I know . . . this is a long ‘un, and abbreviations are critical in writing. There are so many rules! There can be some crossover with acronyms and initialisms, and between them, you should be able to work it out. Do check out the section on addresses as authors tend to get this one wrong rather frequently.
There are some good tips on the use of that pesky AD and BCE as well as the weirdness of the honorable and reverend. I find the section on plants to be very handy as I can never keep them straight!
To Period or not to Period
That’s a question all right, with some very flexible answers. While it is your choice, do be aware that different style guides have their preferences. It can also be a context issue. If it would make the abbreviation more understandable (or less confusing), use the period. Do read up on the double period in the Properly Punctuated post “Period“.
Double-letter state names and measurements don’t use periods. U.S.A. can be written either way, although USA is becoming quite popular.
As a warning, this is NOT in any way, shape, or form a complete list. It’s merely a start. I keep adding to it as I have my own questions when I’m either editing someone’s manuscript or reports or reviewing a book.
You may also want to read the entry on the post in “Capitalization“.
Formatting Tips started . . .
. . . as my way of dealing with a professional frustration with words that should have been capitalized or italicized, in quotes or not, what should be spelled out and what can be abbreviated, proper styling for the Latin names of plants, the proper formatting and usage of titles and more in manuscripts I was editing as well as books I was reviewing. It evolved into a sharing of information with y’all. I’m hoping you’ll share with us any questions you’ve had on this subject that have been a bête noire for Abbreviations from either end.
If you found this post on “Abbreviations” interesting, consider subscribing to KD Did It, if you’d like to track this post for future updates.
Abbreviation | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Formatting: | Ave. – avenue B.A. – Bachelor of Arts B.S. – Bachelor of Science no. – number Ph.D. – doctor of philosophy |
Definition: A shortened form of a word or words. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BIBLE | Rule: Abbreviate biblical books and use roman, not italics.
Abbreviate rabbinic literature and use italics, not roman. Standard abbreviations for ancient textual versions and modern biblical editions are listed in The SBL Handbook of Style 2 §8.2.1. For additional abbreviations, check out Bible Book Abbreviations on Logos.com. You may also want to read the entry on the post in “Capitalization“. |
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Bible Citations | Rule: When citing ancient textual versions and modern biblical editions, use the abbreviations listed in The SBL Handbook of Style 2 §8.2.1.
Use small caps — not a smaller-size font of a capital letter — for these abbreviations. |
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Rule: If citing scripture from a single version, include the abbreviation of the version following the chapter and verse on the first scripture reference only.
When citing more than one version in a paper, include the version after each citation. |
“Now Ahab had seventy sons in Samaria” (2 Kgs 10:1 NRSV). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rule: Abbreviate the book name if it is followed by a chapter number or a chapter:verse reference.
If, however, a biblical book is the first word of the sentence, do not abbreviate it; spell out the number if the book starts with a numeral. SBLHS 2.7.2. |
Gen 1 Gen 1:24 Genesis First Esdras |
Rule: When referring to the book as a whole or a person with the same name as a biblical book, do not abbreviate it. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In 2 Samuel 12, it records the prophet Nathan’s confrontation of King David.
The identity of the author of the book of Hebrews is not certain. The King James Version of the Bible was originally published in 1611. They have all been contained in the books of Samuel, Kings, and Mark. |
Rule: Biblical citations should be followed by the version or translation notation, with no intervening parenthesis or punctuation.
SBLHS 2 §8.3.3 |
3 Kgdms 2:46h LXX 1 Kgs 2:46h LXX Jer 28:1–4 LXX Ps 80:8 (80:9 LXX) Prov 1:1 NRSV Prov 1:1 LXX Prov 1:1 MT |
CALENDAR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Circa | c., ca., ca, cca., cir., circ.
For more details, see “Ca., Circa“. |
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It was built c. 1935.
They believe he was born cir. 1185 B.C.. It is assumed that an earthquake destroyed the Great Temple ca 35 B.C.. |
Month | mo. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Week | wk. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Day | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Year | yr. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Century | cent. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A.D., B.C., B.C.E., C.E. | Rules: Always, always, always capitalize the AD, BC, BCE, or CE. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The periods: Use the periods. Or not. Just be consistent in whichever you choose. Size: Placement: At one point in history, the English decided to clean up their grammar and spelling and bring order. As they were enamored of Latin at the time, they followed Latin rules as closely as possible. Since A.D. was of Latin origin, they placed the A.D. in front of the year, i.e., AD 1640, AD 2019, AD 3. Since B.C. is not of Latin origin, the English slipped B.C. in behind the year, i.e., 33 BC, 190 BC, 1 BC (Anno). Because we’re lazy buggers, usage is beginning to shove the AD behind the year. Whichever you choose, be consistent. |
Other Designations for Years | NOTE: Some other sciences and religions use a different designation for years. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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CITATION | Rules: Use arabic numerals except for front matter pages which use lowercase roman numerals. Uppercase roman numerals may be used to help distinguish between complex divisions.
Set abbreviations in lowercase roman, end with a period, and do not use italics. |
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Partial List of Common Citation Abbreviations | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pages | p.; Plural: pp.
Rule: If it’s obvious that the numerals are a range of pages, p. and pp. are not necessary. If you’ve been using them, keep using them (Chicago). |
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You can find the clue on pp. 78–82.
You can find the clue in Foxglove Summer on 78–82. |
ƒƒ. | Definition: Abbreviation for the Latin, folio meaning, in this case, and following (a range of pages, paragraphs, chapters, etc.) is used to refer to the next page or pages in a citation. It’s a type of locating information when no ending page can be found. You cannot simply resort to this. You must make a concerted effort to find that final page number.
Rule: In citation, use it to refer to a section for which no final number can usefully be given. If there is only one section following the first number, use ƒ. If there are several sections following, use ƒƒ. Form: ##ƒ. OR ##ƒƒ. |
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349ƒ. = pages 349 to 350 349ƒƒ. = pages 349 to ??? |
Volume | vol.
Rule: When a volume number is immediately followed by page numbers, neither is necessary AND a colon must be used to separate volume from pages (Chicago, 17.134). Form: vol.:pages |
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Swisher, An Analysis of Dante’s Bocaccio 2:211.
Encyclopædia Britannica, 32-vol. |
GEOGRAPHIC | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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State (in the U.S.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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AP: Never abbreviate: Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Ohio, Texas, and Utah Never abbreviate the state when used alone: North Carolina was hit by Hurricane Arthur in July 2014. |
Chicago, MLA: Use the two-letter postal codes: CA, AL, MT, WI, NY, etc. |
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MLA:Use the two-letter postal codes for abbreviating the names of provinces:
AB, BC, MB, ON, QC, etc.
Street Address Rule: Avenue, boulevard, drive, and street are abbreviated only when used with a numbered address.See capitalizing street directions or using numbers with street addresses for additional formatting tips on street addresses.
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Use Abbrev. | Spell It Out |
She lives at 405 Main St. | She lives over on Main Street. |
AP: | |
Rules: A numbered address always:
Street names from First through Ninth are always spelled out and always capitalized.
Spell out and cap alley, drive, road, etc. |
Examples: | |
The haberdashery is located at 3809 W. Main St.
The fire was at the corner of Ninth and West Main, but the water main broke at 14th and South Oak. |
Send the bill to 4115 W. Fourth Ave.
The parade will head down the boulevard. She lives over on Tree Alley. I think he said the address was 113493 Handsdown Drive. There is no such address as 718 S. Fifth St! |
Chicago: | |
Abbreviates: Ave., Bldg., Blvd. , Ct., Dr., Expy., Hwy., La., Pkwy., Pl., POB, PO Box, Rd., Rm., RR, Rt., Rte., Sq., St., Ste., Terr. |
Never abbreviate a compass point that is the street name or part of the street name.
When a street name is used alone, spell it out. |
Examples: | |
We’ll have to go over to 135th Ave. | No, I’m sure she said Southern Avenue.
The menswear store is over on Forty-fifth. Did you say it was on Ninety-ninth? The parade will head down the boulevard. It’s at the end of the court. |
NOTE: Most Commonwealth countries don’t use the period.
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Full Honorific | Full Plural | Abbrev. Honorific | Abbrev. Plural |
Mister | Misters | Mr. | Messrs. |
Mistress | Mesdames | Mrs. | Mmes. |
Missus is dialectical for Mistress — and a lot easier to use as a title alone in a sentence! | |||
Ms. | Mses. Mss. |
Miss | Misses | ||
Master | Masters | Mstr. | Mstrs. (this one is rarely used) |
Mrs. Smith is here to see you, Miss Jones.
Missus? The doctor will see you now.
It’s good to see you again, Miss Chalmers. Rule: Using in the fourth person, use the abbreviation and capitalize it. I saw Mr. Henry leave at noon.
Where did Mrs. Rumbleton go?
Will you bring Ms. Henley in, Mary? Rule: Using the title alone without a person’s name, spell it out and use lowercase. Look out for that car, mister!
I gotta bring the missus some flowers tonight.
It’s good to see you again, miss.
She’s a cute little miss.
The young master got in trouble at school again. Foreign Personal Honorific Rule: See Capitalization for rules on this. French NOTE: Some publishers skip the period after Mme and Mlle, but keep the period with M.; most American publishers keep the period for all.
Full Honorific | Full Plural | Abbrev. Honorific | Abbrev. Plural |
Monsieur M’sieur |
Messieurs | M. | Messrs. |
Madame | Mesdames | Mme. | Mmes. |
Mademoiselle | Mademoiselles mesdemoiselles |
Mlle. | Mlles. Mles. |
Madame de Pompadour, you look lovely tonight.
Mademoiselle Lily, you make the most beautiful hats! Rule: Using in the fourth person, abbreviate before the name(s). M. D’Artagnan is one of Dumas’ Three Musketeers.
Mme. de Pompadour was a mistress of King Louis XV.
Mlle. Lily is a modiste of the first order. Rule: Using the title alone without a person’s name, spell it out and use lowercase. I believe monsieur is one of the king’s musketeers.
Has anyone seen madame?
The mademoiselle makes fashionable hats. Italian Rule: See the rules for abbreviating the French titles.
Full Honorific | Full Plural | Abbrev. Honorific | Abbrev. Plural |
Signor | Signori | Sig. | Sigg. |
Signora | Signore | Sig.ra | Sigg.re |
Signorina | Signorine | Sig.na | Sigg.na |
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English | Full Honorific | Full Plural | Abbrev. Honorific | Abbrev. Plural |
Mister | señor | señores | Sr. | Sres. |
Mrs. | señora | señoras | Sra. | Sras. |
Miss | señorita | señoritas | Srta. Srita. |
Srtas. Sritas. |
sir | Don | Dons | D. | |
lady | Doña | Doñas | Da Dña |
Full Honorific with Article | Full Plural with Article |
el señor | los señores |
la señora | las señoras |
la señorita | las señoritas |
I have brought you the blue you wanted, señora Kahlo.
Wait, Srita. Villegas, it’s raining outside. Rule: Using in the fourth person, include the definite article and abbreviate before the name(s). Winter in Lisbon is considered one of el señor Antonio Molina’s best works.
La señora Frida Kahlo is a famous artist from Mexico.
Known for singing American R&B, la señorita Jasmine Villegas is also referred to as Jasmine V. Rule: Using the title alone without a person’s name, spell it out and use lowercase. El señor is coming to the book signing today
La señora has run out of the blue she likes.
Las señoritas should take their umbrellas today; it’s raining outside. Professional Title Rule: When using within general text, spell it out. An exception would be for tabular matter. Never abbreviate when used with only the surname.
See Capitalization for rules on this.
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Gen. George Washington OR General Washington Pres. Andrew Johnson OR President Johnson.
Honorable, the
Reverend, the
Definition: Technically, both are adjectives.
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Rule: When using the in front of Honorable or Reverend, spell it out and ALWAYS use a first name/initials with the surname. the Honorable C.S. Lewisthe Reverend F.R. Brimstone Rule: You may abbreviate when NOT using the. Hon. C.S. Lewis
Rev. F.R. Brimstone Measurement
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APA: Only abbreviate * units of measurement or statistical abbreviations if accompanied by numerical values:
You may have noticed there are no periods after the units of measurement. The one exception is inches, always use a period after in. to avoid confusion with in. * The general rule for writing out the full term followed by () for the abbreviation is not required for units of measurement. |
MLA: Do not use periods after abbreviated units of measurement:
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Spaces Between Initials | NO Spaces Between |
AP (p 142): NO spaces used between initials (to keep those initials from breaking across two lines in newspapers, on eReaders, or on web pages. George R.R. Martin |
APA, MLA: Always use periods and spaces for a person’s initials: George R. R. Martin |
Chicago: Always use periods and spaces for a person’s initials, EXCEPT To keep initials together (with space intact):
Initials alone without spaces or periods are used to refer to the person (8.4)
FDR No periods or spaces if entire name is abbreviated (10.12) Mary Jane → MJ Name abbreviated when part of a title (7.62) President O. Name is hyphenated (8.7) John-Paul Sartre → Certain special cases for pen name (14.73) Hilda Doolittle → H.D. Never allow initials to be split across lines Always: |
See Genera and Species regarding rules of italicization.
See also the post “Taxonomy“.
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f. | family |
hyb. | Used the same way as sp., but for a plant of hybrid origin for which the cultivar is unknown |
sp. | Means the specific epithet of a particular species is unknown or unspecified |
spp. | Refers to more than one species within a genus, known or unknown. It does not refer to more than one plant of a single species. |
subsp. | subspecies |
In the same article, another cultivar of Lavandula angustifolia can be referred to as L. angustifolia ‘Hidcote’ upon first mention and after that as just ‘Hidcote’. Rule: A variety or specific epithet must never stand alone: Salvia leucantha blooms late in the summer, and so does Salvia elegans.
The flowers of S. leucantha are vivid purple while those of S. elegans are red. Time
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Always use figures, with a space between the time and the a.m. or p.m.:
If it’s an exact hour, no “:00″ is required:
If a time range is entirely in the morning or evening, use a.m. or p.m. only once:
If it goes from the morning into the evening (or vice versa), you need both:
Always use figures, with a space between the time and the a.m. or p.m.:
Always use noon for 12 p.m. Always use midnight for 12 a.m. |
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ALL CAPS | Exceptions |
APA, MLA: Do not use periods or spaces:
APA: Do Not use United States as an adjective; use U.S. instead:
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lowercase | Exceptions |
MLA: If the abbreviation ends in a lowercase letter, use a period:
Degree names do not use a period:
MLA: Internet suffix uses a period before the abbreviation:
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lowercase | Exceptions | ||||||
APA: If using a Latin or reference abbreviation, use a period:
MLA: Letters which represent a word in a common lowercase abbreviation: |
Word | Singular | Plural |
manuscript | MS | MSS |
note | n. | nn. |
pages | p. | pp. |
Do NOT use an apostrophe or italicize the s to form a plural of an abbreviation.
C’mon, get it out of your system, bitch, whine, moan . . . which words are your pet peeves? Also, please note that I try to be as accurate as I can, but mistakes happen or I miss something. Email me if you find errors, so I can fix them . . . and we’ll all benefit!
Satisfy your curiosity about other Formatting Tips by exploring its homepage or more generally explore the index of self-editing posts. You may also want to explore Book Layout & Formatting Ideas, Formatting Tips, Grammar Explanations, Linguistics, Publishing Tips, the Properly Punctuated, Word Confusions, Writing Ideas and Resources, and Working Your Website.
Resources for Abbreviations
Some of these links may be affiliate links, and I will earn a small percentage, if you should buy it. It does not affect the price you pay.
“Anno Domini.” Wikipedia. Last modified 5 Jan 2024 Web. n.d. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anno_Domini>.
“Bible Book Abbreviations.” Logos.com. Faithlife. n.d. Web. n.d. <https://www.logos.com/bible-book-abbreviations> is useful for additional abbreviations.
“Buddhist Calendar.” Astral Traveler. n.d. Web. n.d. <http://www.astraltraveler.com/calendars/buddhist.html>.
Chicago Manual of Style. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003. Print. 17.134.
Griffin, Kenna. “Using Abbreviations in Your Writing.” College Media Association. n.d. Web. n.d. <http://www.collegemedia.org/gallery/featured/article_e450fe3a-ecc9-11e3-8bc1-0017a43b2370.html>. It’s an interesting article which points out ways to get around similar acronyms when you’re writing as well as tricks to avoid the alphabet soup look.
Herb Society of America. n.d. Web. n.d. <http://www.herbsociety.org/>.
Kille, Leighton Walter. “Associated Press Style Basics: The basics of Associated Press style from Boston University’s College of Communications.” The Journalist’s Resource. 7 May 2009. Web. 18 Oct 2021. <https://journalistsresource.org/home/ap-style-basics/>.
Nogalski, Melanie Greer, James D. Nogalski, Sophia G. Steibel, and Danny M. West. Joel M. LeMon and Brennan W. Breed, eds. Student Supplement for The SBL Handbook of Style. 2nd ed. SBL Press, February 2015. <https://www.sbl-site.org/assets/pdfs/pubs/SBLHSsupp2015-02.pdf>.
Skillin, Marjorie E., Robert M. Gay, and other authorities. Words into Type. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1974. Third edition. Print.
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My own work.
Revised as of 30 Oct 2024
By: Kathy Davie