Source: the library

Book Review: Betsy Byars’ The Summer of the Swans

Book Review: Betsy Byars’ The Summer of the Swans

I received this book for free from the library in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Source: the library The Summer of the Swansby Betsy Byars fiction in Hardcover edition that was published by Viking Books For Young Readers on March 30, 1970 and has 142 pages.Explore it on Goodreads or Amazon A standalone fictional novel for young adults revolving around fourteen-year-old Sara, just hitting puberty with all the angst of it. In 1971, The Summer of the Swans won the Newbery Medal. My Take Puberty is hitting Sara hard, and Byars is absolutely brilliant in her depiction of the angst and drama of a young teen with the frustrations about her father and her impatience with her little brother — this rings so true of sibling relationships! Her intense sense of right and wrong as well as her desire to protect along with that so-very-thin skin. It’s the mid-1960s, and in just a few pages, Byars gives us a quick peek into a few days of the Godfrey family’s life with the focus primarily on Sara, and then Charlie, providing us with a lifetime of information […]