Word Confusion: Lead versus Lede
Lede has dramatic but very limited options while lead takes the lead in a wide range of possibilities in this Word Confusion from KD Did It.
Lede has dramatic but very limited options while lead takes the lead in a wide range of possibilities in this Word Confusion from KD Did It.
It’s a subtle difference when your character riffles or rifles through a drawer in this Word Confusion from KD Did It.
Being a leaper away from a leper is a practical move in this Word Confusion from KD Did It!
Self-editing writers who proofread need to be aware of the difference between a statue and a statute…besides the latter having an extra “t” in this Word Confusion from KD Did It.
Graves can be found in too many places. The unsanctioned in someone’s backyard, a field, the woods. Then there are the sanctioned ones in the cemetery and the graveyard…and sometimes the churchyard in this Word Confusion from KD Did It.
Writers find ways to secrete their secrets within their tales of woe, as per this Word Confusion from KD Did It.
It’s possible that a self-editing writer can proofread their work, but is it feasible they will do well in this Word Confusion from KD Did It?
I’d rather be alone than lonely or lonesome. It’s such a contentment to be alone, even if I am the lone editor in my building in this Word Confusion from KD Did it.
Ante-publishing, self-editing writers are anti professional proofreaders, anticipating they don’t need to ante up the funds needed to ensure their manuscripts are without mistakes.
You can halve something, and then you’ll have a half…or two in this Word Confusion from KD Did It.