I received this book for free from the library in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Source: the library
Cobra Guardian
Timothy Zahn
It is part of the Cobra War #2, Cobra #4 series and is a military science fiction in Hardcover edition that was published by Baen Books on January 4, 2011 and has 296 pages.
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Other books in this series include [books_series]
Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Cobra Gamble, Judgment at Proteus, Cobra Slave, A Call to Duty, Cobra Outlaw, A Call to Vengeance, Cobra Traitor, A Call to Arms, A Call to Insurrection
Second in the Cobra Wars and fifth in the combined Cobra military science-fiction series focused on an enhanced group of warriors known as the Cobras. The focus here is on the Moreau-Broom family of Cobra warriors.
My Take
Whew, Zahn has done it again! Cobra Guardian drops you into a desperate situation only to battle its way back to a scrap of hope. All the while, your heart is hammering and you are on the edge of your seat.
If you enjoy lots of action and battle tactics with the underdog battling it out…the entire Cobra series is for you. Zahn is an amazing, never boring writer!
It’s that American-style can-do attitude with all the cynicism and distrust of politicians that somehow merges to an alliance with former enemies.
I still don’t understand how Nissa and Lorne got a message to pick up Treakness when they were heading to the central government buildings and only happened upon Treakness’ building when they were cut off in the Troft attack.
Zahn leaves us with controversies that could result in charges of treason. Of course, that doesn’t hold back our intrepid Cobras as they blast off to an alien, possibly enemy-held planet to take it back, explore Isis, and teach the Tlossies not to mess with humans…!
The Story
Called back to Capitalia, Cobra Lorne Broom is ordered by Governor-General Chintawa to locate his mother, Cobra Jin Moreau Broom, for an important event in the city. A move that is beyond difficult as his mother is involved in a highly clandestine mission on Qasama. An enemy planet.
Besides why should any Broom help the government after their betrayal of the Cobras and the Broom family? Unfortunately, the question of how to deal with this problem becomes moot when the Troft invade all the Cobra Worlds. It’s a planet-wide lockdown on each of the five worlds. But as the Ts discover, it’s hard to keep a good Cobra down…as Lorne escapes Aventine with the doctor and his new invention. As Paul Broom and his fellow Cobras take down their local invaders thanks to unexpected allies and the peeks Lorne and Jin managed inside Troft craft.
The Characters
Lorne Moreau Broom is one of Jin Moreau-Broom’s sons and a Cobra. Corwin and Thena Moreau are Lorne’s great-uncle and aunt.
The Qasaman ship includes…
…Jasmine “Jin” Moreau Broom is the first woman Cobra. Djinnis Ghofl Khatir (who turns out to be an ambassador); Carsh Zoshak; and, Siraj Akim — the Troft counter to the Cobra warrior. Rashida Vil is the pilot.
Caelian is…
…a truly challenging planet for humanity. Anything with a trace of organic, carbon-bearing material is attacked by microscopic spores which in turn attract bigger and bigger beasties. Both flora and fauna. Nothing is safe. One of the first things any visitor or homesteader must do is shave their heads.
Jin’s husband Paul Broom is also a Cobra; he and their daughter Jody are currently at Stronghold on Caelian trying to survive the planet’s flora and fauna. Geoff Boulton and Freylan Sonderby are part of Jody’s science team investigating the plant and animal life of the planet. Governor Rom Uy is based at Stronghold with his wife Elssa; their son Harli is also a Cobra. Other Cobras on Caelian include Kemp, Matigo, Olwen, Fourdalay, Tracker, and others.
The Aventine group includes…
…Senior Governor Tomo Treakness, an Aventine politician, is anti-Cobra and behind the move to reduce Cobra budgeting. Governor Ellen Hoffman, another Aventine politician, is pro-Cobra. Nissa Gendreves is the secondary assistant to Governor-General Chintawa on Aventine. Poole is Treakness’ assistant. Koshevski extorts aid from Lorne to move his family from an unprotected area of Capitalia into one that is safe in return for his guiding Lorne and his small party to the spaceport where a Tlossie ship is waiting.
The Tlossie ship party consists of…
…Ingidi-inhiliziyo, a.k.a., Warrior, is the second heir of the Tlos’khin’fahi and leading the expedition coming to Aventine to seek Cobra allies. Dr. Glas Croi, in conjunction with Warrior, has created a revolutionary new machine — Isis. And Lorne and Nissa.
Troft is a rather generic term for a number of different demesnes — think of it as Troft equaling Earthling and a demesne equaling a country. The Tlossies are Troft on the side of the Cobra Worlds. The Drim’hco’plai are the invaders.
The Cover and Title
Yup, it’s a Baen cover all right. Mostly oranges and greens as one space ship hovers over another that’s on fire as three Cobra warriors look on .
The title could refer to Jin Moreau Broom as the Cobra Guardian as it’s her efforts amongst the Qasama that may well save the Cobra Worlds.