Marketing Help & Resources: Blogging for the Writer

If you’re considering whether you should blog (or not), read this post on Blogging for the Writer from KD Did It.
If you’re considering whether you should blog (or not), read this post on Blogging for the Writer from KD Did It.
Get an idea of the many ways you can promote your book in this Marketing Help & Resources post from KD Did It.
Fiction and non-fiction are merely the tip of the vast pyramid beneath these two basic genre categories in this Writing & Reading post from KD Did It.
An email newsletter from Joan Stewart of The Publicity Hound warns authors to “Beware of Listopia, Indie Writers Support #AuthorScams“. Read her post online for tips on what to watch out for…and who! Please share this warning with other writers. We spend enough money without simply throwing it away!
by Melissa Delport, author of The Legacy It took almost a year before it finally happened to me. That moment every writer dreads: The First Bad Review. As writers, we have to accept that bad reviews are inevitable. No one book can appeal to everyone. Bad reviews are an occupational hazard, but the first time, it stings a little. I read my first bad review with my heart in my throat and a cold, sickening dread in the pit of my stomach. She didn’t like my book… how could she not like my book? *sob* I quickly typed up the following response: Dearest (Bad) Reviewer, Firstly, I must congratulate you on your extraordinary ability to remain sour for extended periods of time. I am sure that this must take some effort on your part, maintaining the delicate balance between perpetual bitterness and scathing sarcasm, and for this, you must be duly applauded. There are a few points I feel I must mention in order that you “up your game” and grow as a reviewer. (YES, dimwit, I AM reviewing your review…stings a little, doesn’t it?) Spelling: If you, as a reviewer, cannot spell, then perhaps you should not comment. It […]
A webinar on marketing your book to big chain stores.
Kevin Hearne, author of the Iron Druid Chronicles about the last Druid in the world, talks about the economics of touring to promote your books.
Brian Kleiwer wrote an interesting blog for FineArtViews on “Marketing Art On The Internet, Part 1“.
Rather sounds like a mystery novel doesn’t it? Actually, BISAC stands for Book Industry Standards and Communications which are the industry-standard codes used to organize books for booksellers, databases, and a source of information for Bookscan. An organization, the Book Industry Study Group (BISG), creates, maintains, and revises these codes of which there are currently over 3,000. These industry-standard codes, make it easier for the bookseller to shelve the book in the appropriate section, choose the appropriate genre in a database which also makes it easier to do a search, and Bookscan uses it to help build their bestseller lists as well as track point of sale figures for all books. AND, when provided by the author, it ensures that the book is categorized where the author intends it to be found. As the author, you, well, your publisher must provide at least one BISAC code—the most general one which applies to your topic to the National Book Network (NBN). Ideally, three codes should be included. This allows you to fine tune the different marketing possibilities. The Tip Sheet Submission Form will give you as the author some ideas as to what your publisher will expect, or, if you’re self-publishing, […]
The saga of Victoria Gardella continues as the glorious nineteenth-century city of Rome gives rise to a new threat from the immortal undead…