I received this book for free from the library in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Source: the library
Tempests and Slaughter
Tamora Pierce
action & adventure, fantasy in a Kindle edition that was published by Random House for Young Readers on February 6, 2018 and has 480 pages.
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Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Alanna: The First Adventure, In the Hand of the Goddess, Woman Who Rides Like a Man, Lioness Rampant, Wild Magic, Trickster's Choice, Trickster's Queen, Wolf-Speaker, Emperor Mage, Realms of the Gods, First Test, Page, Squire, Lady Knight, Terrier, Bloodhound, Mastiff, Daja's Book, Sandry's Book, Tris's Book, Briar's Book, Magic Steps, Street Magic, Cold Fire, Shatterglass, The Will of the Empress, Melting Stones, Battle Magic
First in The Numair Chronicles fantasy adventure series for middle-grade readers (and eighth in the overall Tortall Universe) and revolving around three school friends during four years of school: Arram, Varice, and Ozorne in the Catharki Empire, 435–439. If you’re interested, there is a chronological listing of the Tortall Universe books on my website.
My Take
It took several days to read this, as I kept putting it down due to the slow-moving introduction to the characters and their evolving situation from childhood to older teens in the homey Tempests and Slaughter that earned that “4”.
Pierce uses a deep third person point-of-view, restricting the narration to the perspective of Arram. It’s supposed to make you feel the emotions of the character, about being so into the character that you feel with his body and think with his mind, but too much of it was tell. The only bits that wrang any emotion out of me were Faizy and Stiloit. As for Varice and Ozorne, we get a bare mention of their talents.
If Arram barely remembers his home country and considers Carthak his true home, how is it he remembers the different thoughts about slavery between the two? I’m not saying he’s wrong in his thoughts, but Pierce can’t have it both ways.
Everyone has their prejudices, and that includes tribal magic, which most sneer at as hedgewitchery, and wild magic, which is even less acceptable.
It is curious that everyone with whom Arram works adores him, making it too easy, although Pierce does ensure some negativity (and bullying) from some of his fellow students and guards.
It’s a tumultuous time for Arram, what with his needing more and more advanced studies, his friendship with Varice and the prince, his encounters with the crocodile god, and the tasks set him due to his strong magical powers. It’s also a time of learning that one doesn’t judge a book by its cover, as Arram considers the good the emperor has done and the strength of the old and tiny Sebo. Then, of course, there’s that snake Valor and his careful strategies…and Chioké. It’ll be interesting to see where Pierce takes us in the next installment, The Exile’s Gift.
The Story
Arram Draper is a boy on the path to becoming one of the realm’s most powerful mages. The youngest student in his class at the Imperial University of Carthak, he has a Gift with unlimited potential for greatness — and for attracting danger. At his side are his two best friends: Varice, a clever girl with an often-overlooked talent, and Ozorne, the “leftover prince” with secret ambitions.
Together, these three friends forge a bond that will one day shape kingdoms. And as Ozorne gets closer to the throne and Varice gets closer to Arram’s heart, Arram begins to realize that one day soon he will have to decide where his loyalties truly lie.
The Characters
Arram Draper is too inquisitive and advanced for his own good and is sent to Carthak’s mage university. Papa, Yusuf Draper, is his merchant father always traveling to buy cloth for their shop in Tyra, a country that does not condone slavery. Metan Draper is his grandfather. Preet is the stolen sunbird Arram must tend.
Varice Kingsford is a cook’s mage originally from Tusaine. Prince Ozorne Oasikhe, the “leftover prince” and a member of the Imperial family, with a talent for battle magic. Sergeant Okot will be the head of Ozorne’s security team.
The Imperial University of Carthak includes…
…the School for Mages of which Cosmas Sunyat is the head who also teaches fire magic. Master Girisunika slowly teaches Essentials of Water Magic; Yadeen, who uses a tribal magic, will teach Arram how to juggle; Chioké (he’s Ozorne’s personal master) teaches battle magic and is also known as Master Ambition; Lindhall Reed instructs on animals and cares for the royal menageries; Sebo teaches water magic and believes in tribal magic; Dagani teaches illusions; Ramasu the Cloud-Handed is a healer; Hulak is the head gardener and a master in plants, medicines, and poisons who also believes in tribal magic; Master Muriq is a war mage and the house proctor; Urukut Ahilep teaches tribal magic; and, Faziy aHadi who teaches advanced charms are all Masters.
Nangla and Lyssy are Headmaster Cosmas’ runners. Irafa is the floor housekeeper for Arram’s new dorm room. Sheni is Arram’s first girlfriend; Prisca becomes his next. Diop Beha and Laman Hamayd are Sirajit students placed with Ozorne and Arram. Baaro, one of Lindhall’s helpers, has gone east to study herds; Nyoka is another helper who specializes in reptiles; Lindhall’s assistant is off to Amar District. Sunstone is Lindhall’s large land tortoise. Tristan Denane and Gissa Rachne are new students. Onestu is Ramasu’s ragze, husband, and a glassmaker who looks after their children. Gerb is one of Ramasu’s helpers. Okolo is a student in the infirmary. Daka is an injured farmer.
Master Bladwyn wrote a book. So did Farmer Cooper of Tortall, Strange Things in My Stew, which was written three hundred years ago.
Princess Mahira Lymanis Tasikhe is Ozorne’s mother and the widow of Prince Apodan Doroi Tasikhe. Prince Qesan is one of Ozorne’s cousins, as is the emperor, Mesaraz Avevin Tasikhe. Prince Mikrom is first in line to the throne. Prince Stiloit is second in line for the throne and a very compassionate and caring man who loves the sea. Master Tajakai is the court mage. Captain Davrid is an insolent naval officer and a former lover of Nazaam’s.
The Games and the arena
Musenda “Sarge” Ogunsanwo is a third-ranked gladiator, a slave, and a friend of Arram’s. Ua is an elephant used in the games whose rider is Kipepeo. Valor is the imperial champion. Quomat; Gueda had been caught by enemies and sold, now she works with Tacuma, a trained tiger; Miggin; Kottrum has too great an interest in the stillroom; Yemro is his confederate; Anaconda; Shrike; and, Wild Dog are more gladiators. New Meat is the term for the new gladiators. Blaedroy is one of the soldiers. Daleric is one of the regular healers for the Games.
Master Najau is the head of the stonemasons’ guild.
During the plague
Master Nazaam, the director of magic at the university’s School of Medicine, is in charge, and Gieyat, a freed gladiator, is her lover. Viya is one of the medicine cooks. Hirusy. Atim is one of the children waiting, hoping, a parent will live. Binta is Musenda’s niece.
The Lady of the South, a.k.a., the Graveyard Hag, is the patron goddess of Carthak. Mithros is the god of men, boys, and scholars and ruler of the gods. The Black God is the god of death and the arts of the mage. Enzi is the crocodile god who lives in the Zekoi River. He has two great-great-something-grandsons, one of whom is More Than a Little. Minoss is the judge of the gods. Shakith is the goddess of seers. Uusoae is the Queen of Chaos, a.k.a., the Dread Queen. Hekaja is the goddess of healing.
The Cover and Title
The cover is dark with its black background pierced by slashes of red. In the vertical center are three feathers, a soft blue atop a grayed lilac which is atop a glowing golden one, dripping a puddle of gold on the floor. At the very top in white is an info blurb followed by the author’s name in the same blue of the topmost feather. Crossing the horizontal center of the cover is the title in an embossed, dripping gothic-style font in gold.
The title refers to the storms that attract Arram’s attention and the negative attention of others, Tempests and Slaughter, as well as the horrors of the arena.