Properly Punctuated: Interrupter

An interrupter is a type of punctuation using commas, em dashes, or parentheses in this Properly Punctuated post from KD Did It.
An interrupter is a type of punctuation using commas, em dashes, or parentheses in this Properly Punctuated post from KD Did It.
The vocative case directly addresses a person or animal and makes it quite clear to the reader who is speaking or being addressed. Writers, please read this Properly Punctuated Tip and Grammar Explanation from KD Did It!
The ampersand is a symbol used as both word and punctuation that affects grammar and formatting in this all-around tip from KD Did It.
A short and succinct take on English grammar which dives deep in some areas and skims over others.
For when you “really” need to let people know the sarcasm of it all…through this Properly Punctuated tip from KD Did It.
C.S. Lakin gets to the point on when and how to use parentheses.