WARNING: Sony eReader Users of Sony Reader PRS-T1, T2, and T3

Nate Hoffelder at The Digital Reader warns of “Sony Issues Penultimate Update for Sony Readers“. With Sony’s bowing out of the North American market for its Sony Reader Store and transferring customers to Kobo, they have issued a firmware update for Sony Readers. Sounds good, right? That depends. This latest update (intended for the North American market): Removes the link to the Sony Reader store Doesn’t let owners buy ebooks from Kobo — said to be coming in a firmware update in late May 2014 Removes the sharing options Removes the option for syncing bookmarks and annotations If you want to access the Sony Reader Store in the rest of the world, do not install this update. If you’re cool with “tying your Sony Reader to Kobo, then … consider the update. But even then I would suggest that you wait for the later update before installing anything.” Hoffelder includes links to the three different (North American only) firmware updates in his post.