I received this book for free from the library in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Source: the library
Temple of the Winds
Terry Goodkind
epic fantasy in a paperback edition that was published by Tor Books on September 15, 1998 and has 822 pages.
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Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Wizard's First Rule, Stone of Tears, "Debt of Bones", Blood of the Fold, Soul of the Fire, Faith of the Fallen
Fourth in the Sword of Truth fantasy series of Richard Rahl, the Seeker, and Kahlan, Mother Confessor, trying to save their world from a dream walker.
My Take
I got a few chapters in and I had to put this down. I just knew too much sadness was coming and I didn’t know if I could bear it. But, I do hate being beaten and I sat down to read at last. I was right. I cried so many times in this story, but it was definitely worth it. Have faith. Keep reading. just push through to the end, the absolute end. it certainly helps to have a prophet in the family.
Goodkind just twists this story and its characters in so many directions. He does make good use of the sleight of word to keep us wondering. Although, after all the work leading up to the denouement, I’m surprised at how quickly it all resolved. It was like a line of dominoes that someone set tumbling.
The sealing of the marriage vows at the Temple of the Winds flies in the face of what the winds commanded and yet it is allowed? I thought this was supposed to be adhered to strictly? Sure, I love the eventual outcome — although Richard’s immediate reaction was just too useful for Goodkind and absolutely reeked! Kahlan is a woman accustomed to diplomacy and quick thinking so I can’t believe she couldn’t come up with more persuasive words than “wait!”. It’s almost as if Goodkind got tired of being inventive. Well, okay, honestly, he generally is so inventive, how can I not expect it?
Nadine’s character is too forthright with Kahlan. She IS a country bumpkin and I wouldn’t expect her to lash out as she does unless she were under some sort of spell. She’s just not believable. If Richard and Kahlan don’t trust Nadine or Drefan, why are they willing to take potions they prepare?
Lovely bit of back history on how the Confessors evolved and why there are so few wizards today.
Kahlan’s reason for seeing Shota is specious. Hasn’t she anything better to do? Oh, like deal with threats to Richard, the empire, plague?? Sure it was useful as Shota’s reasoning for what she’s done is very good, but why is she wasting this time?
I did love Zedd’s plan to get away from the Nangtong, too bad his plan to escape the Si Doaks backfires!
The Story
Richard and Kahlan are preparing for Jagang only he’s several steps ahead of them. Threats come in different guises, bearing down upon them with some more hidden than others. Help is also hidden until truly needed.
The Characters
Richard Rahl is a war wizard with Subtractive and Additive magic, the first in many centuries. He is also the Lord Rahl, the ruler of D’Hara and its new empire. He is betrothed to his love, Kahlan Amnell, the Mother Confessor, Queen of Galea, and the former overlord of the Midlands.
Richard’s former torturers, the Mord-Sithe, are now his bodyguards: Cara who becomes a go-between for the winds and Raina and Berdine; Ulic and Egan are also bodyguards.
Nadine Brighten is a friend from Richard’s childhood. A healer and a right bitch. Sliph was a whore who serviced the wizards at the Keep. Many of the wizards tried to get her to reveal what other wizards revealed as pillow talk, but she always refused. Only, Lothain didn’t trust her. He hurt her. He turned her into Sliph, ignoring her whore’s nature which means Sliph will take anyone if they have the price of both sides of magic. Andolians are an odd people, yet they are trusted with messages. This particular message is from the winds and cannot be ignored.
Emperor Jagang has conquered the Old World and now seeks to conquer the new. Using magic. Then he will eliminate magic and create a lack of balance. Most of the Sisters of the Dark are his now. Marlin Pickard is one of Jagang’s assassins. Sister Amelia became a Sister of the Dark and then betrayed her oath to the Dark.
Zeddicus Zu’l Zorander is the First Wizard and Richard’s grandfather. He has been collared by Annalina Aldurren, the “dead” Prelate to help her hunt for Nathan Rahl, a prophet. Shota is a long-lived witch with the ability to see the future. Sister Verna is now Prelate of the Sisters of the Light, determined to fight Jagang, and rescue her imprisoned sisters. Warren is one of the Sisters’ wizards, a prophet, and he and Verna are in love. So in love, that Verna removed his collar too soon.
Drefan Rahl is a bastard son of Darken Rahl. Like Richard, but without the Gift. He is a good healer and claims to be High Priest of the Raug’Moss.
Clarissa is an older woman. Not beautiful. Trapped as the Abbot’s unwilling mistress simply to survive. Nathan’s saving her during the sack of Renwold will be one of the best events in her life. Tristan Bashkar is effete, dangerous, and the Jarian minister returned to Aydindral to surrender or not to D’Hara. Chandelan was one of the skeptical Mud People, now he’s a friend, and an Elder. Bird Man is still chief.
The Cover and Title
The cover is a very tidied-up entrance to the Temple of the Winds with its black statues guarding an imposing doorway, tall but narrow banded in brown marble, black, and carved gold. Richard in his gold cape, sword in hand, entering after Cara in her red leather.
The title is the entity lost centuries ago, the Temple of the Winds, and now holds the key to man’s salvation.