Word Confusion: There’s versus There’re

There’s she blowin’, right where there’re a lot of…oops…no more boats in this Word Confusion from KD Did It for self-editing writers.
There’s she blowin’, right where there’re a lot of…oops…no more boats in this Word Confusion from KD Did It for self-editing writers.
My aerie can get airy when the wind blows, and that can make it kind of eerie in this Word Confusion from KD Did It.
It’s an accident if there are negative consequences, but a mishap if it was merely an unlucky Word Confusion.
There are so few definitions for “phew” and so many for the “few” in this Word Confusion from KD Did It.
Ere I thought, ’twas e’er chance that erred in this Word Confusion from KD Did It.
Martial marital relations are so stressful in this Word Confusion from KD Did It.
Bullies are persecuting little toerags who should be prosecuted to the fullest extent in any Word Confusion.
In actual fact, there are a number of grammar rules that aren’t really rules at all. Explore actual and fact for yourself in this Word Confusion from KD Did It.
To peruse or pursue. I suppose one needs to peruse the ladies to determine who to pursue.
Win accolades for your writing and acolytes to buy your books in this Word Confusion from KD DId It Edits.