Properly Punctuated – Word: Asterisk, *

The asterisk is both a punctuation symbol and a word, and a writer will want to understand when and why to use it in this combination Properly Punctuated and Word post from KD Did It.
The asterisk is both a punctuation symbol and a word, and a writer will want to understand when and why to use it in this combination Properly Punctuated and Word post from KD Did It.
There is symbolism for the writer, and then there are symbols for absolutely EVERYbody in this post from KD Did It.
Get Properly Punctuated on periods with this post…full stop…from KD Did It Edits.
Fashion goes in and out, and the current one requires commas and periods inside the quotation marks — against all logic in this Properly Punctuated Tip from KD Did It.
Despite the fashion cycles of the comma, misusing and abusing the comma is all too common. Read this Word Confusion to learn where and when to use it.
Who knew that the question mark could have this many possibilities?
Wow! Omigod! Look at that! It’s Super Writer!!!
A backslash is definitely not the same as a back lash in this Properly Punctuated tip from KD Did It.
Brackets are essentially explanations providing background information and a few other tasks: computer programming and the hardworking parenthetical in this Properly Punctuated tip.