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Mira Grant
horror in a paperback edition that was published by Akashic Books, Orbit on May 1, 2010 and has 599 pages.
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Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Deadline
First in the Newsflesh Trilogy, a horror suspense series about a small group of bloggers determined to push the truth, the boundaries of sense, and plumb its emotional depths.
My Take
I got sucked right in. Two pages and I could not put this story down. It was exciting, horrible, suspenseful, and populated with the most decent people — well, except for the bad guys, of course.
If the down-and-dirty of politics fascinates you. If you wonder about conspiracies. If you can appreciate brave, bold, and decent . . . read this.
It’s grim. A grim picture of a world encased in fear of the Kellis-Amberlee virus that, once activated, turns recently deceased people into shambling zombies. Grant does an amazing job of painting this picture in a natural way allowing us to draw the comparisons between life as we know it now and what it could be. Like I said, grim. But not without its joys.
While following the political campaign is interesting, the behind-the-scenes work in putting out a blog is much more fascinating. Each has their strength and it supports the whole. They talk of ratings and what’s required to make it happen. The situations they get into will make you, certainly them, extremely pleased to be tricked out with Buffy’s multitude of toys — it makes hiding anything damned difficult!!
You can’t help but be so very proud of George’s stance and so many of her teammates backing her up. They will find the truth about these attacks and put it out there for their readers. No matter what. Thank god for all those cameras . . .
Grant makes a good point in the Extras at the back of the book about the difference between fear and terror:
Fear says, “Do not actually put your hand in the alligator”, while terror says, “Avoid Florida entirely because alligators exist”.
In the end, it’s also a scathing indictment of journalism and politics.
The Story
A story about a presidential hopeful inviting bloggers to join his campaign and blog about everything that occurs. Only, it doesn’t occur to anyone that there’s a target painted on his campaign.
Kellis-Amberlee virus evolved from a terrorist dispersal. Men who thought they were doing the world a favor in bypassing testing protocols for new medications.
The Characters
Georgia “Georgie” Carolyn Mason is slightly older than Shaun. So joined at the hip, they might as well be twins. George swings to the Newsie end of blogging while her brother Shaun Phillip Mason is much more intrepid, an Irwin. He likes to go out into the field and poke the zombies to get a reaction. Create excitement, tension, fear to crank up those ratings. It’s a good thing they have Georgette “Buffy” Meissonier as their computer tech . . . the CIA should have someone so good! Buffy, a Fictional, keeps their equipment running and more than up-to-date as well as ensuring that each team member and any vehicles they use are festooned with cameras and listening devices sending live. Together the three make an incredible team for the After the End Times reporting the news from all its angles.
Their parents adopted them shortly after their biological son Phillip died from the virus. Not from a desire to provide a home or a loving family . . . instead, it’s a good photo op, good for ratings.
Senator Peter Ryman, WI, wants bloggers as part of his press team because it was bloggers who stood up in 2014 and shouted the truth from the start about the virus. Emily is his retiring wife with Rebecca, Jeanne, and Amber their children. Robert Channing is his chief aide. Chuck Wong and Carlos are part of his tech team while his security team includes Steve, Tyrone, Andres, Tracy, Heidi, and Mike.
Governor David Tate and Kirsten Wagman are his opponents for the Republican nomination. Richard “Rick” Cousins is a Newsie who joins their team after the nominations. Doctors Joe Wynne and Kelly Connolly of the CDC.
Mahir is a London-based Newsie blogger who works for them as does Luis; Magdalene is another Fictional along with Andrea; and, of the Irwins, there’s Becks, Dave, and Alaric.
The Cover and Title
The cover is horrendous with its patchy cement walls, a bloody RSS feed icon, and the book’s title also written in blood. It certainly suits the story.
Just as the title Feed suits the story addressing the news feed being sent out to the world as well as the zombies’ own feeding frenzy. In a macabre way, it also suits the groups who believe that only their way is right as they feed their particular frenzy.