I received this book for free from the library in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Source: the library
urban fantasy in a paperback edition that was published by Razorbill on November 1, 2011 and has 307 pages.
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Fifth in the Strange Angels urban fantasy series for young adults. Although this seems rather unfair to toss this dreck at young adults…the formation of young minds and all that.
My Take
What is with this stupid girl!!???? I can understand not trusting people but even after she learns the truth, she still runs away. She’s demonstrably incompetent in spite of her own opinions. Does she ever stop and think?? She is amazingly selfish. She always has to stop just before a battle or just before the bad guys show up to whine, whimper, and whinge about why. Why do I have to do this? Why do I have to get out of this room? Wh-y-i-n-e… There are times I want to help Sergej put her out of our misery.
There’s the moment when Christophe claims that “Milady Dru is startlingly mature”. By what standards?? Newborn puppies? The scene in the restaurant was just another stupid moment for Dru. She’s being chased for her life, the bad guys are close behind, and she keeps drinking something that tastes nasty. At the least, ask for a fresh glass of Diet Coke!
She keeps leaving clothes and equipment behind as she runs, and as soon as she gets to a stopping place, she buys more. ‘Cause otherwise she won’t have anything to leave behind when she has to run again. Her stupid actions in town at the grocery store. She does do well at the motel in Biloxi; a move that will have far-reaching consequences. And it’s her loyalty and care for Graves that makes it possible for Graves to survive each time.
What? She’s just figuring it out that Gran had some idea of what/who Dru was?? Good thing Dru hasn’t any plans to go to college — she’d be so depressed when they toss her for being stupid. I do enjoy the mental encouragements Dru receives from her memories of Dad and Gran. There’s even a few from Mom.
Dru has bloomed. So, she doesn’t figure that…maybe…other things may have changed about her abilities?? At least she does come to realize that she’s a follower. She needs/wants someone to give her orders. Now if only she’d stay still long enough for people to order her about.
We do get some interesting truths from Graves, and Ash has a nice revelation.
The Story
God forbid that Dru should stop running, and immediately after rescuing Graves from Sergej, she’s off with Ash and Graves. Running for the first place anyone would think to look. Naturally, the vampires find her. Fortunately, Christophe finds her about the same time and the chase is on. [Well, fortunate for her, not so fortunate for us…’cause she’s still alive…]
As they run for their next safe haven, they learn of a change in alliances just before they’re attacked again and again, leaving Dru on her own to make her way. Luckily for us, she’s captured by Sergej (oops, did I say that??) and we finally achieve our denouement even as St. Crow sets us up with a whole new set of problems that could actually turn out okay in spite of the blood influence from Milady.
The Characters
Dru Anderson is svetocha and she’s running away…again. This time with the newly-rescued Graves from Sergej’s prison and the now-half Broken Ash.
Graves is a loup-garou Turned by Ash (when Ash was still under thrall to Sergej) and kidnapped and tortured by Sergej in Defiance. Ash is a wulfen whose thrall to Sergej was broken by Dru; he’s incredibly attached to her and his favorite word is “Bang”.
We’re led to believe that the djamphir Christophe Gogol Reynard is in love with Dru because he loved her mother and there is competition for her between Christophe and Graves. His father is Sergej.
Part of the rescue team includes the djamphirs Bruce ibn Allas and Hiro, and the wulfen Dibs and Shanks.
Sergej is the leader of the evil vampire faction who killed Dru’s mother; he wants Dru for her blood and the ability that only the blood of a svetocha can provide. The Maharaj is a group of djinni who allies back and forth between Sergej and the djamphirs, depending upon which group is more powerful or more likely to win. Levant is the one who warns Dru and Christophe of the alliance although later in the book St. Crow says it was Leander who poisoned Dru. Maybe his name is Levant Leander??
Nathalie Skyrunner is Dru’s personal bodyguard and a wulfen. Augustine “Augie” Dobrowski, a djamphir, is an old friend of Dru’s dad and a member of the Order.
The Cover and Title
The cover is ooh-so-spooky with Dru in her leather jacket with its Dracula-like collar and the ruching on the sleeves. Dru has an intent, rather mean look on her face.
The title is reasonable for Sergej does get the Reckoning he deserves. We musta been bad, ’cause we’re still stuck with the idjit.