Author: Kathy Davie

Book Review: Daniel Pool’s What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew: From Fox Hunting to Whist – the Facts of Daily Life in 19th-Century England

Book Review: Daniel Pool’s What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew: From Fox Hunting to Whist – the Facts of Daily Life in 19th-Century England

I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew: From Fox Hunting to Whist – the Facts of Daily Life in 19th-Century Englandin Paperback edition on April 21, 1994 and has 416 pages.Explore it on Goodreads or Amazon A non-fictional exploration of life in 19th-century England. It’s a “4” simply because it is not complete. But, really, how can any one book or person be a complete catalog of such a huge subject area?? My Take This was excellent, although not complete. However, anyone writing in this time period would be well advised to purchase it. I would hesitate to borrow it from the library simply because by the time you took down all the relevant notes, you’d have spent a hellacious amount of time rewritting the book, time you could have spent on your novel! Pool has done an amazing job of addressing so many issues that would provide such authenticity to writers working in this time period. The titles, proper modes of address, and orders of precedence; manners; food and drink — […]

Posted March 15, 2013 by Kathy Davie in / 1 Comment