
There seem to be two KGI teams: Rio leads Terrence, Decker, Alton, and Browning while Steele leads P.J. Rutherford, a female sniper who used to be with SWAT; Coletraine, “Cole”, a former SEAL; Dolphin; Renshaw; and, Baker. Banks seems to be setting up a romantic conflict between Rio, P.J., and Cole.
The Cover and Title
The cover has a stormy green background with a heavily-muscled hunk at the beach wearing a stained white T-shirt and khaki pants who is holding his gun in a two-fisted, relaxed grip. I have to agree with Sarah, I’d certainly feel safe from anyone else with him around!
The title is certainly accurate as both Sarah and Garret keep her safely Hidden Away.