Grammar & Word Confusion: A and An

The indefinite articles “a” and “an” are a simple grammar lesson we learned as kids. What we didn’t learn is when they become a Word Confusion.
The indefinite articles “a” and “an” are a simple grammar lesson we learned as kids. What we didn’t learn is when they become a Word Confusion.
Do you really want to incur God’s wrath by invoking his name when you’re swearing? Protect yourself by exploring this Word Confusion from KD Did It.
Don’t care if bait and bate are alternate spellings for each other in this Word Confusion. I still don’t want to kiss someone with baited breath!
The Weres are planning world domination, starting with kidnapping Nick and Jax. Rachel Morgan, kick-ass bounty hunter and witch, must stop the Weres with an enlarged Jenks.
Feisty women characters about whom I’ve enjoyed reading.