Book Review: Ilona Andrews’ “Regina”

A hideous story that explains why Regina and Patricia are in hiding with the Baylors.
A hideous story that explains why Regina and Patricia are in hiding with the Baylors.
An escaped spider, the unexpected arrival of an Imperial Russian Prince, the senseless assassination of a powerful figure, a shocking attack on the supposedly invincible Warden of Texas, Catalina’s boss… And it’s only Monday.
Danger threatens Catalina Baylor’s client, Runa Etterson, yet Sergeant Munoz just keeps poking away at Catalina, revealing how much of an idiot he is.
It’s a desperate time in Houston, for House Strum intends to destroy the city with destructive storms. Rogan badly needs the help of House Adé-Afẹ́fẹ́.
Mad Rogan is determined to squeeze the truth out of Nevada Baylor and take down a rogue firestarting Prime, Adam Pierce.
It’s Mad Rogan’s thoughts and actions as he tracks Nevada Baylor from the motorcycle shop to Montgomery International Investigations to the botanical gardens where she meets Adam Pierce.
A loaded debate between Kate Daniels and Currant Lennart versus Nevada Baylor and Mad Rogan as to which series — Kate Daniels versus Hidden Legacy — is better. With Dina Demille from The Innkeeper Chronicles as the moderator.
It’s Arabella’s thoughts and worries about Nevada giving birth — with all the labor included and a wrap-up of Emerald Blaze.
Working at cross purposes with the same goal, Catalina Baylor and the Prime who crushed her heart, Count Alessandro Sagredo, must partner up to find the illicit, power-granting serum that’s tearing their world apart.
Never trust Grandma Frida and Leon to free a hostage.