Homepage: Publishing Tips

I never have seen the point in keeping my research to myself, hence Publishing Tips, which arose from my own interest in learning more about publishing — self-publishing and traditional.

Publishing Tips is…

…all about the behind-the-scenes of publishing whether you intend to self-publish or go the traditional route. Where (and what) to look for an agent, copyright issues, permissions, other rights, pseudonyms, and more right…along with cautions and warnings.

For more detail on the “anatomy” of publishing tips, see below

Publishing Tips Posts:

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Anatomy of a Publishing Tip Post

Topics in Publishing Tips are not similar to the other categories in Author Resources and the layouts will change depending upon the topic. It will always have a table of contents to make it easier to get right to what you want.

This list is in no way complete, and I’d love it if you’d send your own suggestions and comments…I don’t necessarily promise to include them, but…

If you know someone who could use some help with their own publishing questions, consider tweeting it to your friends. Subscribe to KD Did It, if you’d like to track this self-editing aid for future updates.

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Pinterest Photo Credits

Chart Showing How Self-publishing Allows Authors to Bypass Publishers and Sell Directly to the Public by Tomwsulcer is under the CC0 license, via Wikimedia Commons.

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