I received this book for free from the library in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Source: the library
Sherrilyn Kenyon
urban fantasy in Hardcover edition that was published by Pocket Books on April 9, 2013 and has 451 pages.
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Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Blood Trinity, Man of My Dreams, Invincible, Born of Shadows, Retribution, Big Guns Out of Uniform, Tapestry, Deadly Promises, In Other Worlds, Dream Warrior, "One BAD Night", Dark Side of the Moon, Alterant, The Guardian, Whispered Lies, Infamous, Born of Silence, Aftertaste, The Curse, Rise of the Gryphon, Styxx, Dangerous Women, Son of No One, Dragonbane, Born of Vengeance, Deadmen Walking, Stygian
Fourth in the Chronicles of Nick urban fantasy for Young Adults as we observe Nick Gautier’s young life in New Orleans.
My Take
Ooh, can you say preachy? Kenyon wants to be sure to get her point across about bullies and that nature can counter nurture with the prime mantra being love. It’s also a touch vague, and you must read the taglines at the start of the chapters as Kenyon flips back and forth from past to future. It can be confusing and includes possible dreams of the future, Nick’s future. One that means no one else has one.
I don’t know if it’s just me — maybe I’ve read too many of the wrong stories, or maybe I’ve overdosed on YA — but it seems as if Kenyon’s writing has become a bit more simplistic in this one. I must confess that I was surprised to learn that the Chronicles of Nick was considered a YA as Kenyon’s writing — up to this point — had been on the same level as her writing for her Dream-Hunter and Dark-Hunter series. So I am disappointed that she’s simplified her words in Inferno. It’s not to say that it’s a boring story — certainly not. Just…that bit of edge has gone.
Oh, boy, Nick really is a teenage boy — he’s buying every word Casey is saying. He doesn’t even ask Casey how she knew where he worked. Although I can understand how Nick falls for her message. It’s a good one — if it had been delivered by someone who did have Nick’s best interests at heart.
A number of back stories in this: Caleb’s love life and the truth of his enslavement, a rehash of Bubba’s losses, the evolution of the first Malachai, more from Ash of his childhood, why older New Orleans houses have so many french doors, and Nick’s even earlier days get a rehash.
There is all sorts of drama throughout from teen angst heightened by Nick’s supernatural issues, attacks, escapes, kidnappings, fantasies, and, at the end, some major role reversals. I cannot even begin to speculate as it’s so never-before-expected and off the wall!
The Story
Too much is changing in Nick’s life. Betrayals, dreams, voices in the ether, surges of power within Nick himself.
Surges that are upping his attractiveness quotient with women coming on to him. A most uncomfortable situation.
The Characters
Today’s sixteen-year-old Nick Gautier is the future’s Ambrose in a confusing back-and-forth. He’s also the future Malachai, the most horrible, terrible demon to threaten the universe, and Kyrian’s Squire. Nashira is a spirit who lives within the pages of a book given to him by Ambrose.
Cherise Gautier is his loving and protective mother whom nobody wants to anger who works at Sanctuary. His father is Adarian, the Malachai, and he’s in prison.
Nekoda “Kody” Kennedy has been Nick’s girlfriend. A girl who brings him calm, peace. Then he learns the truth about her. Caleb Malphas, a dread demon general, is enslaved to Nick’s father and commanded to protect Nick at all costs. Lilliana is the one who tamed him, loved him, died for him.
Kyrian Hunter is a Dark-Hunter who employed young Nick at a very low point in Nick’s life. Rosa is Kyrian’s housekeeper. The 11,000-year-old Acheron “Ash” Parthenopaeus is an Atlantean god who leads the Dark-Hunters. The Simi is Ash’s demon child with an obsession for anything with barbecue sauce.
Michael “Big Bubba” Burdette is a survivalist and runs a gun and computer store. He’s also the closest thing to a father Nick has. He and his partner Mark Fingerman (who has an obsession with duck urine) teach a zombie survival class. Dr. Bobbi Jean Burdette is Bubba’s mama and a world-famed pediatric surgeon who has saved Nick’s life in the past; you don’t want to cross this woman!
Dev is the charmer, Remi the grump, Quinn the bashful one, and Cherif the serious one of the bearshifter quadruplets at Sanctuary. Aimee Peltier is their sister. Alex Peltier and his friends (Eric St. James (he’s Madaug’s brother), Marlon Phelps, and Duff Portakalian) are looking for a drummer for their band. Tabitha Deveraux is Eric’s girlfriend; she’s got her own zoo crew.
Erzulie’s Authentic Voodoo is a shop Nick has passed all his life and never seen. Ana and Tiyana, Tabby’s older sister, work here.
Students and Teachers at St. Richard’s
Brynna Adams was one of Nick’s first friends at St. Richards. Dina Quattlebaum had been Brynna’s best friend, and she’s apologized for her actions and lies. Stone Blakemore is one of the top jocks and a bully, aided by his best friend, Mason. Casey Woods is Stone’s on-again/off-again girlfriend who suddenly makes a beeline for Nick. Coach Devus needs to learn something about motivating his players. Mr. Head is the principal.
Artemis is the Greek goddess of the hunt. Grim, a.k.a., Death, a.k.a., Nick’s substitute chemistry teacher, Mr. Graves, has been tutoring Nick for his own purposes. Wynter Laguerre, a.k.a., War, warns Grim that Thorn has been told that his pet, Holler, a Norse god, has been taken. Noir is the torturous master Adarian escaped. Hel is another goddess who rules in Helheim. A Harvester is a soul-eater who destroys anyone born of evil
Sarosha is Kody’s boss, insistent that she do her duty and take care of Nick. Zarelda has made a bargain to free her brother Zavida. Alan and Tyree are kids from Nick’s black past. Mara are the Norse spirits who use animals to hunt down an assigned target.
Sephiroth were consorts and soldiers of the primal gods. Malachai are born of a forbidden union between a Sephiroth and a god. Ash believes that a Malachai doesn’t have to go bad; that his strength of character and choices are his own.
The Cover and Title
The cover is afire with flames with a round shield of runes in the background while a jean- and leather-clad Nick is fleeing danger, looking back over his shoulder.
The title is all about Nick, in an Inferno of emotional upheaval as he battles his genetic heritage.
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[…] Sherrilyn Kenyon, Inferno (kddidit.wordpress.com) […]
Yes, you’re absolutely right, Teepee12. Kenyon’s Dream XX series are interchangeable…I still enjoy the early ones, though, LOL.
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