People have been asking about books I’d recommend or series I enjoy, and . . . my mind goes blank. I can’t think of an author. Or I have multiple favorites, it just depends on which genre they’re asking about. There are just so many, and too it depends on what genre you like and . . . and . . . and . . . So I thought it would be easier to put together lists of what I like by genre.
I’ve included what I like (and sometimes dislike) about a series, whether I own some (or would like to!), and sometimes I include what I find useful to a writer.

Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Steampunk, Paranormal Romance, & Horror
The first list I put together was of urban fantasy, steampunk, paranormal romance, fantasy, and horror series I’ve read. I had toyed with the idea of a separate list for children, but ehhh, instead I’ve expanded it to include various children’s and young adult series. Yes, I have separate categories for those, lol.

Mysteries with Suspense and Thrillers
And since people were asking what I liked in historical mysteries, I found it was easier (and less likely for me to forget a series!) to put together the mysteries . . . which of course expanded into suspense and thrillers.

Ahhh, Romance . . .
These are the romances without the fantasy aspect: cozies, contemporary, erotic to erotica to sexy, western, sport, romantic suspense (!), historicals, science fiction, the inspirational, and . . . a few I thought were so incredibly bad that I wanted to warn ya.
Oh, yeah, about that fantasy aspect . . . I meant the paranormal and urban fantasy type, ahem.

Science Fiction
Jules Verne and H.G. Wells were some of the earliest science fiction writers, and the genre has grown to include a variety of subgenres including the apocalyptic and dystopian, explorations of the human condition, fantasy, funny, military, romance, space opera, steampunk, technology, and time travel, so lets go for a r-i-i-d-e . . .
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