I received this book for free from my own shelves in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Source: my own shelves
Time's Convert
Deborah Harkness
It is part of the All Souls Universe #1 series and is a historical fiction, paranormal fantasy in a hardcover edition that was published by Viking Adult on September 18, 2018 and has 436 pages.
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Other books by this author which I have reviewed include A Discovery of Witches, Shadow of Night, The Book of Life, The Black Bird Oracle
First in the All Souls Universe paranormal historical fiction series (a spin-off from her All Souls Trilogy) and revolving around the de Clermont family of vampires. The primary focus is on Matthew’s son, Marcus, and his intended, Phoebe Taylor.
Time’s Convert was nominated in 2018 for the Goodreads Choice Award.
My Take
It’s a time-traveling story that requires a third person global subjective point-of-view, as there are so many stories within that require different perspectives in a fascinating backdrop of history, violence, gruesome eating (ahem), supportive family, obedience to family, and when it’s appropriate to break with family, um, traditions. Oh, it’s not actual time travel, but a look back in time through one’s memories.
Yes. Family. It was rather confusing to keep in mind that there are two different kinds of family. The human kind and the vampire kind. Whoever turns you into a vampire is your parent, and whoever turned them into a vampire becomes your grandparent. Naturally, any siblings (of whatever generation) become aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters, etc.
There are actually three stories here, as we follow Matthew and Diane and their twins’ progress versus the family fears, Marcus’ past from his childhood through his second “childhood” with all he must learn, and Phoebe’s transformation into a vampire.
The primary theme is one of freedom. The freedom to make your own choices, the freedom promised by the Revolutionary War and Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, and the freedom hoped for as a result of the French Revolution. In other words, it’s all about Marcus, and we learn about his past history, before he became a vampire, and after. What he struggled with in his human life and in his vampire life.
I wonder if Phoebe’s being turned is why Harkness goes in depth into the blessings of living nearly forever. And it is a lesson we could take to ourselves, one summed up by that old chestnut “take time to smell the roses”. To embrace what you are doing right now. In each chapter about Phoebe, Harkness goes deep on the effect on the various senses, an odd combination of the sensuality of one’s physical senses and Phoebe’s selfish spoiled self. Some are forced on her, such as Françoise’s telling her off. Hoo, boy, that was a good one! Okay, yeah, I’m not liking Phoebe.
A side note is about war and the effect it has. As well as the effect of power. And that was quite the effective way to show how powerful the de Clermonts (and Philippe) are when we learn why Gallowglass flies the family crest!
One of those introspections includes Marcus’ reasoning for not liking rules, for what that lack did to his father after fighting at Fort William Henry. Harkness made use of the War of Independence and the French Revolution to relate how Marcus’ beliefs grew, and yet I wonder why Harkness didn’t include the Civil War in this as well. Probably a lack of space.
Oh, man, Diana has her own revelations, particularly the reasons why her parents spellbound her. Oh, man…lol… It’s those memories that have a violent affect on Diana’s decision about her children’s futures. The most amazing revelation is from Baldwin about Philippe and about the family. Oh. My. Lord. Hell hath frozen over.
Harkness throws in side bits from the time: primer examples and ads regarding stolen property and deserters.
The role of vampires in Harkness’ universe is quite unique and their manipulation of history makes for a much more interesting story, as Harkness flips back and forth through time that is easy enough to follow. I must say that I would never have considered them guardians of the world, lol.
It’s a story packed with action and remarkable characters with a pace that veers between fast and slow, depending upon your interests. Most of the time, I could easily understand what Harkness was saying. Other times, I had to go back over and over a few pages, a few scenes, and there are still some events or comments about which I am clueless.
The Story
On the battlefields of the American Revolution, Matthew de Clermont meets Marcus MacNeil, a young surgeon from Massachusetts, during a moment of political awakening when it seems that the world is on the brink of a brighter future. When Matthew offers him a chance at immortality and a new life free from the restraints of his puritanical upbringing, Marcus seizes the opportunity to become a vampire. But his transformation is not an easy one and the ancient traditions and responsibilities of the de Clermont family clash with Marcus’s deeply held beliefs in liberty, equality, and brotherhood.
Fast-forward to contemporary Paris, where Phoebe Taylor — the young employee at Sotheby’s whom Marcus has fallen for — is about to embark on her own journey to immortality. Though the modernized version of the process at first seems uncomplicated, the couple discovers that the challenges facing a human who wishes to be a vampire are no less formidable than they were in the eighteenth century. The shadows that Marcus believed he’d escaped centuries ago may return to haunt them both — forever.
The Characters
The twenty-three-year-old (sarcastic) Phoebe Taylor, an art historian, is a human in love with Marcus (Shadow of Night, 2) — she’ll become Phoebe Alice Najima Catherine Taylor de Clermont. Persephone will become her illicit cat. Phoebe’s human parents, Edward, a career diplomat, and Padma are supportive but unhappy. Stella is her “superior”, fashion-obsessed sister.
The unconventional, too-impetuous Marcus MacNeil of Hadley, Massachusetts, a.k.a. Galen “Doc” Chauncey, Marcus O’Neil, Marcus Chauncey, Marcus Whitmore, was born in August of 1757 and reborn in 1781. He had been a soldier then a surgeon in the Continental army.
Dr Miriam Shepherd, Matthew’s lab partner (and a former prioress in Jerusalem), will be Phoebe’s maker. Jason had been her son with her deceased mate, Ori, a.k.a. Bertrand, Wendalin, Ludo, Randolf, and Gund, with whom Matthew had been a great friend in their Jerusalem days. Miriam’s daughters had been Taderfit, Lalla, and Layla. Eleanor St Leger, encountered during the Crusades in Jerusalem, had been a contention between Matthew and Ori. Cecilia was another problem.
The de Clermonts are . . .
. . . a powerful vampire family who have been involved in most of the intrigues and wars in the history of the world. Philippe de Clermont had been the autocratic family patriarch until his death. A father with a deep fascination for mythology; “he liked to read about the exploits of old friends”. He also authored the most influential bestiary in the Western tradition.
Freyja, a.k.a. Fanny, is Marcus’ aunt, a former medieval Danish princess. For Phoebe, Margot is a willing human. Madame Elena is a Russian ballet teacher (and vampire) who had known Madame Olga, Phoebe’s childhood ballet mistress. Elena’s son, Dimitri, plays piano. Freyja thinks she knew Richard Mayhew in India.
The hostile, vicious, tyrannical Baldwin Montclair (the head of the de Claremont family and Philippe’s son who had survived since Roman days), Verin, Freyja, and the jaded Stasia are Philippe’s children. The casual Fernando Gonçalves, a black man who would be of no use to the family except as a servant or slave, had been Hugh’s mate, which makes him Matthew’s brother-in-law.
Eric Gallowglass, a vampire sired by Hugh with feelings for Diana, is captain (Eric Reynold) of the Aréthuse. Stefan is the cook. Faraj is the ship’s pilot. Davy Gams Hancock. Charles is the family’s vampire chef in Paris. Françoise, a vampire, has been on staff for centuries. Other staff in Paris include Josette, Guy, and Antoine.
Daniel Fischer, a Swiss vampire and chemist, put the human Sonia. now a colleague of Miriam’s at the World Health Organization, through graduate school, has known the family for some twenty years. Christophe.
Sept-Tours is . . .
. . . the primary de Clermont estate in the French countryside. The elegant yet wild Ysabeau, a carrier of the blood rage, is Matthew’s vampire mother (Marcus’ grandmother, a.k.a. Granny), Philippe’s mate, and the matriarch of the family. Johanna became a widow when Godfrey died in the wars.
Alain Le Merle had been Philippe’s squire and had been sired into vampirism by Marthe, who is Ysabeau’s housekeeper and a vampire.
Sarah Bishop is Diana’s aunt who took her in when Diana’s parents, Rebecca Bishop (a witch) and Stephen Proctor (a time-walking weaver), were murdered. Bennu had been a heron and Stephen’s familiar. Agatha Wilson is a daemon, Nathaniel’s mother, and a member of the Congregation. She and Sarah are raising Margaret, Nathaniel and Sophie’s baby (Shadow of Night). They’ve taken refuge at Sept-Tours along with Tabitha, Sarah’s cat.
Dr. Chris Roberts, a human molecular biologist is Diana’s best friend, and a Yale colleague of both Diana’s and Matthew’s — he’s working with Matthew on researching the genetic levels of humans, vampires, witches, and daemons. It seems he’s also a knight. Of Lazarus? It also seems Chris is back on with his girlfriend, Jette.
In the village, Madame Lefebvre is not doing well. Adele and her new boyfriend are fighting. Madame Laurence runs a restaurant.
Les Revenants is . . .
. . . an estate near Sept-Tours that becomes Matthew and Diana’s home. Dr Matthew de Clermont, a multi-talented vampire broke the rules and married Dr Diana Bishop, a professor of history and chemistry, who is also a time-walking witch, specifically a weaver. They’ve had half-vampire, half-witch, Bright Born, twins: Rebecca “Becca” Arielle Emily Marthe with her love for blood and Philip “Pip” Michael Addison Sorley Bishop-Clairmont. Cuthbert, a stuffed elephant, and Zee, a wooden zebra, are some of Becca’s toys. A griffin will become Pip’s familiar and named Apollo. Jack is Matthew’s great-grandson and very artistic (Diana thinks of him as their first son; Shadow of Night.) He also inherited Matthew’s blood rage. Seems Jack did a no-no with Suki, the woman employed to watch over Jack in London. Balthasar is Matthew’s stallion. Rakasa is Diana’s horse. Hector and Fallon are Matthew’s dogs. Ardwinna is a Scottish deerhound for Diana.
Diana is supposed to be working on her gramarye, putting her magic into words, as well as one on the connections between cooking and modern chemistry. Corra had been the firedrake familiar Diana summoned (Shadow of Night). Hamish Osborne is Matthew’s demon friend who lives in Scotland as well as being the family lawyer to the de Clermonts. Benjamin Fox, a.k.a. Fuchs, inherited Matthew’s blood rage and is Matthew’s truly nasty son.
The Knights of Lazarus is . . .
. . . a de Clermont secret military / charitable organization founded during the Crusades to protect vampire interests is always led by a de Clermont who have their fingers in human politics and religion.
The Congregation is . . .
. . . a council of nine vampires, witches, and daemons whose purpose is to rule the supernaturals, and the covenant is meant to prevent them from mixing with each other. Diana is the de Clermont family representative. Other members include Satu Järvinen, one of the witches who had tortured Diana and Gerbert of Aurillac and Domenico Michele, who are vampire reps. The witch, Peter Knox, had been allied with Gerbert and Dominic and was a representative.
Andrea Popescu, a vampire who is married to a human, is a political reporter for Evenimentul Zilei. Albrect and Eliezer are more progressive vampire leaders in the Debrecen area where Holló Castle is the cause of contention between the Corvinus and Székely vampire clans. Lambert of Saint-Omer is a Benedictine cleric and friend of Gerbert’s.
London, 1591
“Father” Andrew Hubbard had ruled over London’s vampires. Still does, actually.
Hadley, Massachusetts, 1757ish
Catherine Chauncey, Marcus’ abused mother, had been from Boston. Obadiah MacNeil, his alcoholic father, had been from Pelham. Patience had been Marcus’ only sister. Oliver will be Patience’s son. Josiah is a shifty cousin. Zeb Pruitt, a Negro, was Marcus’ friend and hero. Ellie Pruitt helped Catherine clean once a week. Madam Porter had a fine house. The gossipy, snotty Anna Porter was her granddaughter. Anna’s father runs the mercantile. Joshua Boston seems to be all right. Old Widow Noble. Noah Cook thought it was just a dog. Reverend Hopkins was their preacher. I’m not sure if Mary Webster has been a ghost in this time or recently became one. The Kelloggs’ hog was an escape artist.
Today, Mrs Judd will be a neighbor.
Northampton, Massachusetts
Thomas Buckland has a surgery and lends Marcus medical books. Mercy Buckland is his wife and compiles the potions and medications for their apothecary. Seth Pomeroy is a fine gunsmith.
America, 1770s
Members of Congress who take over the Sun Inn in Bethlehem include John Adams. Aaron Lyon is one of Colonel Woodbridge‘s men. Colonel Prescott is stranded on Breed’s Hill. Jimmy Hutchinson is from Salem . . . and younger than Marcus. Captain John Stark, one of the first of Rogers’ Rangers, will command Marcus. John Cole was wearing buckskins. Captain Hamilton seems to be a stickler. In Yorktown, Le Brun is a French soldier. John Russell, a spy for the Yanks who’s pretending to be with the 17th Regiment of Light Dragoons thinks Matthew is too sincere to be a de Clermont. Marcus meets Mistress Sarah Bishop, a healer, for the first time at the end of his first battle. John Proctor broke his leg.
The Philadelphia Associators was a gunnery company that became Marcus’ new family with Captain Moulder the nominal head, Lieutenant Cuthbert, Adam Swift who was Irish and Cuthbert’s second-in-command, and Claes Vanderslice who was a fourteen-year-old Dutch rigger. German Gerty runs a tavern.
Dr Bodo and the formidable Mrs Otto — he’s the chief surgeon for the Pennsylvania companies, who will dragoon Marcus as his surgeon’s mate. Dr Cochran is part of Bodo’s staff. Otto is in charge of the Philadelphia Bettering House for the indigent, criminal, and insane. Thank god, Dr Otto has firm ideas about cleanliness, and he has no time for Shippen or Rush. Dr Sutton has useful methods. Mrs Dolly, a Negress, is part of Otto’s staff along with Otto’s three sons: Frederick, Dr Junior, and John. Patients include Silas Hubbard and Will Norman. Hunter appears to have written an influential book on battlefield medical aid??
Joseph Comton and William Bassett are deserters from Captain Roland/Rowland Maddison’s company, which is in the 12th Virginia regiment commanded by Colonel James Wood in General Scott’s brigade. George Shade deserted from Captain John Burrowe’s company in Colonel David Forman’s regiment.
Dr Warren spoke to the Sons of Liberty in 1775. Hannah Winthrope writes to Mercy Otis Warren (Coll Warren is her husband). George Washington. Dr William Shippen Jr is considered reputable (but a quack!).
The French
Gilbert “Gil”, a.k.a. the Marquis de Lafayette, is only nineteen! Adrienne is Gil’s wife, and they have two children already, Anastasie and Georges. Part of his entourage includes Matthew, the chevalier de Clermont, a.k.a. Dagoweyent, and John Russell with the Seventeenth Regiment of Light Dragoons. Pierre is a stretcher-bearer. Mlle Juliette Durand is Matthew’s nasty French girlfriend.
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, is . . .
. . . the home of a Moravian community led by Johannes Ettwein who is also the town’s minister. Mrs Boeckel, her daughter, Liesel, and young John Ettwein are skilled nurses. The not-free Brother Andrew, originally known as Ofodobendo Wooman, and Sister Magdalene, once Beulah, are a married Black couple and not quite as equal as their fellow Brethren. Brother Eckhardt is their apothecary. Sarah had been a slave sold by the congregation.
Paris, 1782
Dr Benjamin Franklin is the American ambassador with whom Fanny works. Davy Gams, a.k.a. Hancock. Stéphanie Félicité du Crest de Saint-Aubin, Comtesse de Genlis, is a friend of Fanny’s who comes to help educate Marcus before, horrors, Philippe meets him. Master Arrigo St Angelo is employed to teach Marcus swordsmanship.
1789 to 1790
Veronique, an independent vampire made by Ombeline in 1348, runs a tavern, La Ruche, and is Marcus’ lover. She espouses the beliefs of the extremely paranoid Dr Jean-Paul Marat, a daemon, a revolutionary, and a friend of Marcus’ who publishes L’ami du peuple. In our day, Veronique works in London. Dr Guillotin, a Freemason, wants to reform medicine, including providing criminals with a quicker, more humane death. Monsieur Boulanger owns a bakery. Georges Danton formed a political club, the Cordeliers. Mr Burke writes to Monsieur Depont. Café Procope is in the Quartier Latin.
England, 1790
Catharine Sawbridge Macaulay Graham, a friend of Ben Franklin’s and the most notorious woman in England, will provide a refuge. Her husband, William, is a Scots surgeon and less than half her age. His brother, James Graham, incorporates some unconventional “cures”.
William encourages Marcus to attend Edinburgh University with Dr Black‘s chemistry lectures, Dr Gregory‘s insistence on visiting wards and seeing patients, and Dr Monro‘s anatomy lectures.
1793 to 1799
King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette get their mention. Robespierre is one of the radicals.
Philadelphia, 1793
Yellow fever broke out. Betsy is an orphan. Absalom Jones is driving a dead wagon for Mr Girard who took over the Hamilton estate.
New York??, 1805-1809
Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense. Marguerite Bonneville and her sons, Benjamin and Thomas, care for Paine. Aaron and Edward were the drivers Marcus engaged. (Her husband, Nicholas, had been a printer in France.)
New Orleans, 1809 to 1817
Ransome Fayrweather is a scam artist who befriends Marcus and introduces him to the joys in life, including the Domino Club. Ransome goes on to sire his own children: Malachi Smith, a thief; Crispin Jones; and, the unlucky Suzette Boudrot, among others. It inspires Marcus to sire his own: Molly, a Choctaw with the voice of an angel; One-Eyed Jack, who ran with Lafitte’s gang; Geraldine, a French acrobat; Waldo who could spot cheats a mile away; and, Myrna with her heart of gold. I think Marguerite D’Arcantel heads up a coven. I have no idea who Louis is.
A gramayre is the ability to put knotted magic into words. A weaver is a very powerful witch with daemon blood who represents hope, rebirth, and change, a maker of spells who terrified other witches so much that they hunted them down. The higher magics are considered too dark, too addictive, for witches to handle safely. Blood rage is an inherited sickness that can take over a vampire’s mind and body with no room for reason or control. There are various terms referring to vampires, including manjasang, wearh, and
The Cover and Title
The cover is an incredibly busy collage of arcane circles in oranges, browns, and golds with the textured profile of a woman, Diana??, emerging from behind the trio of stacked circles, the bottom of which is a clock representing time. All the text is in white, causing it all to stand out well from the author’s embossed name at the top followed by two lines, one an info blurb and the second the original series information. The embossed title spans the lower half with the information that this is a “novel” at the bottom.
I’m thinking the title has more to do with Matthew and Diana’s children and their future abilities, as Time’s Converts.