I received this book for free from the library in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Source: the library
The Daughters Take the Stage
Joanna Philbin
in Hardcover edition that was published by Poppy on May 10, 2011 and has 288 pages.
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Other books by this author which I have reviewed include The Daughters, The Daughters Break the Rules
Third in The Daughters series for young adults about three young ladies struggling to find their own identities in the wake of their more famous parents.
My Take
The story overlaps with Daughters Break the Rules as we read Hudson’s perspective on that fateful night. It’s a mother wanting to relive her own life through her daughter. Although, to be fair, I think that Hudson’s mom really does believe that this is what her daughter wants. The fact that she never listens…
Holla Jones is a woman in control. Of everybody. In every possible way. I’m surprised Hudson didn’t crack a whole lot earlier! Philbin peels away Holla’s own start in music and provides a comparison with Jolla’s sister Jenny. The animosity between the sisters and the fuel. The same fuel Holla is pouring onto Hudson, the pressure to be perfect. Like her. Holla wants everyone to pursue their interests in exactly the same way she does. E.X.A.C.T.L.Y.
She just doesn’t get that people are individuals.
It’s a little bit lying, a little bit betrayal, and a whole lotta jumpin’ to conclusions.
The Story
That disaster of a non-performance and her mother’s theft has Hudson seriously considering Hilary Crumble as a life coach, encouraging her to take a stand against her mother, to be her own person, her own brand of performer.
Part of the process causes Hudson to step way out of her comfort zone and join up with a band of which her mother would never approve.
The Characters
Hudson Jones, the talented “daughter of chart-topping pop icon Holla Jones, is more of a smoky jazz singer than the pop tunester her mother is. Jenny is Holla’s sister. She’s happy, but Holla has to bail her out financially every once in awhile, and Jenny tends to flit from one interest to another. Chris Brompton was Hudson’s record producer. Before her mom took over. In every way. Fernald is Holla’s driver and the one sent to ferry Hudson everywhere.
Lizzie Summers has found her own modeling niche and reunited with the boy she fell in love with so long ago. Carina Jurgensen learned the truth about her parents and her father finally appreciates her particular skills — meeting the sexy Alex certainly helped!
Hillary Crumple is a wanna-be, always following Hudson around, wanting her time, her companionship.
The Stone Cold Freaks are…
…a neighborhood garage band of high schoolers just starting up and needing a piano player. Ben is a serious bass player…mmm-mmm, do love that bass, Logan is a too-loud sax player, and Gordie is on drums.
The Cover and Title
It’s your basic white background, but combined with a black marker sketch of a theater and its marquee holding the book’s title with chrome stands holding pink ropes framing the pink carpet guiding Lizzie, Hudson, and Carina into the theater.
It’s Hudson’s turn for The Daughters Take the Stage as she wrestles with her mother and her own preferences.