Book Review: Alex Archer’s Footprints

Having been curious about Bigfoot for years, Annja Creed is intrigued when her friend claims to have evidence. Only armed thugs threaten Annja and her friend is missing.
Having been curious about Bigfoot for years, Annja Creed is intrigued when her friend claims to have evidence. Only armed thugs threaten Annja and her friend is missing.
Political violence is threatening holy sites, and Annja Creed has been hired to help conserve them. Annja must brave a curse and demons to protect Nepal’s treasures.
Kidnapped, archaeologist Annja Creed is a prisoner of the dreaded Abu Sayyaf, a notorious terrorist group. Escaping, she must avoid her captors and the not-so-dead spirits with a taste for flesh.
When her cameraman disappears, Annja narrowly escapes attack and everyone on the dig is at risk. Annja thinks they’re in danger not because of what they saw, but “who…”
A 40,000-year-old alien necklace and a colleague asking for help pulls Annja Creed to a dig in Antartica where she soon begins to wonder who to trust and who wants to kill her.
Finding D’Artagnan’s lost sword is on Annja Creed’s bucket list and when a friend believes he’s found it, Annja meets him only to discover a huge sacrifice.
On the trail of a Chinese imperial seal, each expert Annja Creed visits is dead. Annja begins to believe she’s next on the killer’s list.
A decrepit old man tells Annja Creed the end of the world is near, speaking as if he knew King Arthur. Then Roux goes missing, and Annja realizes there may be something to it.
The superstitious locals in Jakutsk in northern Siberia blame the ghost of a fallen goddess for the people gone missing. Annja Creed will be on the trail of this supposed apparition.