Properly Punctuated: En Dash, –

Posted December 14, 2014 by Kathy Davie in Author Resources, Properly Punctuated, Self-Editing, Writing – goines into the British using the en dash to indicate a range of pages

There are a few situations in which the en dash is used: any time a range is indicated whether it’s numbers or compound words.

Then again, several modern reference books and style guides don’t acknowledge the en dash, including H.W. Fowler’s Modern English Usage nor Theodore M. Bernstein’s The Careful Writer while Wilson Follett’s Modern American Usage gives the en dash only two sentences and discourages its use” (En Dash).

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Exploring Later . . .

The em-dash family does have relatives, and you may want to explore their cousins: the e, dashes and the hyphen, a.k.a. the dash. For a milder option, explore the ellipsis.

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The Properly Punctuated explores . . .

. . . the proper use of quotation marks, commas, semicolons, colons, ellipsis, etc., including how to properly mark dialog, ahem. As Properly Punctuated is in no way complete, I would appreciate suggestions and comments from anyone on punctuation with which you struggle or on which you can contribute more understanding.

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En Dash, – – (–)
Punctuation: Two dashes (“- -“) that run together, “–”.
Technically, an en dash is not considered punctuation, but a glyph. A variation on a hyphen. Personally, I still think that makes it punctuation . . .
General Rule: Creates a link between a range of numbers, dates, or any time you want to indicate from χ through γ. Or with a compound modifier when one of the elements consists of more than one word Felici, 204 and “signifies up to and including, through (Chicago, 261–262).

Post Contents:

CAUTION: An en dash is NOT a minus sign. Spacing around a minus sign (−) and an en dash (–) will differ when it is typeset, so your final copy will look more professional if you use the appropriate character.
Spacing the En Dash Rule: Insert an en dash without any spaces between the words or numbers.
Range of Numbers or Dates Rule: Use any time you need to indicate a span that uses numbers — years, a sports score, pages, chapters, money, etc.

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The vote was 7–3.
The score was 28–11.
chapters 3–7
75–130 pages
Using Text Rule: When using text, do NOT use the en dash.

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From / To Between / And
1998–2005 from 1998 to 2005 between 1998 and 2005
Indicates through Rule: When stating that χ goes from here to there, use an en dash.

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The article is located on pages 83–104.
When Nothing Follows the En Dash Rule: When used by itself after a date to indicate that the publication, person’s life, etc. is ongoing. Do not follow with a space.

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Reverend Thomas’ sermons (2012–) have been much improved.

John Brown (1973–) can also be written as John Brown (b. 1973)

Exceptions include:
Do not use an en dash when using . . .
from & to Rule: When expressing the idea of from χ to γ, do NOT use an en dash. It’s a parallel construction issue.

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The movie is expected to run from * 2 p.m.–4:30.

* The from is implied by using the en dash.

The movie is expected to run from 2 p.m. to 4:30.

If you must use the from, then don’t use an en dash.

She was in the meeting 9 a.m.–4 p.m.

She was in the meeting from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.


  1. Green indicates the parallel construction
  2. Pale Gray indicates the implication
between & and Rule: if between comes before the first element, use and, NOT an en dash.

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They guessed that war would break out between Germany and France.


  1. Green indicates the parallel construction
Compound Modifier,
Open Compound
Rule: If one of the elements being connected consists of more than one word, use an en dash to eliminate any confusion over it being a compound adjective.

The APA Publication Manual uses the en dash.

The Chicago Manual of Style prefers a hyphen.

Whichever you choose, be consistent.

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APA Chicago
The train takes the New York–Boston corridor. The train takes the New York-Boston corridor.
Many privations were eased in the post–World War II years. Many privations were eased in the post-World War II years.
Be sure to check out the nursing homehome care policies before placing a relative in it. Be sure to check out the nursing homehome care policies before placing a relative in it.

  1. Green indicates the multi-word element
Compound Noun with Hyphenated Word Definition: Use an en dash with an already-hyphenated compound noun to connect multiple word(s) to it.

Credit to: En

He submitted his manuscript to an e-book⁠–⁠only publisher.


  • Green indicates the compound noun
  • Compound Adjective Uses an En Dash Definition: Use an en dash when the open compound adjective contains an entity that is made up of multiple words, so the connection between words shows.

    Credit to: En

    The Nobel Prize–winning scientist was overwhelmed by winning yet another award.

    He would prefer a New York–based artist.

    He was yet another Charles Dickens–inspired author.

    It was a classic post–World War II novel.

    Fortunately, he’s the ex–managing director.

    She prefers Victorian era–style furniture.

    Credit to: Types


    1. Green indicates the compound adjective

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    C’mon, get it out of your system, bitch, whine, moan . . . which words are your pet peeves? Also, please note that I try to be as accurate as I can, but mistakes happen or I miss something. Email me if you find errors, so I can fix them . . . and we’ll all benefit!

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    Resources for En Dash

    Some of these links may be affiliate links, and I will earn a small percentage, if you should buy it. It does not affect the price you pay.

    Chicago Manual of Style 15. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003. Print.

    “En Dash.” The Punctuation Guide. n.d. Web. 24 Mar 2023. <>.

    “En Dash: What is an En Dash?” n.d. Web. 24 Mar 2023. <>.

    Felici, James. The Complete Manual of Typography: A Guide to Setting Perfect Type. Berkeley: Peachpit Press, 2003. Print.

    “The Types of Dashes — and How to Use Them.” Writing. Microsoft 365 Life Microsoft. 6 Aug 2021. Web. 24 Mar 2023. <>.

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    Pinterest Photo Credits

    I’m not sure if Antsy and his friend are playing tug of war or simply carrying that en dash.

    Revised as of Revised as of 22 Apr 2024
    By: Kathy Davie