Author: Kathy Davie

Book Review: Kelly Marshall’s The Love Songs Murders

Book Review: Kelly Marshall’s The Love Songs Murders

I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.The Love Songs Murdersin Paperback edition on August 15, 2011 and has 276 pages.Explore it on Goodreads or Amazon Review source: Author First in the Winston-Strom* mystery series revolving around two detectives with the Seattle Police Department: Nick Winston and Pat Strom. * My own label as Marshall hasn’t named it yet. My Take I’m undecided between a “2.5” and a “3” for this story. Marshall actually has an interesting take on the partnership in this story between the definitely heterosexual Nick and the gay Pat and I would be curious to see where she takes this. However, there are some huge holes in the story and Marshall is badly in need of an editor and a style guide. The summary on the back of the book is more sensationalist than anything else. Yes, Winston and Strom’s individual interest in the same person does create a problem, but that’s not the primary issue in this story. I like both characters. They’re human with human weaknesses, and they both still rise above those shortcomings. […]

Posted September 17, 2012 by Kathy Davie in / 0 Comments

Book Review: Mark Gilleo’s Sweat

Book Review: Mark Gilleo’s Sweat

I received this book for free from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Sweatby Mark Gilleo political thriller that was published by The Story Plant on August 28, 2012 and has 366 pages.Explore it on Goodreads or Amazon A political thriller that explores the dirty side of politics and business when it comes to sweatshops. Sweat was nominated in 2014 for the International Book Award for Thriller/Adventure and the National Indie Excellence Awards. Review source: The Story Plant, Stamford, Connecticut. My Take Nice set-up. Pretty long set-up, too. There wasn’t a depth of tension or drama in this. Mostly, I read on to discover what would happen next. How would Jake solve this? Who gets caught? Gilleo set up a number of subplots within that kept things interesting with some unexpected twists along the way. On the whole, I liked his characters. Yeah, even Peter Winthrop. At least Peter was honest about himself and I can appreciate that. Senator Day and the Changs…well, ya gotta have a few bad guys so you have someone to hiss at. Every time I started to feel sorry […]

Posted September 17, 2012 by Kathy Davie in Book Reviews / 0 Comments

Book Review: Mark del Franco’s Unquiet Dreams

Book Review: Mark del Franco’s Unquiet Dreams

I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Unquiet Dreamsin Paperback edition on January 29, 2008 and has 292 pages.Explore it on Goodreads or Amazon Second in the Connor Grey urban fantasy series about a down-and-out Druid with very little power in Boston. My Take Lots of misdirection in this one and an interesting peek into gang warfare from street to the upper levels of society. This is good experience for Conner (as I sit here in my easy chair) as he discovers the hard way how the little people feel, how they’re treated. He used to be one of the elite. Thinking the same way. I have to wonder if del Franco is setting us up for a future installment where Connor takes a top position. Oh, that’s a good one. I love Meryl’s remark about getting more evil eye repellant up as she’s infested with Christian missionaries. I suspect a romance down the road between Meryl and Murdock. I have my doubts about Keeva. She screwed up in Unshapely Things and she does it again here. I’m curious as […]

Posted September 14, 2012 by Kathy Davie in / 0 Comments