Book Layout & Formatting Ideas: Font Terminology

Feeling overwhelmed by all that font terminology? Take a quick look in at the terms used about fonts and typefaces in this Book Layout and Formatting post from KD Did It.
Feeling overwhelmed by all that font terminology? Take a quick look in at the terms used about fonts and typefaces in this Book Layout and Formatting post from KD Did It.
There’s more to publishing your book, especially when it comes to choosing paper for the inside and the cover of your book in this Book Layout and Publishing post from KD Did It.
Explore the size considerations for your hard copy book, whether it’s fiction, non-fiction, hardcover or paperback in this Book Layout and Publishing post from KD Did It.
Confused by the terms thrown around by printers and publishers? Check out this list of book[binding] terminology to keep from drowning in this alien pool, lol.
Ever thought about using images you found on the Internet in your posts? Slideshows? Films? And more? Learn how to protect yourself and what all those licenses mean in this post for the self-publishing writer from KD Did It.
Fiction and non-fiction are merely the tip of the vast pyramid beneath these two basic genre categories in this Writing & Reading post from KD Did It.
A simple and visual explanation of tracking and kerning and when to use them in this Formatting Tip from KD Did It.
Book layout widows, orphans, rags, and runts are lone bits of text, but not as alone as real widows and orphans. Discover how to help your manuscript’s loneliness in this Formatting Tip from KD Did It.
Shelf Awareness posted an article with an update on the Penguin-Random House merger and “Four days after officially confirming that Pearson and Bertelsmann were in discussions about combining their book publishing operations, the companies announced this morning that they are creating a joint venture named Penguin Random House. Bertelsmann will own 53% of the joint venture, and Pearson will own 47%.” There was quite a bit of talk in the article about eBooks and further research reveals that the powers-that-be are interested in countering Internet retailers — was specifically mentioned. I have to wonder if the cost of eBooks will go up… My primary worry about this is the publishing house(s) hunkering down even more and cutting back taking on authors. At the least, payments to authors may well go down. It certainly reduces the number of publishing houses to whom an author can submit a manuscript. Dohle of Random House claims “the combined Penguin Random House would value them” and that its all about the books. This from the publishing house that published the Fifty Shades Trilogy. So, obviously it’s not about the writing.
C. S. Lakin posted about the surging popularity in ebooks. So for those of you wondering about the state of the book, you might want to check this post out.