Book Review: Peter Tremayne’s The Second Death

There’s turmoil in AD 671 Ireland when murder and arson happen on the way to Cashel’s Great Fair, and Fidelma and Eadulf must solve this troubling mystery in time.
There’s turmoil in AD 671 Ireland when murder and arson happen on the way to Cashel’s Great Fair, and Fidelma and Eadulf must solve this troubling mystery in time.
Fidelma and Brother Eadulf must discover who was behind the attempted assassination attempt of King Colgú. Was it their arch enemies? Evil secrets at an abbey?
Murder, intrigue, conspiracy, and great danger await Sister Fidelma and Brother Eadulf as they try to reconcile the murder of a young noble with a militant abbott.
Sister Fidelma’s old teacher, Brother Ruadn, is dying, and his last words send her off on her most dangerous adventure where murder follows murder and a vicious civil war threatens.
An anthology of thirteen tales of medieval murder from low to high and with justice in between.
A scholar is found murdered and manuscripts stolen. The abbot insists on Sister Fidelma and Brother Eadulf investigating despite the attempt on their lives and their own problems.
Attacked by a pirate vessel, the captain of an Irish ship and a prince, are murdered. Fidelma of Cashel and Brother Eadulf are determined to bring the killers to justice…
On the way to beg a Druid clan to allow for a Christian church and school, the come across a massacre – 36 young men covered in pagan ritual scars.