Author: Kathy Davie

Book Review: Virna DePaul’s A Vampire’s Salvation

Book Review: Virna DePaul’s A Vampire’s Salvation

I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.A Vampire’s Salvationin eBook edition on January 2, 2011 and has 89 pages.Explore it on Goodreads or Amazon First in the Beyond Human HOT urban fantasy series. The couple focus is on Frankie Stewart and Jake Rios. This is an eBook and very well worth the price, even if it is a short story, *grin*. I received this as an ARC from the publisher, but I see that it was first published in 2011. I also get the impression that this is meant to be a series, so I’m hoping that DePaul has more to come. My Take Wow. This was amazing! DePaul wrote an entire story from beginning to end in these few pages and I’m dying to read more! There isn’t a lot of “foreplay” in terms of the romance dance in this, partially because DePaul takes care of that “instant love” thang by having six months go by with neither party indicating an interest. Well, not much of one, anyway. Instead, DePaul takes the time to rev up the erotic […]

Posted April 12, 2013 by Kathy Davie in / 2 Comments

Book Review: Rob Thurman’s Slashback

Book Review: Rob Thurman’s Slashback

I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.SlashbackIt is part of the Cal Leandros #8 series and is a in Paperback edition on March 5, 2013 and has 352 pages.Explore it on Goodreads or Amazon Other books in this series include [books_series] Eighth in the Cal Leandros dark urban fantasy series revolving around a young man struggling to maintain his humanity in New York City. My Take Oh man. Another zinger from Thurman! Although, there weren’t as many clever T-shirts or that gritty, dark humor I usually find in a Cal Leandros story. Of course, the subject matter in this one was grim — a drunken mother who abused her children and children who worked hard to cope and stay together. The older learning some hard lessons from the younger. Thurman flips back and forth between today and twelve years ago in the Leandros brothers’ childhood. God, it’s just so, heartening — and disheartening! — to read of what Niko went through to raise his little brother. The worries and hopes he had. And absolutely gripping. The young Cal was […]

Posted April 10, 2013 by Kathy Davie in / 0 Comments