Book Review: Kim Harrison’s “Pet Shop Boys”

It’s at that Christmas party he can’t leave that Cooper discovers why Felicity didn’t allow her daughter to trade a bat for a kitten.
It’s at that Christmas party he can’t leave that Cooper discovers why Felicity didn’t allow her daughter to trade a bat for a kitten.
Witch-turned-day-walking demon Rachel Morgan is pulled in to investigate the who and why of ritually murdered corpses appearing all over Cincinnati.
Denounced and shunned for dealing with demons and black magic, Rachel must trust to her enemies to free her from life imprisonment—and a lobotomy!
Kist is dead. Rachel Morgan’s memories gone. But she’s determined to solve his murder. Then a new predator moves in, and Rachel’s past comes back to haunt her.
A family secret throws Rachel’s entire life into question, and she discovers there are some lines that should never be crossed…and others she must.
A serial killer claims victims across society, and ignites a vicious Inderland gang war while Rachel hides an artifact that could stop the killer or start a battle to the death.
The Weres are planning world domination, starting with kidnapping Nick and Jax. Rachel Morgan, kick-ass bounty hunter and witch, must stop the Weres with an enlarged Jenks.
With the vampire kingpin, Rachel has to deal with a demon to battle the war raging in Cincinnati, fend off her blood-drinking partner, and oh, yeah, survive.
Rachel Morgan, sexy witch, bounty hunter, prowls Cincinnati for criminals of the night, but a serial killer who feeds on the experts is an evil that threatens her soul.
When Madison died on prom night, life would never be the same. The advantages include the perfect boyfriend who doesn’t mind that she’s dead, the disadvantages…