Book Review: Jesse Petersen’s Club Monstrosity
A monsters support group is terrified when the Invisible Man is killed…someone knows they exist! And Monstofelldosis Anonymous band together to discover the murderer.
A monsters support group is terrified when the Invisible Man is killed…someone knows they exist! And Monstofelldosis Anonymous band together to discover the murderer.
I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennoxin Hardcover edition on October 24, 2007 and has 245 pages.Explore it on Goodreads or Amazon An odd look at the horrid history of a small family. My Take A friend at Goodreads recommended this story, and I’m sorry I ever picked it up. It was a horror to read and to read about. I can’t understand people like these. And that sister???! Omigod. I keep wanting to say this was well-written, that O’Farrell used words well. And she did, but only in fits and starts. She flits back and forth between Esme’s youth, Iris’ youth, over to Kitty’s life, and back to today from paragraph to paragraph, within paragraphs and never gives you a heads up. It’s like being on a mental Tilt’a Whirl. It’s such a confusion of words that it’s probably won some literary award. It is a terrifying look at the social rules and fears of the time — I’m thinking it was the early part of the twentieth century. It’s also a time […]
Haunted by his dreams of a red tide, Odd is pulled to a coastal town where the forces against him have official sanction and a more sinister authority
Kitty must uncover the truth about a new werewolf in town who is threatening the pack and Kitty. Not good when Kitty is going up against the ancient vampire, Roman.
Insure a quality manuscript by ensuring a quality edit, I assure you in this Word Confusion from KD Did It.
I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Wool Omnibusin eBook edition on January 25, 2012 and has 509 pages.Explore it on Goodreads or Amazon Stories: Wool, #1 Proper Gauge, #2Casting Off, #3The Unraveling, #4The Stranded, #5 I do recommend getting the omnibus if only because you won’t want to stop. The Wool Omnibus was nominated in 2014 for the Tähtivaeltaja Award. In 2013, it won the Bookworm Best Award for People’s Pick, and in 2012 it was nominated as the Goodreads Choice for Best Science Fiction. My Take Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! The things Howey can do to a stair tread! Taking every day things and describing them in a completely new way, making us feel and see everything. Just start to read that first page and you will fall into this story. Howey slowly pulled me into the truth of Wool. A truth that will shock, appall, and cause you to weep. And yet, it’s a familiar plot of hope, acceptance, and gross betrayal. And an impressive story that still finds me crying. Howey gives this small twists with great […]
A woman lies dead at the bottom of the stairs, stripped of all her valuables. Most cops might call it a mugging gone wrong, but Lieutenant Eve Dallas knows better.
Explore Anthony Flacco’s new book, In the Matter of Nikola Tesla: A Romance of the Mind, a fictional biography about a compassionate man destroyed by greed.
In the aftermath of a forbidden moment that rocked Sydney to her core, she finds herself struggling to draw the line between her Alchemist teachings and what her heart is urging her to do.
Compromising pictures, evil androids running amok, and international tensions pale when Jeff Martini and Charles Reynolds disappear—and even ACE can’t help.