Word Confusion: Bar vs Barre vs Barré
A session at the bar is likely to preclude a session at the barre or with a barré in this Word Confusion from KD Did It.
A session at the bar is likely to preclude a session at the barre or with a barré in this Word Confusion from KD Did It.
Oral and verbal are both spoken and heard with the aural, but only verbal can also be written in this Word Confusion from KD Did It for the self-editing writer.
Home ➢ Author Resources ➢ Word Confusion ➢ Rose versus Rows She picked a rows, sniffed it, and proclaimed it good. Well, not at the movie theater I go to. I pick some rows and there’s always something wrong with them. Sticky floors, busted seat arms, you name it. I do all right when I go pick strawberries and tomatoes where there are rows of all those lovely edibles. They smell good, too. For the fragrance of a rose though, I’d rather pick a rose. What’s that you say? You meant to say she picked a rose, rose with it in her delicate hands, and went through three rows of people to give it to me? Well why didn’t you say so! And ’cause I just “know” how much you love this, it is another pair of heterographs (a subset of homophone). Word Confusions . . . . . . started as my way of dealing with a professional frustration with properly spelled words that were out of context in manuscripts I was editing as well as books I was reviewing. It evolved into a sharing of information with y’all. I’m hoping you’ll share with us words that have been […]
He rose up with a rose in his hand and waved at the rows and rows of people watching in this Word Confusion for the self-editing writer from KD Did It.
Yep, I’m absolutely, positively certain that everyone who writes anything needs an editor with access to the Word Confusion posts from KD Did It.
The self-editing writer can be their own savior, by being a saver and keeping hold of this Word Confusion post to savor the differences.
To achieve a blush, a rogue would need rouge in this Word Confusion for self-editing writers from KD Did It.
A barren baron won’t be passing on any hereditary peerage for self-editing writers in this Word Confusion from KD Did It.
Percentages have no numbers while a percent is all number and a percentile is all about value in this Word Confusion for the self-editing writer from KD Did It.
Don’t let friendly fire take down your work…get that manuscript proofread and learn more about the fun of paranyms in this Grammar Explanation from KD Did It.