I received this book for free from the library in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Source: the library
Getting Rowdy
Lori Foster
romantic suspense in eBook edition that was published by Harlequin HQN on September 24, 2013 and has 440 pages.
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Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Man of My Dreams, Bad Boys of Summer, When Good Things Happen to Bad Boys, The Night Before Christmas, Out of the Light, and into the Shadows, Bad Boys in Black Tie, Bare It All, Run the Risk, Dash of Peril, No Limits, Fighting Dirty
Third in the Love Undercover romantic suspense series. The couple focus is on Rowdy Yates and Avery Mullins.
It was a toss-up as to whether I’d rate it at a “2” or a “3”; I chose the “3” simply because I did enjoy Foster’s sense of humor…and maybe I’m feeling hopeful…*cringe*…
My Take
I am a bit disappointed in this one. It’s a good story, but Foster’s writing is juvenile in this, too melodramatic, and the conflicting behaviors are too obvious. I’d expected better from her.
Dang, Rowdy is such a nice guy. Considerate, compassionate, and protective! I love that he’s asking Avery’s advice and ideas on how to rework the bar.
It drives me nuts how clueless Rowdy is in the beginning about how his behavior affects Avery, how it affects her choices. However, as the story unfolds, we do learn more about why he does act this way. Damned sad too. And another argument for preventing unlicensed baby production! Parents need to be licensed! Yes, Avery makes me a bit nuts as well. She’s so naive and something of a hypocrite in her expectations. She wants a fling, but she also seems to want forever?? Was Foster in a hurry here?
It’s also an example of how we’re brought up. As individuals we have our own cultural expectations, and this is exactly what’s happening between Avery and Rowdy.
Avery does have a point though. Most women want to feel special. They don’t want to feel as though they’re just one more notch on the bedpost.
I love this thought from Rowdy: “They’ll actually get to keep him.”
All the scenes with Marcus are so sweet and heartbreaking. Just another argument from me on licensing parents…
I do love that Rowdy isn’t a rich boy, that he works hard to fix his place up and makes do with refurbished. As much fun as it is to read about people with lots of money, it’s very satisfying to read about someone who pulls himself up as well. He’s a good boss too; I love how he handles Ella. And I love his apartment…swoon… It would be so much fun to do up a loft apartment.
Naturally, we get more background on Rowdy and Pepper’s parents with a more in-depth look from Rowdy’s childhood perspective, and Rowdy gets his perspective about cops switched around. More change is Rowdy falling in love and how he reacts to it…awwww…
What is it with bad guys who think that they can recoup their money from a man they never borrowed from??
LOL, wait’ll you read that lunch scene with Avery’s parents, the, ahem, ex-boyfriend, and Rowdy…oh, boy… Although, I think Rowdy misinterpreted Avery’s purpose in bragging on him.
Hmm, I think Foster means that Fisher is a sadistic prick… This section is just stupid. Foster hasn’t convinced me why Meyer is doing this nor is it believable, and Fisher is too unconvincing in his hesitancy.
Yeah, read it for the continuity and for the lead-ins for the next two installments, but buy it only if you have some spare cash lying around.
The Story
Rowdy has a very healthy sexual appetite, and if he can’t get it one way, he’ll get it another. Unfortunately, he can’t seem to get it at all with Avery. And she’s why he bought the bar.
The Characters
Avery Mullins was a waitress, and now she’s the head bartender at Getting Rowdy. Meyer Sinclair is her successful stepfather. Her mother, Sonya, who does a lot of charity work, needs her back home. The obnoxious Fisher Holloway who only looks good in public.
Rowdy Yates is the new bar owner of Getting Rowdy. His sister, Pepper, is married to Detective Logan Riske from Run the Risk, 1. Jones is the new cook; Ella is one of three new waitresses. Logan’s brother, Dash, makes an appearance, as does Lieutenant Margaret Pearson, Logan and Reese’s boss. Detective Reese Barden is Riske’s partner, and he and Alice are married (Bare It All, 2). Cash is their dog. They’re all family, and Rowdy is a bit freaked about it, LOL.
“‘This big oaf came along as part of a package deal or something.’
‘Can’t you just feel the love?'”
Cannon Colter is a young man with a vision, his own small gang, and a neighbor of Avery’s. Foster is setting him up for his own installment. I could wish there were more guys like this in the neighborhoods…
Marcus is the young son of Darrell.
The Cover and Title
The cover is a gorgeous Rowdy filling out that black T-shirt as he leans on the pool table, a brick wall for a backdrop at his new place.
The title covers so many possibilities, LOL. Getting Rowdy is the name of the bar, the antics people get up to, and what Avery gets in the end. Hmmm, or should I say who Rowdy gets with in the end??