Word Confusion: Ability vs Capability vs Capacity
“Ability” is already able to perform while “capability” is having a developable potential and “capacity” is a native mental potential. Or physical volume.
“Ability” is already able to perform while “capability” is having a developable potential and “capacity” is a native mental potential. Or physical volume.
Deduct from those self-editing mistakes and deduce a better way in this Word Confusion from KD Did It Edits.
Can you figure out how Holmes deduced an eduction and can adduce the facts to induce his prey to change in this Word Confusion from KD Did It?
Self-editing writers must accept that except and expect are easily mistyped. Pay attention to your text even when it’s an excerpt.
Determine when you should achieve rapport and when you should report in this Word Confusion from KD Did It Edits.
I much prefer wrought over rot in this Word Confusion from KD Did It Edits.
It’s utilize or be used in this Word Confusion from KD Did It.
Too many fantasize and fanaticize, which leaves the world bummed out in this Word Confusion from KD Did It.
Just try and waive away a wave in this Word Confusion for the self-editing writer. KD Did It dares ya…
You should charge before you accuse anyone in this Word Confusion post from KD Did It.