Grammar: Transitional Words and Phrases

Smooth out the reading flow for your reader with transitions and transitional phrases that stream those ideas clearly, that keep your readers engrossed in your storyline…and coming back for more!
Smooth out the reading flow for your reader with transitions and transitional phrases that stream those ideas clearly, that keep your readers engrossed in your storyline…and coming back for more!
A list of my top 10 favorite reads for 2014, which turned into three lists: 10 raves, 10 urghs, the stories that most changed my thinking, and a partridge, er, I mean, a few series new to me.
This is the final update on the Bout of Books, the book challenge I set myself last Monday — with the help of Bout of Books! It’s been an interesting challenge, and I definitely did better this time around in terms of getting reviews done during the week. Naturally, I didn’t complete them all… I must leave something for me to work toward *eye roll & a grin*. Goals Robin Hobb’s Fool’s Assassins George Hagen’s Gabriel Finley and the Raven’s Riddle Jill Shalvis’ It’s in His Kiss Steve LeBel’s Bernie and the Putty T.S. Krupa’s Safe & Sound Shana Festa’s Induction Jennifer L. Holmes’ The Fourteenth Goldfish Courtney Mann’s I Am Having So Much Fun Here Without You Philippa Carr’s The Changeling Elmore Leonard’s Rum Punch Thaddeus Russell’s A Renegade History of the US Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child’s Relic Åsa Larsson’s Blood Spilt Lee Child’s Personal A.J. Betts’ Zac & Mia R.C. Lewis’ Stitching Snow Taylor Anderson’s Deadly Shores Erin McCarthy’s Shatter Updates Tuesday Number of pages read: 1,064 Number of books read: 3 George Hagen’s Gabriel Finley and the Raven’s Riddle had me of two minds. It’s a great twist and quite original, but there were a couple […]
Goals Robin Hobb’s Fool’s Assassins George Hagen’s Gabriel Finley and the Raven’s Riddle Jill Shalvis’ It’s in His Kiss Steve LeBel’s Bernie and the Putty T.S. Krupa’s Safe & Sound Shana Festa’s Induction Jennifer L. Holmes’ The Fourteenth Goldfish Courtney Mann’s I Am Having So Much Fun Here Without You Philippa Carr’s The Changeling Elmore Leonard’s Rum Punch Thaddeus Russell’s A Renegade History of the US Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child’s Relic Åsa Larsson’s Blood Spilt Lee Child’s Personal A.J. Betts’ Zac & Mia R.C. Lewis’ Stitching Snow Taylor Anderson’s Deadly Shores Erin McCarthy’s Shatter Updates Tuesday Number of pages read: 1,064 Number of books read: 3 George Hagen’s Gabriel Finley and the Raven’s Riddle had me of two minds. It’s a great twist and quite original, but there were a couple of really stupid moves that dragged its rating down. Read my review. Jill Shalvis’ It’s in His Kiss wasn’t kidding. Read more about what I think of this sweet romance with growth required of both protagonists and typical of Shalvis’ Lucky Harbor series. T.S. Krupa’s Safe & Sound was so sad and so sweet. I wanted to turn around and read it all over again. Check out my […]
Goals Robin Hobb’s Fool’s Assassins George Hagen’s Gabriel Finley and the Raven’s Riddle Jill Shalvis’ It’s in His Kiss Steve LeBel’s Bernie and the Putty T.S. Krupa’s Safe & Sound Shana Festa’s Induction Jennifer L. Holmes’ The Fourteenth Goldfish Courtney Mann’s I Am Having So Much Fun Here Without You Philippa Carr’s The Changeling Elmore Leonard’s Rum Punch Thaddeus Russell’s A Renegade History of the US Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child’s Relic Åsa Larsson’s Blood Spilt Lee Child’s Personal A.J. Betts’ Zac & Mia R.C. Lewis’ Stitching Snow Taylor Anderson’s Deadly Shores Erin McCarthy’s Shatter Updates Tuesday Number of pages read: 1,064 Number of books read: 3 George Hagen’s Gabriel Finley and the Raven’s Riddle had me of two minds. It’s a great twist and quite original, but there were a couple of really stupid moves that dragged its rating down. Read my review. Jill Shalvis’ It’s in His Kiss wasn’t kidding. Read more about what I think of this sweet romance with growth required of both protagonists and typical of Shalvis’ Lucky Harbor series. T.S. Krupa’s Safe & Sound was so sad and so sweet. I wanted to turn around and read it all over again. Check out my […]
Goals Robin Hobb’s Fool’s Assassins George Hagen’s Gabriel Finley and the Raven’s Riddle Jill Shalvis’ It’s in His Kiss Steve LeBel’s Bernie and the Putty T.S. Krupa’s Safe & Sound Shana Festa’s Induction Jennifer L. Holmes’ The Fourteenth Goldfish Courtney Mann’s I Am Having So Much Fun Here Without You Philippa Carr’s The Changeling Elmore Leonard’s Rum Punch Thaddeus Russell’s A Renegade History of the US Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child’s Relic Åsa Larsson’s Blood Spilt Lee Child’s Personal A.J. Betts’ Zac & Mia R.C. Lewis’ Stitching Snow Taylor Anderson’s Deadly Shores Erin McCarthy’s Shatter Updates Tuesday Number of pages read: 1,064 Number of books read: 3 George Hagen’s Gabriel Finley and the Raven’s Riddle had me of two minds. It’s a great twist and quite original, but there were a couple of really stupid moves that dragged its rating down. Read my review. Jill Shalvis’ It’s in His Kiss wasn’t kidding. Read more about what I think of this sweet romance with growth required of both protagonists and typical of Shalvis’ Lucky Harbor series. T.S. Krupa’s Safe & Sound was so sad and so sweet. I wanted to turn around and read it all over again. Check out my […]
Goals Robin Hobb’s Fool’s Assassins George Hagen’s Gabriel Finley and the Raven’s Riddle Jill Shalvis’ It’s in His Kiss Steve LeBel’s Bernie and the Putty T.S. Krupa’s Safe & Sound Shana Festa’s Induction Jennifer L. Holmes’ The Fourteenth Goldfish Courtney Mann’s I Am Having So Much Fun Here Without You Philippa Carr’s The Changeling Elmore Leonard’s Rum Punch Thaddeus Russell’s A Renegade History of the US Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child’s Relic Åsa Larsson’s Blood Spilt Lee Child’s Personal A.J. Betts’ Zac & Mia R.C. Lewis’ Stitching Snow Taylor Anderson’s Deadly Shores Erin McCarthy’s Shatter Updates Tuesday Number of pages read: 1,064 Number of books read: 3 George Hagen’s Gabriel Finley and the Raven’s Riddle had me of two minds. It’s a great twist and quite original, but there were a couple of really stupid moves that dragged its rating down. Read my review. Jill Shalvis’ It’s in His Kiss wasn’t kidding. A sweet romance with growth required of both protagonists and typical of Shalvis’ Lucky Harbor series. T.S. Krupa’s Safe & Sound was so sad and so sweet. I wanted to turn around and read it all over again. Wednesday Number of pages read: 594 Number of books read: […]
Goals Robin Hobb’s Fool’s Assassins George Hagen’s Gabriel Finley and the Raven’s Riddle Jill Shalvis’ It’s in His Kiss Steve LeBel’s Bernie and the Putty T.S. Krupa’s Safe & Sound Shana Festa’s Induction Jennifer L. Holmes’ The Fourteenth Goldfish Courtney Mann’s I am Having So Much Fun Here Without You Philippa Carr’s The Changeling Elmore Leonard’s Rum Punch Thaddeus Russell’s A Renegade History of the US Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child’s Relic Åsa Larsson’s Blood Spilt Lee Child’s Personal A.J. Betts’ Zac & Mia R.C. Lewis’ Stitching Snow Taylor Anderson’s Deadly Shores Erin McCarthy’s Shatter Updates Tuesday Number of pages read: 1,064 Number of books read: 3 George Hagen’s Gabriel Finley and the Raven’s Riddle had me of two minds. It’s a great twist and quite original, but there were a couple of really stupid moves that dragged its rating down. Read my review. Jill Shalvis’ It’s in His Kiss wasn’t kidding. A sweet romance with growth required of both protagonists and typical of Shalvis’ Lucky Harbor series. T.S. Krupa’s Safe & Sound was so sad and so sweet. I wanted to turn around and read it all over again. Wednesday Number of pages read: 594 Number of books read: […]
Goals Robin Hobb’s Fool’s Assassins George Hagen’s Gabriel Finley and the Raven’s Riddle Jill Shalvis’ It’s in His Kiss Steve LeBel’s Bernie and the Putty T.S. Krupa’s Safe & Sound Shana Festa’s Induction Jennifer L. Holmes’ The Fourteenth Goldfish Courtney Mann’s I am Having So Much Fun Here Without You Philippa Carr’s The Changeling Elmore Leonard’s Rum Punch Thaddeus Russell’s A Renegade History of the US Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child’s Relic Åsa Larsson’s Blood Spilt Lee Child’s Personal A.J. Betts’ Zac & Mia R.C. Lewis’ Stitching Snow Taylor Anderson’s Deadly Shores Erin McCarthy’s Shatter Updates Tuesday Number of pages read: 1,064 Number of books read: 3 George Hagen’s Gabriel Finley and the Raven’s Riddle had me of two minds. It’s a great twist and quite original, but there were a couple of really stupid moves that dragged its rating down. Jill Shalvis’ It’s in His Kiss wasn’t kidding. A sweet romance with growth required of both protagonists and typical of Shalvis’ Lucky Harbor series. T.S. Krupa’s Safe & Sound was so sad and so sweet. I wanted to turn around and read it all over again.
As part of Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal’s read-a-thon, Bout of Books 11.0, I’m to include my goals regarding what I want to accomplish in this glorious bout of reading, including the time I’ll set aside for reading and what I hope to have read by the end of Sunday, the 24th. Time Devoted to Reading I read every day — it keeps me sane. At worst, I read all day. Hmmm, did I say worst? I meant, BEST! YEAH for reading!! At worst, I might get a bit of reading in when I first wake up — breakfast in bed! — and when I go to bed at night. And during the night if I can’t sleep. It’s always handy to have my Kindle at hand when I’m on the move so I can read on-the-go and not get bored waiting in line or in someone’s office. Reading also makes for a lovely break from thinking my way through a review. I know, doesn’t seem to make sense, but it does for me! My Goals I do have a few catch-up goals, including catching up with the library books that are coming […]