Author: Kathy Davie

Reblog: Reading versus Television: How It Affects Children’s Development

Reblog: Reading versus Television: How It Affects Children’s Development

Things You Can Read had an interesting post on television and reading—and how it affects children’s development. One of the articles to which the post points is to a paper by Dr. Susan R. Johnson, a pediatrician specializing in children’s behavior and development. I have to say I did find that she made several somewhat terrifying points in “Strangers in Our Homes: TV and Our Children’s Minds” (do keep in mind that I am prejudiced toward reading *grin*). Image Credit: The American Kid Terrifying to a parent in that the paper makes some time-consuming suggestions in as much as we tend to use TV to keep the kids quiet and out of our hair and terrifying in the points Johnson makes. One point that stood out to me in particular was about imagination. That in reading, a child must exercise their mind and create pictures from the words s/he reads while television fills in all the pictures and doesn’t require any real thought. This reminded me of one of my childhood books that I recently mentioned in my post “Back from the Grave”. A story about a little girl who played nurse to wounded animals. It so inspired me that […]

Posted October 29, 2012 by Kathy Davie in Book Reviews / 4 Comments

Day 6: Tricked or Treated

Day 6: Tricked or Treated

Day 6: Tricked or Treated Five books that surprised, shocked, stupefied, amazed, staggered, or simply caught me off guard. #1 – Treated : David Weber’s Honor Harrington This is a buy for me. I don’t care what David Weber writes. I’ll buy it. Honor Harrington in particular. When I come home with one of his books, everything else gets set to one side. It’s that combination of a strong female character who lives with honor and humor, the science fiction, politics, shafting the bad guy(!), battle tactics, action…and then there’s Nimitz whom I adore. #2 – Treated : Patricia McKillip The most incredibly lyrical, poetic writing you will ever read. I don’t always understand everything she writes, but it doesn’t matter because her words and the way in which she uses them is so amazingly beautiful, lifting you out of any humdrum-ness you may be suffering. McKillip writes primarily fantasy with a strong touch of the fairy tale. Truly an original. #3 – Tricked : E.L. James’ Fifty Shades Trilogy This was truly shocking. I cannot believe that James managed to top booksales charts with the crap she wrote. Although, I do have to admit that she pulled me in […]

Posted October 29, 2012 by Kathy Davie in Challenges, Reading Books / 0 Comments

Day 5: It Came From the Web

Day 5: It Came From the Web

Five amazing, wondrous book blogs which provide a different perspective, pour forth humor, educate me, or simply fill me with spectacular ideas, thoughts, or dreams. #1 – Romance Man The Romance Man is too funny for words. I haven’t been following for long and it seems as though half of his posts are commentary on his life while the other half does refer to books. It doesn’t matter which as I do enjoy his perspective and willingness to share even the most embarrassing moments in his life. He and his wife, Lexie, are lucky in each other. #2 – Books, Movies, Reviews! Oh My! Admittedly, I am prejudiced towards this one as Stormi Johnson asked me to post reviews on her site. It’s a fascinating inside look at how book promotions are accomplished and how Stormi uses her knowledge to help independent and small press authors to market their books online, help them with their social market media, and organize blog tours. It’s certainly been an eye-opener for me as I’m such a homebody tucked into my own reading! #3 – C.S. Lakin’s Live Write Thrive Lakin’s Live Write Thrive is full of useful information for authors on setting scenes, […]

Posted October 28, 2012 by Kathy Davie in Book Reviews / 0 Comments

Book Review: Tracy Borman’s Queen of the Conqueror: The Life of Matilda, Wife of William I

Book Review: Tracy Borman’s Queen of the Conqueror: The Life of Matilda, Wife of William I

I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Queen of the Conqueror: The Life of Matilda, Wife of William Iin Hardcover edition on April 3, 2012 and has 296 pages.Explore it on Goodreads or Amazon A dispassionate biography of Queen Matilda, wife to William the Conqueror. My Take Queen of the Conqueror is primarily about the legacy Matilda left for future queens of England along with an evaluation of the powers of past queens and how it enabled Matilda. Considering how little Borman had to work with, she put together an interesting analysis of Matilda and her family. Some things I “knew” turned out to be malicious bits of propaganda while other bits were revelations. I hadn’t realized how incredibly vicious, or as Borman puts it, bullying William was. I had thought Domesday Book had been started shortly after his conquest of England. Borman’s comment on the true reason behind its compilation was interesting. It does seem to be the way, however, what a powerful man creates, his family quickly loses after his death. Mostly, it seems, because that man just […]

Posted October 27, 2012 by Kathy Davie in / 0 Comments

Book Review: David Weber & Jane Lindskold’s Fire Season

Book Review: David Weber & Jane Lindskold’s Fire Season

I received this book for free from the library in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Source: the library Fire Seasonby David Weber, Jane Lindskold science fiction in Hardcover edition that was published by Baen Books on October 2, 2012 and has 287 pages.Explore it on Goodreads or Amazon Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Mission of Honor, Insurrection, Worlds of Honor, Empire from the Ashes, Changer of Worlds, Torch of Freedom, Hell’s Gate, Hell Hath No Fury, In Fire Forged, In Fury Born, Off Armageddon Reef, By Schism Rent Asunder, Mission of Honor, By Heresies Distressed, A Rising Thunder, A Mighty Fortress, How Firm a Foundation, Midst Toil and Tribulation, Shadow of Freedom, House of Steel, Worlds of Weber: Ms. Midshipwoman Harrington and Other Stories, Beginnings, Like a Mighty Army, Cauldron of Ghosts, Treecat Wars, A Call to Duty, Hell’s Foundations Quiver, At the Sign of Triumph, A Call to Vengeance, Uncompromising Honor, Through Fiery Trials, The Shadow of Saganami, A Call to Arms, A New ClanSecond in the Honorverse: Stephanie Harrington science fiction fantasy for young adults. The Honorverse is an […]

Posted October 27, 2012 by Kathy Davie in Book Reviews, Young Adult readers / 0 Comments