I’ve been running across this word confusion confidant vs confidante vs confident quite often these days. D’ye reckon it might be the economy that is subliminally influencing writers into wanting a confidant?
Whatever, whyever, confidant/e is one of those words with masculine/feminine endings. There is no e when the word is applied to a man/boy while if the person in whom one is confiding is a woman or a girl, add the e. Or we might get transgender confused . . . Know that these three words are also homonyms.
Confident is more of a state of mind. How a person feels about him- or herself.
What’s that you say? I’m being too picky. Mais oui, I am an editor, LOL. It’s me job, don’cha know!
Exploring Later . . .
You may also want to explore other gender-based word confusions such as “Alumna versus Alumnus“, “Attach vs Attaché vs Attachée“, “Blond(e)s & Brunet(te)s“, “Chargé d’affaires vs Chargée d’affaires“, “Cher, Chéri versus Chère, Chérie“, “Fiancé versus Fiancée“, “Frances versus Francis“, “Petit versus Petite“, and/or “Protégé versus Protégée“.
Word Confusions . . .
. . . started as my way of dealing with a professional frustration with properly spelled words that were out of context in manuscripts I was editing as well as books I was reviewing. It evolved into a sharing of information with y’all. I’m hoping you’ll share with us words that have been a bête noire for you from either end.
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Confidant | Confidante | Confident |
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Part of Grammar: | ||
Plural: confidants |
Plural: confidantes |
Adjective; Noun
Plural for the noun: confidents |
A male person with whom a man or woman shares a secret or private matter, trusting them not to repeat it to others |
A female person with whom a woman or man shares a secret or private matter, trusting them not to repeat it to others |
Adjective: Feeling or showing confidence in oneself Self-assured
Noun: |
Examples: | ||
He was her business adviser and confidant.
Colonel House, a friend and confidant of President Woodrow Wilson, was at the front door. He became his father’s only confidant. He was the confidant of my joys and hopes. |
She was his business adviser and confidante.
Mrs House, a friend and confidante of President Woodrow Wilson, was at the front door. She became her father’s only confidante. She was the confidante of my joys and hopes. |
Adjective: I was confident that I was capable of driving home. She was a confident dog, for we had trained and loved her well. He was confident that the problem with the guidance mechanism could be fixed. I feel confident about the future of British music. Noun: His parents were his closest confidents and friends in a sense, but they were still his parents. They wanted nothing to do with the black market or its confidents. |
Derivatives: | ||
Adjective: hyperconfident, nonconfident Adverb: confidently, hyperconfidently, nonconfidently |
History of the Word: | ||
Mid-17th century as an alteration of confident (as a noun in the same sense in the early 17th century), probably to represent the pronunciation of the French confidente meaning having full trusta. | Late 16th century from the French confident(e), which is from the Italian confidente, which is itself from the Latin confident- meaning having full trust, from the verb confidere, which is from con- (expressing intensive force) + fidere (trust). |
C’mon, get it out of your system, bitch, whine, moan . . . which words are your pet peeves? Also, please note that I try to be as accurate as I can, but mistakes happen or I miss something. Email me if you find errors, so I can fix them . . . and we’ll all benefit!
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Resources for Confidant vs Confidante vs Confident
Apple Dictionary.com
Oxford English Dictionary: confident
Pinterest Photo Credits:
CyberGoths by Danny Sotzny is under the CC BY-SA 2.0 license, via Wikimedia Commons.
Revised as of 17 Apr 2024
By: Kathy Davie