I received this book for free from the library in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Source: the library
Tris's Book
Tamora Pierce
It is part of the , series and is a fantasy in Paperback edition on June 24, 2006 and has 251 pages.
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Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Alanna: The First Adventure, In the Hand of the Goddess, Woman Who Rides Like a Man, Lioness Rampant, Wild Magic, Trickster's Choice, Trickster's Queen, Wolf-Speaker, Emperor Mage, Realms of the Gods, First Test, Page, Squire, Lady Knight, Terrier, Bloodhound, Mastiff, Daja's Book, Sandry's Book, Briar's Book, Magic Steps, Street Magic, Cold Fire, Shatterglass, The Will of the Empress, Melting Stones, Battle Magic, Tempests and Slaughter
Second in the Circle of Magic fantasy series for young middle-grade readers and revolving around the four young mages we met in Sandry’s Circle, 1. It’s also the second in the overall Emelan series.
It’s been two months since Sandry’s Circle.
My Take
Trisana learns more about her magic: why she hears voices.
Mmm, I’m uncomfortable with the comment Frostpine makes about black people. It smacks too much of bigotry for me, even if Frostpine is a black person.
Pierce reminds us to not judge a book by its cover. A good topic for parents to open with their kids. Then the duke tells Sandry of his pride in her, that she is using her abilities to help people. A much fuller life than that of her empty-headed parents.
Aymery is an odd character — you’ll find out how odd much later — who wants to get rid of Tris. Oh, not hurt her, just get her out of town.
We learn some of Rosethorn’s back history as a mud-roller.
I love it! The adults keep saying “children can’t do this, children can’t do that”, and Briar makes the best retort, lol. “If it’s something ‘children‘ can’t do then we kids didn’t do it.” Crack. Me. Up. It’s a good lesson for kids that they are capable. And a good one for adults to encourage kids to try.
The responsibility of caring for another, a pet, is emphasized with the starling Tris takes on.
Tris finds peace within the storms, the weather. It doesn’t judge. It doesn’t tell lies. Another topic for parents and kids to explore together. For parents to understand how bad it is to judge their children. To compare them to any other child. It’s also good for kids to learn not to judge. To look for the other person’s perspective and more.
The Story
Events in Sandry’s Circle have caused Sandry’s, Tris’s, Briar’s, and Daja’s magics to combine giving each of them a small part of each other’s powers.
One gift they share is Tris’s ability to “hear”, and they discover this when they overhear men planning sabotage and committing murder.
Tris has taken on a new responsibility: caring for a baby starling. It’s an endless job.
Daja takes on an important repair job with Frostpine and Kirel: repairing the nets and chains that protect Winding Circle.
It’s Briar’s past as a thief that enables him to identify the true danger to Winding Circle.
An even greater task for Tris and her fellow mages is the protection of Winding Circle from the pirates and the mages aiding them. With the help of the string Sandry spun in Sandry’s Circle.
The Characters
Winding Circle Temple in Emelan
Discipline Cottage is…
…an intimate setting for Dedicate Rosethorn whose power is with plants and who was a mud-roller, a farmer’s daughter, and Dedicate Lark who is a weaver. They only take in mage students. Little Bear is the puppy the kids rescued in Sandry’s Circle.
Trisana Chandler, of a merchant family, is one of the four young mages. Her parents, Darra and Valden, couldn’t get rid of her fast enough once they realized she had no value to them. They first sent her to Uncle Murris and Aunt Emmine. When she was at Cousin Uraelle‘s, she was abused. Aymery Glassfire Chandler is Tris’s cousin, and he’s learning how to use his magic at the university in Lightsbridge. He’s delivering a letter for Adelghani Smokewind.
Daja Kisubo, a mage with power over metal and fire, is outcast from her people, the Traders when all of her family died in the shipwreck. Uneny was her older brother. Other family includes Uncle Tiwolu who carried the dead body of his wife, Aunt Zayda, off their ship, the Fifth Ship Kisubo. She’s apprenticing with Fire Dedicate Frostpine, a great smith-mage. Kirel is Frostpine’s apprentice.
Briar Moss has a gift for plants and still retains his skills from his days as a thief.
The temple is…
…a place of learning and magic. Dedicate Superior Moonstream is their respected leader. Niklaren “Niko” Goldeye is the children’s main teacher; he’s also on the Mage-Council of Lightsbridge. First Dedicate Skyfire is from Sotat and had been a legend as a general. He’s in charge of Winding Circle’s defense. Dedicate Gorse is the temple cook with a special fondness for Briar. Dedicate Withe works in the kitchens and is a jerk. First Dedicate Crane of the Air Temple is a rival of Rosethorn’s. Mostly because he tries to force plants in his greenhouse. Novice Jaen is being scolded by Dedicate Willowwater.
Duke Vedris IV is Sandry’s great-uncle and the ruler of Emelan.
Pauha (she calls herself “Queen Pauha”) has brought together a number of pirate captains to create a formidable fleet. Enahar is her brother and a mage.
Shurri and Hakoi are the goddess and god of fire. Trader Koma and his wife, Bookkeeper Oti, are Trader gods. Traders are merchants with some strict rules.
The Cover and Title
The cover is ocean greens with Tris standing atop one of the wall’s defense towers, gesturing to the storm flashing over the pirate fleet in the harbor below.
The title is the character on which Tris’s Book focuses.