Source: my own shelves

Book Review: Thea Harrison’s “Peanut Goes to School”

Book Review: Thea Harrison’s “Peanut Goes to School”

I received this book for free from my own shelves in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Source: my own shelves “Peanut Goes to School” paranormal romance in a Kindle edition that was published by Teddy Harrison LLC on June 30, 2014 and has 55 pages.Explore it on Goodreads or Amazon This very short story is 6.7 in the Elder Races paranormal romance series, and the third in the Peanut internal trilogy. The focus is back on Peanut, and he’s definitely picking up on his parents’ morals. Normally, I’d give this a “3”, but I love the message Harrison is sending in this…so…hey,I’m a sucker for child empowerment… My TakeIt’s a bit stiff, but a lot of fun to read. It’s all the crummy bits of school rolled into one day for Liam, and you can immediately tell that he’s not putting up with any crap. He’s honest, protective, and extremely observant. He’s also a little boy with a little boy’s dreams and fantasies. Wrap them up in a being able to change into a flying dragon, and…whoa, nelly, lol. He’s also a little boy with a […]

Posted July 31, 2014 by Kathy Davie in Book Reviews / 0 Comments