Book Review: Ilona Andrews’ “I Will Explain Everything”

Klaus has terrible news for his sister Maud and her fiancé, Arland — they’ll have to postpone their wedding for a decade!
Klaus has terrible news for his sister Maud and her fiancé, Arland — they’ll have to postpone their wedding for a decade!
A loaded debate between Kate Daniels and Currant Lennart versus Nevada Baylor and Mad Rogan as to which series — Kate Daniels versus Hidden Legacy — is better. With Dina Demille from The Innkeeper Chronicles as the moderator.
A race, desperate to avoid extinction, is sent to Gertrude Hunt B&B for help from Dina. Only a dread enemy is determined to destroy them and will go through anyone and anything. Fortunately Dina and friends has already rescued her very capable sister.