Book Review: Gordon Andrews’ “Rogan’s POV 1”

It’s Mad Rogan’s thoughts and actions as he tracks Nevada Baylor from the motorcycle shop to Montgomery International Investigations to the botanical gardens where she meets Adam Pierce.
It’s Mad Rogan’s thoughts and actions as he tracks Nevada Baylor from the motorcycle shop to Montgomery International Investigations to the botanical gardens where she meets Adam Pierce.
In Kate Daniels’ apocalyptic world, childraising is a challenge, especially when said child interacts with a monster in his own backyard.
A Kate Daniels series shortie story in which Roman’s gotten lucky. A weekend off, a woman in his bed . . . and then it all goes wrong.
A friendly chat over tea with Hugh d’Ambray and Roman with Dina Demille as hostess. A chat that devolves into physical threat.
A loaded debate between Kate Daniels and Currant Lennart versus Nevada Baylor and Mad Rogan as to which series — Kate Daniels versus Hidden Legacy — is better. With Dina Demille from The Innkeeper Chronicles as the moderator.
In a series of tweets, Kate and Curran’s so-called friends reveal their nefarious plans for Conlan’s birthday presents.
It’s Curran against Saiman, as Curran schemes to best the frost giant in this Kate Daniels tweet of a story.
It just so happens that Kate walks into Fernando’s to meet with Dr Maximilian Crest, and she walks right by Curran with his own lovely date.
There’s a curse on Muriel’s mind that incapacitates her with fear. The only way to get rid of it is to betray her beloved by bringing another man into their bed. Now Hell has frozen over, and Muriel will have to suffer that threesome, if she wants to help her dad.
An “accidental” theft brings Jade McClaren to the attention of the Fae Queen’s knights, one of whom she’ll have to team up with to clear her name.