Book Review: David Weber’s A Rising Thunder

Peace now exists between Manticore and Haven but the Mesan Alignment and Solarian League are pushing for war, especially if Honor Harrington shuts down that wormhole!
Peace now exists between Manticore and Haven but the Mesan Alignment and Solarian League are pushing for war, especially if Honor Harrington shuts down that wormhole!
Charis and Chisholm have allied with each kingdom’s leaders marrying one another. And still Cayleb cannot share the true secrets of Safehold with his Sharleyan.
Honor’s worst nightmares fall short of the oncoming reality as the Solarian League attacks.
Charis still stands, still free, still tolerant, still an island of innovation in a world in which the Church has worked to keep humanity locked at a medieval level of existence.
The few survivors of the genocide by the Gbaba fled to Safehold where a renegade group instilled mind control and hidden high tech to force humanity to stay at a medieval level. But now a “rebirth” is occurring.
The planet-wrecking pirates made one big mistake, and now ex-commando leader Alicia DeVries and her two allies intend to ensure they never make another one.
With four short stories, In Fire Forged is fifth in the anthology series, Worlds of Honor, and a spinoff from the Honor Harrington military science-fiction series.
A meeting that went wrong on a duplicate Earth. Neither side knows who shot first, but each thought the other shot first. It’s battle between magic and steel-and-steam.
The scientific weapons of Sharona versus the magic of Arcana clash in the Multiverse, each thinking the other fired first and war snowballs between two powerful unions.
Master spies, and enemies, Anton Zilwicki and Victor Cachat, are bent on uncovering the truth of a wave of assassinations against Manticore and Torch.